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Lolling: I'm happy that i'm not the only one who consider Kylo Ren a good character with great potential (and,if Disney do a good job in the next movies, I think he can even be one of the best character in the Star Wars universe)
Lifthrasil: Yes. The character has potential. The actor, however, was thoroughly disappointing. Flat acting and not much charisma. When he took off the mask it was a kind of anti-climactic moment. "Really? THAT's supposed to be the scary antagonist?" They really could have done much better in casting that role.

But I did enjoy the rest of the movie
"Please put the mask back ON!" was my thought at that scene...
Post edited December 22, 2015 by JudasIscariot
Lifthrasil: Yes. The character has potential. The actor, however, was thoroughly disappointing. Flat acting and not much charisma. When he took off the mask it was a kind of anti-climactic moment. "Really? THAT's supposed to be the scary antagonist?" They really could have done much better in casting that role.

But I did enjoy the rest of the movie
JudasIscariot: "Please put the mask back ON!" was my thought at that scene...
Emob78: Following the hive mind? Hahaha... that's hilarious. The hive mind is currently eating Force thunder and crapping out 9.5 lightning. You know what the hive is saying? 'As long as you go in and turn your brain off and just enjoy it for what it is, you'll have a great time.' That's the only answer I need. 'It's a great movie as long as you don't think about it.' Gotcha.

And no, after religiously following Star Wars for 30 years, I have come to terms with the truth - that it is an engine of commerce, that is all. Any residue of mysticism, layered characters, concepts of morality, or interesting... anything... it's all been passed on for vending machine candy and plastic action figures. That's fine. I totally support capitalism. But as a creation of art, I don't pretend that dog shit on a canvas is anything but dog shit on a canvas.
Wow, and clearly your tastes dictate what is good and what is not? You think it's shit so no one else is allowed to like it? You're entitled to your own opinions, but they're still just that: your opinions. Obviously the people who are saying it's good are also merely sharing their own opinion, neither side is the absolute truth, so I'm not saying they're right. I'm just saying we could be a tad more considerate of others.

Lifthrasil: Yes. The character has potential. The actor, however, was thoroughly disappointing. Flat acting and not much charisma. When he took off the mask it was a kind of anti-climactic moment. "Really? THAT's supposed to be the scary antagonist?" They really could have done much better in casting that role.

But I did enjoy the rest of the movie
It was anti-climactic, and I was disappointed for a couple of minutes, but then I actually kind of liked it. Kylo Ren is clearly not a menacing, in-control villian. He's young and insecure and a bit of a loser, but that does not necessarily mean he can't be dangerous. In fact, that stumbling insecurity may make him even more of a threat. In the end I kind of ended up liking that he's not as cool and controlled as most bad guys are.
FearfulSymmetry: It was anti-climactic, and I was disappointed for a couple of minutes, but then I actually kind of liked it. Kylo Ren is clearly not a menacing, in-control villian. He's young and insecure and a bit of a loser, but that does not necessarily mean he can't be dangerous. In fact, that stumbling insecurity may make him even more of a threat. In the end I kind of ended up liking that he's not as cool and controlled as most bad guys are.
Ren could have been interesting enough if the actor was better, and if there was another, proper villain in the movie (and no, the hologram with 5 minutes of screen time does not count). All we really had in this movie was a wannabe Vader and a wannabe Tarkin. And neither measures up. The main villain does not need to be cold an calm like Tarkin or Dooku, but needs to be sinister and feel like a genuine threat. Not to look far- I really like Nero from the 2009 Star Trek movie. He was great at being sort of a regular guy turned villain. He didn't speak like in grandiose ways, he would get angry, mad even, but he was also scary, because he didn't play around, if he wanted to fuck you up he'd fuck you up. He was effective and brutal.

