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OdanUrr: A bit shocked to find this on the BBC today:
That article is less one-sided than most articles in gaming sites.
HGiles: If 'Gamersgate' was about anything other than trolls leading the naive, it wouldn't be a maelstrom of festering hatred and misogyny. There should be a serious discussion about journalism ethics, but this is not that discussion, and anyone using the 'Gamersgate' tag is part of the problem.

If someone doesn't want to be lumped in with bigoted and terrible human beings, they should stop using the terrible bigot calling card.
Muslims have to stop calling themselves "muslims" to avoid being confused with terrorists. Great argument.
Post edited October 31, 2014 by Neobr10
HGiles: Did Gandhi or Martin Luther King send death threats? Did the American Founding Fathers mail King George curse words and threaten to rape his female friends? No? Well then.
Didn't Gandhi recruit people into the armed services as combatants during WW1?

Besides, a lot of that harassment has been the work of third parties and trolls. And who do we blame for Kingofpol getting a knife sent to him, or Milo's syringe? If we're playing the collective guilt game, then I suppose you're willing to take responsibility for all of the harassment our side has received, having taken the same side as those who made those threats, right?

This "guilty by association" card people keep playing is proving to be little more than a lazy way of justifying their preexisting notions about Gamergate. Surely we're all better than this.
HGiles: I have a zero tolerance policy for people who send death and rape threats, or people who side with those people. Don't care what 'issue' they're frothing about. Did Gandhi or Martin Luther King send death threats? Did the American Founding Fathers mail King George curse words and threaten to rape his female friends? No? Well then.

If 'Gamersgate' was about anything other than trolls leading the naive, it wouldn't be a maelstrom of festering hatred and misogyny. There should be a serious discussion about journalism ethics, but this is not that discussion, and anyone using the 'Gamersgate' tag is part of the problem.

If someone doesn't want to be lumped in with bigoted and terrible human beings, they should stop using the terrible bigot calling card. It's like flying the Confederate flag - they might think they're making a difference, but all they're doing is telling people they don't mind (or actively want) being lumped with bigots and vile criminals.
Yup, I have no tolerance for you either. So many of your ilk spewing words of hate. Sending death threats, calling employers and getting people fired. YOU, are the problem because the people complaining about Gamergate are doing all of the above. By your logic, YOU are a despicable person.

And wasn't there an association between MLK and Malcolm X and the Black Panther movement? There were also those in the war of Indian independence who were committing violence, so by your logic neither of them should have any support either...
Post edited October 31, 2014 by RWarehall
HGiles: I have a zero tolerance policy for people who send death and rape threats, or people who side with those people.
So what about people who fake these threats against themselves to make the other side look like despicable hateful misantrophs?
low rated
HGiles: If 'Gamersgate' was about anything other than trolls leading the naive, it wouldn't be a maelstrom of festering hatred and misogyny.
tip: naive people hate it when their naivety is pointed out.
htown1980: tip: naive people hate it when their naivety is pointed out.
People who aren't actually naive also tend to find the allegation quite irritating.

Being that we have multiple timelines, archived links, and photos proving our claims, I'd say we're in the latter group. Meanwhile, an astonishing number of anti-GGers are relying on information that's either demonstrably false ("this has never been about ethics"), disproved ("these Newsweek numbers show that GG is about chasing women out of the industry"), or otherwise completely fabricated ("Gamergate is lashing out because women are challenging the status quo of gaming as a male-dominated space"). Kind of makes one wonder who the naive party is in this situation being that we've yet to see a shred of proof produced to back up any of these claims.
low rated
HGiles: Did Gandhi or Martin Luther King send death threats? Did the American Founding Fathers mail King George curse words and threaten to rape his female friends? No? Well then.
Can you say something bearing less sense ? You are comparing a finite number of public figures with political involvement to an unindentified number of anonymous people gathered as a movement (in a very different context)

Long story short, are you able to bring constructive arguments and not just shortsighted generalizing shortcuts ? So far you didn't bring any indication of being capable of such a thing.
jefequeso: Oh no... no no no...

I foolishly tweeted something about it with the #gamergate hashtag, and now I've got a bunch of pro-GGers saying they are going to buy my game to support me.

I don't want to be part of this, at all, right now.

My Twitter is exploding.

Ok, I think it's stopped...

please ignore me, internet.
Emob78: Oh no. You've done it now. You might as well have just sent Adolf Hitler a get well card. You silly sexist with your sexist game dev privilege.

But seriously, no don't run... don't hide. Don't shy away from GG. Stand your ground and fight. If you run now, you'll end up running your whole life. Some things are worth fighting for. Speak your mind and your ass will follow. Better that than the SJWs, who tend to speak out of their asses in order to find their minds.
Here' the thing, though... I agree with pretty much every sentiment of GG. I agree that videogame journalism needs an overhaul, I agree that there's a concerning bias on display, and I'm against radical feminism. The only thing I don't agree with is the idea that reviews can't discuss anything other than the surface mechanics of a game, but that's beside the point.

The problem is, now, the whole Gamergate thing has turned into party politics. The focus now is on defending "the team" against the other "team." And whether that's justified or not, it means that participating is less a matter of fighting for what you think is right, and more a matter of aligning yourself with a team. And I don't want to do that. I don't want to say "yes, this is the group I'm wholeheartedly part of," then have to be responsible for everything that group says and does.
low rated
Bastion just went 70% off in there. Anyone here played it?
low rated
tinyE: Bastion just went 70% off in there. Anyone here played it?
Yes, it is very, very good. The narrator is unique, the music is very good, the graphics is gorgeous and the game-play is top notch. Get it. You will not regret it at all, it is a steal at that price.
low rated
HGiles: I have a zero tolerance policy for people who send death and rape threats, or people who side with those people. Don't care what 'issue' they're frothing about. Did Gandhi or Martin Luther King send death threats? Did the American Founding Fathers mail King George curse words and threaten to rape his female friends? No? Well then.

If 'Gamersgate' was about anything other than trolls leading the naive, it wouldn't be a maelstrom of festering hatred and misogyny. There should be a serious discussion about journalism ethics, but this is not that discussion, and anyone using the 'Gamersgate' tag is part of the problem.

If someone doesn't want to be lumped in with bigoted and terrible human beings, they should stop using the terrible bigot calling card. It's like flying the Confederate flag - they might think they're making a difference, but all they're doing is telling people they don't mind (or actively want) being lumped with bigots and vile criminals.
So I suppose feminism shouldn't call themselves feminists because their movement was associated with communism and being treasonous in the past...
low rated
227: Being that we have multiple timelines, archived links, and photos proving our claims..
Proving all claims made by all #gg'ers? Surely you're not that naive ;)
tinyE: Bastion just went 70% off in there. Anyone here played it?
Listen to this and you know it is a good game xD
tinyE: Bastion just went 70% off in there. Anyone here played it?
+1 for the derailing attempt. Easigoing and some humor are seriously lacking here.
low rated
tinyE: Bastion just went 70% off in there. Anyone here played it?
toxicTom: +1 for the derailing attempt. Easigoing and some humor are seriously lacking here.
I honestly didn't know I was derailing. This thread is about Gamersgate, isn't it? Shit I don't know, I've only been here two years; like I know what the hell I'm doing. :P