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low rated

Can she play the victim card any harder?
Emob78: Yes.

So there will be a defense fund set up so butthurt SJWs can hire lawyers to sue people they accuse of defamation? I don't know, that seems kind of like bullying, ya know? Anyone else seeing the irony here?
Bullying, but in a cowardly way. I was ready to announce this move as the crowning achievement of modern feminism. It's officially gone from, "We're strong! We're able! We can do anything!" to "Save me! SAVE MEEEEEE!"
low rated
I read that 53 percent or something PC rpg players are women. I don't mind but it's hard to believe. I just hate that men are demonized I don't even own any call of dutys and if I would own I would say, Why women must go so far in every thing.

And I get it, there is no reason to actually threat people but women with opinions. What actually we have? Games? I have a sucky life. It's like movies but better. Games made my life better why must it go so far that women make me feel bad and I'm a good dude. Never hurt anyone.

Nowadays it's a crime to say the truth, it's racist or misogynist. I didn't even know those were words before I had to look those, well first one was known.

Raise your fucking children don't hate or use the blame game you lazy fucks.
low rated
RWarehall: Repeating yourself over and over again is not "calmly discussing the problem". We read your opinion the first 5 times. Spamming the page with it yet again in this post doesn't help.

Gamergate has been decrying harassment for weeks, they have separated themselves. But your logic is completely flawed. So giving up a movement gives one more traction? How? Ever hear of divide and conquer?
If I have repeated myself, it is only because I have attempted to clarify my message in light of people misinterpreting it. No harassment is intended, and I apologize if I have come across that way.

If you had looked at my link, you would know that the problem with the man covered in shit principle is that once you are perceived as being in the same boat as a bag of dicks, you have to spend so much effort to distinguish yourselves from them that it overshadows the debate. Simply decrying them isn't enough, as you would need to spend all your time doing nothing but that to make a dent in the current climate, and even then you are going to encounter pushback from people when challenging the status quo of their current perceptions; abandoning the hashtag in favor of a new one would send the message that not only do you decry this shit, but that you are actively distancing yourself from a poisoned well. Hell, better yet, don't just organize around a hashtag that any nutter can use and take steps to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Project Chanology organized itself from a non-ano forum where they had a code of conduct for the site and were better able to monitor their members. It didn't always prevent some damned troll from pulling a stunt at a protest, but in the event that happened, they could point to the steps that they had taken to prevent that kind of shit. Simply using a hashtag as the organizational method for your movement has all the same problems of Steam's lack of quality control: you open up the floor for all kinds of people to get their voice heard, including those who you really don't want speaking on your group's behalf.
Post edited November 01, 2014 by Jonesy89
Back to actual news as opposed to repeated unwanted opinion...

Discussion of the doxxing of TFYC and how it started with Jonathon Ross who worked for Destructoid before Zoe and Maya Kramer tweeted about it to their followers...
Emob78: Yes.

So there will be a defense fund set up so butthurt SJWs can hire lawyers to sue people they accuse of defamation? I don't know, that seems kind of like bullying, ya know? Anyone else seeing the irony here?
Garrison72: Bullying, but in a cowardly way. I was ready to announce this move as the crowning achievement of modern feminism. It's officially gone from, "We're strong! We're able! We can do anything!" to "Save me! SAVE MEEEEEE!"
Attempting to silence opposition only gives it a megaphone on steroids. People should know that by now. A bit late in the game for politics 101.
RWarehall: This is three pages in a row where you are telling people to quit Gamergate. Quit the harassment.
Jonesy89: And here I was thinking that I was trying to calmly and rationally discuss the problems of continued usage of the tag when they could be making the same points without cutting their own proverbial Achille's tendons. To be clear, I can get behind addressing ethics in journalism, but the baggage associated with the current hashtag can't allow me to lend it my support. Separate yourselves from the arseholes, and you'll get more traction, or at least that's my take on the facts at hand.
Thing is with that Gamergate, racism, feminism stuff:
I thought Gamergate is about questioning gaming "journalism", integrity of it and the direction of the journalism to focus more on politicial social implications of a specific game, than the game itself.

I as a gamer are called misogynist, racist, facist, prone to violent acts in articles written by those "journalists", although I consider them more like bloggers. I play games for a long time, also mmorpgs - I met women and men in those games, I met people from other nations: United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, Phlippines, Russia, Poland, Japan, Africa, Egypt, Turkey, Iran and so on. Even homosexual people and I have yet to see any harrassment in chat or ts of race, gender or sexual orientation on a specific person.

The main group playing mmorpgs are men, there are women but not that many. If chat or ts gets rough it is mainly because two people have a problem with each other and others join in. And the problem is mostly you suck at playing or someone says i am so good at playing that class or someone messed something up or someone is just trolling. But I've never seen anyone initially getting attacked, because of his gender, race or sexual orientation or political opinion. And in my opinion this is because "gamers" when playing games want to forget about that real world stuff

What I have seen, but not often, are general political discussions, discussions about race, political systems or sexual orientation or things in the news - they may derail or not, but where is there the difference between discussions in the real world?

It is not a war on gamers, it is a war on games. It is a war to brand games with political, social, gender and racial
traits and make them so an object of discussion, to make them an object of agendas and the implication of that is the intended fragmentation of that big undefined group of people called gamers, which do not care about race, gender, political or sexual orientations when they play games with other people, but sure have a politicial, social opinion.

