Posted October 31, 2014
HGiles: I have a zero tolerance policy for people who send death and rape threats, or people who side with those people. Don't care what 'issue' they're frothing about. Did Gandhi or Martin Luther King send death threats? Did the American Founding Fathers mail King George curse words and threaten to rape his female friends? No? Well then.
If 'Gamersgate' was about anything other than trolls leading the naive, it wouldn't be a maelstrom of festering hatred and misogyny. There should be a serious discussion about journalism ethics, but this is not that discussion, and anyone using the 'Gamersgate' tag is part of the problem.
If someone doesn't want to be lumped in with bigoted and terrible human beings, they should stop using the terrible bigot calling card. It's like flying the Confederate flag - they might think they're making a difference, but all they're doing is telling people they don't mind (or actively want) being lumped with bigots and vile criminals.
tremere110: So I suppose feminism shouldn't call themselves feminists because their movement was associated with communism and being treasonous in the past... If 'Gamersgate' was about anything other than trolls leading the naive, it wouldn't be a maelstrom of festering hatred and misogyny. There should be a serious discussion about journalism ethics, but this is not that discussion, and anyone using the 'Gamersgate' tag is part of the problem.
If someone doesn't want to be lumped in with bigoted and terrible human beings, they should stop using the terrible bigot calling card. It's like flying the Confederate flag - they might think they're making a difference, but all they're doing is telling people they don't mind (or actively want) being lumped with bigots and vile criminals.