RWarehall: This is three pages in a row where you are telling people to quit Gamergate. Quit the harassment.
Jonesy89: And here I was thinking that I was trying to calmly and rationally discuss the problems of continued usage of the tag when they could be making the same points without cutting their own proverbial Achille's tendons. To be clear, I can get behind addressing ethics in journalism, but the baggage associated with the current hashtag can't allow me to lend it my support. Separate yourselves from the arseholes, and you'll get more traction, or at least that's my take on the facts at hand.
Thing is with that Gamergate, racism, feminism stuff:
I thought Gamergate is about questioning gaming "journalism", integrity of it and the direction of the journalism to focus more on politicial social implications of a specific game, than the game itself.
I as a gamer are called misogynist, racist, facist, prone to violent acts in articles written by those "journalists", although I consider them more like bloggers. I play games for a long time, also mmorpgs - I met women and men in those games, I met people from other nations: United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, Phlippines, Russia, Poland, Japan, Africa, Egypt, Turkey, Iran and so on. Even homosexual people and I have yet to see any harrassment in chat or ts of race, gender or sexual orientation on a specific person.
The main group playing mmorpgs are men, there are women but not that many. If chat or ts gets rough it is mainly because two people have a problem with each other and others join in. And the problem is mostly you suck at playing or someone says i am so good at playing that class or someone messed something up or someone is just trolling. But I've never seen anyone initially getting attacked, because of his gender, race or sexual orientation or political opinion. And in my opinion this is because "gamers" when playing games want to forget about that real world stuff
What I have seen, but not often, are general political discussions, discussions about race, political systems or sexual orientation or things in the news - they may derail or not, but where is there the difference between discussions in the real world?
It is not a war on gamers, it is a war on games. It is a war to brand games with political, social, gender and racial
traits and make them so an object of discussion, to make them an object of agendas and the implication of that is the intended fragmentation of that big undefined group of people called gamers, which do not care about race, gender, political or sexual orientations when they play games with other people, but sure have a politicial, social opinion.
I will not make myself an instrument of those pop culture hipsters and those fake indie game sites like kotaku or gamasutra, which are owned by big companies and make millions of dollars a year to further their goals, whatever they may be.
I am a gamer.