You can try to spin it however you want, but when there is no menace to any of the villains in a Star Wars movie, then something is very wrong.
Breja: Ren could have been interesting enough if the actor was better, and if there was another, proper villain in the movie (and no, the hologram with 5 minutes of screen time does not count). All we really had in this movie was a wannabe Vader and a wannabe Tarkin. And neither measures up. The main villain does not need to be cold an calm like Tarkin or Dooku, but needs to be sinister and feel like a genuine threat. Not to look far- I really like Nero from the 2009 Star Trek movie. He was great at being sort of a regular guy turned villain. He didn't speak like in grandiose ways, he would get angry, mad even, but he was also scary, because he didn't play around, if he wanted to fuck you up he'd fuck you up. He was effective and brutal.

You can try to spin it however you want, but when there is no menace to any of the villains in a Star Wars movie, then something is very wrong.
Fair enough, I can see your point and why you think it's not satisfying. Still, I don't think I'll write him off entirely yet, as I do still see possibilities for development in the next two films.
FearfulSymmetry: Fair enough, I can see your point and why you think it's not satisfying. Still, I don't think I'll write him off entirely yet, as I do still see possibilities for development in the next two films.
There is potential for him to be interesting, but seeing how this movie was basically A New Hope Redux I'm afraid we already know what happens in the next movies- in VIII we learn that Rey is his sister, probably in a scene that is the reverse of the scene from Empire Strike's Back she tells him

"Master Snoke never told you what happened to your sister!"
"He told me Luke killed her!"
"No. I am your sister!"

And in Episode IX he turns back to the light side and they kill Snoke together while the Deathstarkiller Base 4.0 explodes.
Kylo Ren should've been a chick. Not a whiny one, and not Sexxxy Evil either, just nasty and tenacious, like Furiosa. Yes, "omg it's a chick" is a cheap twist, but Star Wars predates the pop cultural notion of cheap twists, and trying to extract nostalgia from retreading the original trilogy plot after everything else released in the last 40 years is like cycling after a rain on a quad dirt track. Or like BB-8 on sand. It feels like fanfiction of fanfiction: even the people who weren't following the suplementary Star Wars brand material were subjected to endless offbrand imitations. There've been multiple Solo and Skywalker dudes who've been falling on and off various dark sides. Now there's yet another one. Why am I not excited.

Second, there should've been more villains, to have the heroes properly overwhelmed.

Third, every other new character should've been brand new. Han and Leia were an established couple, and a subversion of the happily ever after bullshit is very much welcome, so they're allowed a kid who's a prominent character and to play out their family tragedy. That part where everyone is the child of someone from the original trilogy is fucking dumb. To move the franchise forward and away from its burden, something fresh is required, and fresh this ain't.
low rated
Starmaker: Kylo Ren should've been a chick. Not a whiny one, and not Sexxxy Evil either, just nasty and tenacious, like Furiosa. Yes, "omg it's a chick" is a cheap twist, but Star Wars predates the pop cultural notion of cheap twists, and trying to extract nostalgia from retreading the original trilogy plot after everything else released in the last 40 years is like cycling after a rain on a quad dirt track. Or like BB-8 on sand. It feels like fanfiction of fanfiction: even the people who weren't following the suplementary Star Wars brand material were subjected to endless offbrand imitations. There've been multiple Solo and Skywalker dudes who've been falling on and off various dark sides. Now there's yet another one. Why am I not excited.
The Vatican is evidently very upset that the evil characters aren't evil enough. :P This is true.
Breja: There is potential for him to be interesting, but seeing how this movie was basically A New Hope Redux I'm afraid we already know what happens in the next movies- in VIII we learn that Rey is his sister, probably in a scene that is the reverse of the scene from Empire Strike's Back she tells him

"Master Snoke never told you what happened to your sister!"
"He told me Luke killed her!"
"No. I am your sister!"

