itchy01ca01: Sorry dude. The rights of the consumers must trump the rights of the developers.
Fenixp: Absolutely.
itchy01ca01: You shouldn't be in it for the money.
Fenixp: *sigh* Yes, you should be in it for the money, of course you should be in it for the money if you want to. That's such a dumb argument, money is how good art is rewarded and money is how consumers show their appreciation, money = people like your art enough to spend cash on it.
itchy01ca01: If you really cared about making games, and making good ones, you wouldn't care about how much they are going for OR worried about refunds. This tells me you are a weak-willed individual, who can't stand behind his games.
Fenixp: Do you have anyone depend on your income? Family, wife, girlfriend?
jefequeso: Except for, you know, all the people that love these sorts of games. But no, they must just be wrong, right? Their opinions don't count?
Fenixp: Don't argue with him, not worth it.
I do have people that depend on my income. I do NOT work in the entertainment industry, obviously. I know my "art" won't please anyone. And even when I do make something, i don't sell it. I give that piece away, because I know that Im not a person that could make money off of it, even if I wanted to. Making games USED to be an art form. Now it's all about money, and game quality over the years has suffered, TREMENDOUSLY.
That is an opinion. And yes, gaming is a huge business. Fortunately, im not one to be pulled into hype. The crappiest games always seem to be the most expensive. COD1231, BF43234, NHL12321?? Those are priced way above the superior witcher 3, even priced over any of the fallouts.
There are MODS better than the games that get put out these days, and THEY don't make ANY money.
Why are we expecting games like these to get money?
Yes, I understand the cost of making games,
and yes, I made the argument about no money as a catalyst.
I don't actually think that game makes should make NO money, just that they shouldn't be making AS much money as they think they should.
You're making art. Most artists do NOT make much money. Only the VERY BEST 10-20, out of millions, even made a name for themselves. What does this tell us about the game industry?