LeonardoCornejo: That would not prevent the use of smurf accounts and coordinated attacks on an individual, but sounds like a good start.
Klumpen0815: What a coincidence that Vainamoinens posts are not low rated anymore all of a sudden. ;)
Some people just have no honour at all.
I have never made alternate accounts and will never make alternate accounts, and take your insinuations personally.
Keep your gamergatey smear campaign strategies to yourself entirely and for fuck's sake don't write deeply insulting PMs to people, that could be construed as harrassment.
Whoever upvoted me, thanks, and please do the same thing over in the Totalbiscuit thread.
Narakir: Yes it has become the mob of flies following Sargon whenever he comments and allowing him to make a living from it.
A very good living that was. Not bad for a person with the research capabilities of a mole rat. Of course, as gamergate the movement is de facto over and only gamergate the harrassment campaign remains, he isn't as well paid as before.
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/03/17/1370280/-Sargon-of-Akkad-and-Thunderf00t-Gamergate-s-Well-Paid-Talking-Heads dragonbeast: At least he hasn't run of with 400.000 $
Oh I see, it has become 400.000$ in the meantime? Listening to Sargon of Akkad's fabricated, hard to swallow conspiracy theories is obviously like pouring acid in your brain cavity.
40.000 $. And no one has run away with that money, because the money never existed. Because, no, a rather unsuccessful two people video game studio hasn't got 40k to spend on marketing in the first place. No, they wouldn't openly communicate having 'bribed' people via public twitter accounts.
And, yes, this is something you dont have to
explain to people with a brain. You just link to the tweets and everything's clear to them in a matter of SECONDS.
It was a very, very obvious twitter joke of the developers with the sole intent to fuck with the gamergaters, who immediately showed how stupid they actually are and that they're well worth being fucked with. 10/10, would troll in the very same way again.
This was certainly the most stupid conspiracy crap gamergate has put out these last months, and the fact that it's still going on... just because of this extreme despair to find more dirt on Anita Sarkeesian... I don't know on what floor to collect gamergate's marbles off.
If Sargon has reported on that conspiracy, adjust his estimated IQ to just about 50 points. Or, alternatively, call him a compulsory liar who speaks exclusively to people with an IQ below 50, swallowing absolutely anything thrown in their direction.
Shadowstalker16: Whether you like it or not, SPJ Airplay will be
... a few gamergaters talking about gamergate. I think that happened before, eh? Strange that dissenting opinons are STILL present even though this kind of talk has occurred before.
SPJ airplay will thankfully not be the nazi propaganda trial it was set up to be, because none of the accused would ever go to a propaganda trial. Surprise! If SPJ airplay ever comes to pass, of course. It looks like the organizer got himself a bit too much gamergate in his discussion of ethics.
http://spjairplay.com/update6 And, hey, maybe they'll actually just talk about actual ethics in journalism! Though of course the thing would be over in like five minutes. I rather guess it's the SJW oh the SJW oh my god and the SJW REALLY ruins our games.