And in Episode IX he turns back to the light side and they kill Snoke together while the Deathstarkiller Base 4.0 explodes.
Yeah, I agree. If the films end up following the same plot as the original trilogy it's going to be quite boring. I have some reservations about that as well.
FearfulSymmetry: Fair enough, I can see your point and why you think it's not satisfying. Still, I don't think I'll write him off entirely yet, as I do still see possibilities for development in the next two films.
Breja: There is potential for him to be interesting, but seeing how this movie was basically A New Hope Redux I'm afraid we already know what happens in the next movies- in VIII we learn that Rey is his sister, probably in a scene that is the reverse of the scene from Empire Strike's Back she tells him

"Master Snoke never told you what happened to your sister!"
"He told me Luke killed her!"
"No. I am your sister!"

And in Episode IX he turns back to the light side and they kill Snoke together while the Deathstarkiller Base 4.0 explodes.
No you'll have Luke saying "I am your father!", it makes more sense than Leia having a daughter they don't know about and they wouldn't resist doing that same scene with Luke on the opposite side.
Am I the only one that think this movie is not good?
the villain is pathetic (and when in a story, a villain is the pathetic the story suffers).
It is a bad copy of the episode IV
the characters are all so boring and predictable.
the story itself is predictable.
the protagonists are an ode to political correctness.
The frenetic pace of the story is to hide the plot holes.
The new trilogy of George Lucas was not a masterpiece, but at least it was:
original and better than episode 7.
the third film also was just well done.

But here they just copied .... they also copied wrong.
Between Voldemort and the spoiled brat (with perfect hair even after removing the helmet) the dark side is the worst ever seen before.
On the other hand we have so many good too strong. A little girl, a clown, and the shadows of the previous films.

Between children jokes (disney ... after frozen, I thought you knew to do better), and large copy of Black Death... perhaps the only thing that I liked is the background.

Politics has been deleted from the movie of Star Wars (good thing?), but at what price?
The price has been transform Star Wars, in a movie for children.
The whole film was predictable.
The movie of star wars were much slower, with time for philosophical discussions on the force, here you look just the surface.

as we say, it was an "americanata" (american movie with so much money behind, but with little substance).

What I saw was an empty movie.
JudasIscariot: "Please put the mask back ON!" was my thought at that scene...
Lifthrasil: Exactly!
With the mask
Without the mask
Starmaker: Kylo Ren should've been a chick. Not a whiny one, and not Sexxxy Evil either, just nasty and tenacious, like Furiosa. Yes, "omg it's a chick" is a cheap twist, but Star Wars predates the pop cultural notion of cheap twists
Starmaker: Second, there should've been more villains, to have the heroes properly overwhelmed.
Both of those tie into what was maybe my biggest problem with the movie. It tries very hard, but very cynically to reproduce the succesfull elements of the original trilogy in a very transparent way.

The cheap twist thing is the most obvious- except for maybe Poe Dameron (who was originally supposed to die 1/3 way into the movie and stay dead) all the new characters have a build in twist to them, along the lines of the "I am your father twist". First is Kylo/Ben who provides the twist for this movie (which everyone saw coming even if they have not had the movie spoiled), and then both Ray and Finn grew up without their parents, and no one (seemingly) knows who their parents are. And Snoke is possibly building up to another one, with his huge hologram you just know there is something hidden there.

As for villains, this movie had a fuckton of them, they just were not all that interesting. My favourite example is Captain Phasma- there was so much talk about her, how it's such a cool character, the first female villain in Star Wars movies, the first Stormtrooper to really matter etc. and in the end she has maby five lines of dialogue, never takes of her helmet, and could as well have been cut out of the movie. I could alter the script to remover her altogether in five minutes. So why is she there? Because Boba Fett. Because they want so much to reproduce those characters from the old movies that the fans liked so much and found so interesting despite them being on the screen for just a few minutes. But it can't be forced, and I don't believe anyone gave a fuck. I'll be surprised if anyone remembers her name in two weeks.
LiefLayer: Am I the only one that think this movie is not good?
No, you're just the Nth user that ignores the rest of the thread :P
Post edited December 22, 2015 by phaolo
phaolo: No, you're just the Nth user that ignores the rest of the thread XD
I wrote this mostly thinking of the many positive reviews I read about this movie.
Post edited December 22, 2015 by LiefLayer