I will not make myself an instrument of those pop culture hipsters and those fake indie game sites like kotaku or gamasutra, which are owned by big companies and make millions of dollars a year to further their goals, whatever they may be.

I am a gamer.
Post edited November 01, 2014 by MaGo72
low rated
As a guy in support of gamergate i think i´m fed up with everything that surrounds it. I visited a site just for some news and immediately saw somewhere an article about it (it catched my attention subconsciously) and i moved on. It has poisened my mood for visiting gaming sites in general and thats realy sad. I just dont want to read anything about pro or anti of it anymore!
Because the nonstop insults of a 2 month period about a thing that is about fun. It´s totaly insane to destroy the mood of other peopls joy!
Post edited November 01, 2014 by NWN_babayaga
htown1980: Proving all claims made by all #gg'ers? Surely you're not that naive ;)
Of course a movement with zero entry barrier is bound to invite in some crazies who ramble incoherently about lizard people and the illuminati, but the central arguments of the movement re: journalistic corruption and failures of disclosure are absolutely provable.

Take Nathan Grayson, who if the media is to believed, is just an innocent little game reporter who had some allegations against him disproved. Except he has some massive failures of disclosure, having written about Quinn twice ( and [url=]two) despite appearing in the game's credits all the way back in February 2013 (check the page's source).

Then we have the other conflicts of disclosure; I've already linked you to the Patricia Hernandez thing, so I'll spare you the barrage of links that proves it. Funny that none of the mainstream publications have brought up either her or Grayson's failures to disclose previously-existing relationships, instead choosing to spin things to sound like we've produced no evidence of corruption whatsoever.

Then there are the claims that SJWs feel like minorities belong to them. I'll let this link speak for itself:

Then there's the hate Pakman's receiving (including from some very familiar people) for having the audacity to ask questions and try to untangle what's going on. Apparently the only acceptable thing to do is buy into the idea that GG are misogynists and terrorists and not ask any questions.

Even those who feel that SJWs are trying to change their games—while usually fringe members and not the kind of thing I'd 100% agree is a bad thing—are lent credence by some of the insane things Jonathan McIntosh has posted.

How about our argument that the media at large is proving to be incredibly unprofessional? We have a Time writer favoriting Sam Biddle's bullying tweet (he's hardly the only one, either). Or how about the guy who wrote the Newsweek article trying to spin numbers to make us look like misogynists? He tweeted and [url=]this, no doubt in support of his beleaguered colleague as advertisers were jumping ship. These are truly some shining beacons of professionalism, don't you think?

Or how about the argument that game journalists aren't even willing to have the discussion with us? Ben Kutchera: and [url=]two. Jason Schreier. How about those who aren't game journalists, but who are listened to by them? Surely we can build meaningful dialogue through them, right? Yeah, about that.

And how about the argument that harassment coming from those opposing GG goes unreported on? Take the guy who advocated doxxing our supporters, for example. I thought people were having to condemn any and all harassment coming from their side, and yet I've yet to hear anyone on the other side complain and try to get that tweet taken down. That's not even mentioning the blacklisting from that user (and others).

Still waiting on proof that we're a bunch of raving misogynists with no proof of corruption who are only using ethics as a smokescreen to drive women and more diverse games out of the industry, by the way.
I truly dont understand why this Newsweek pseudo journalist isnt fired for advocating bullying. Anyone contacted Newsweek about it? How does that enter the whole anti/pro gg picture? I do agree with most of the mediamatters article claiming that this is a culture war, between moderate liberals, the gg supporters and gamers, and radical liberals being, anita sarkessian, the sjws , the corrupt game journalists and such. According to that article, they are the true face of "progressivism" in the united states, and its very ugly.
low rated
*rolls eyes

with all the real and extremely depressing crap going on in the world... this is what has gotten you all worked up? still?
mintee: *rolls eyes

with all the real and extremely depressing crap going on in the world... this is what has gotten you all worked up? still?
Please take this retarded shit and shove it up your ass. People are discussing a topic here, don't pretend to be Jesus and deem it all beneath you.
Post edited November 01, 2014 by Garrison72
Why hasnt this group known as the Gay N*****g association been called out louder as the true culprit of all the harrasing and doxxing, using GG in their name?
mintee: *rolls eyes

with all the real and extremely depressing crap going on in the world... this is what has gotten you all worked up? still?
Why are you posting on a gaming forum with all the real and extremely depressing crap going on in the world?
Garrison72: Please take this retarded shit and shove it up your ass. People are discussing a topic here, don't pretend to be Jesus and deem it all beneath you.
Thank you, +1.
227: Still waiting on proof that we're a bunch of raving misogynists with no proof of corruption who are only using ethics as a smokescreen to drive women and more diverse games out of the industry, by the way.
Great post, but people who are anti-GG like htown just ignore facts altoghether and just accept whatever BS the media made them believe. They just don't want to accept facts that are against their belief.
Post edited November 01, 2014 by Neobr10

I am way too much of a natural Knurd to be sitting here watching this for much longer without going for the Vodka bottles in the basement. Seriously, there are people who are calling an apology harassment.
low rated
In the real world, when people have an issue with certain journalists or media organisations they read a different newspaper.....
Post edited November 01, 2014 by draexem