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I also just watched the movie and I'm really disappointed. What I got were the best (story) moments from the original trilogy. Nothing new. Father/son conflict, superweapon, droid with map and so on.Technically well-made, weak antagonist (cry some more, please). Killing Han Solo. (just my favorite character of the franchise but yeah, go ahead and kill him)

I have a few questions after watching it:
Who is the old guy with the map in the beginning? He was played by Max von Sydow but I don't know anything about the character.
Why is Rey force-sensitive? Luke's or Leia's secret daughter? Or just s stupid as in Episode I, where Anakin's mother was suddenly pregnant.
Where is the Republic and why is Leia in the resistance? Never explained and a big plot hole.
Who is the master of Kylo Ren? He looks ridiculous. Probably just a cheap explanation in the coming movies. (reincarnation of a mighty Sith lord or crap like that)

Good for newcomers, absolutely underwhelming for old fans. I don't need fan service. I just want a new goddamn movie.
Post edited December 22, 2015 by Wurzelkraft
Wurzelkraft: Why is Rey force-sensitive? Luke's or Leia's secret daughter?
That's my guess. I mean, There has to be something behind her "missing parents", and who else could they be? The Star Wars universe doesn't really have any other important, force-sensitive families.
Post edited December 22, 2015 by Breja
phaolo: (and saved by a crevice-ex-machina).
I got a good chuckle out of that one. I thought the same thing.

As far as building fanfiction, I'm still trusting that the script was edited a hundred times and every word and deed was meaningful. JJ Abrams tends to fill his movies with lots of little tidbits that excite the imagination and give you plenty to chew. That said, the end of Lost sucked. So I hope it's better than that. :)

All said, I really enjoyed it. And I like pondering the events between the frames. I really don't think there was lazy film-making going on, and that makes me imagine more and better. I can't wait for the next one! But I guess there will be another movie in between next year. Should be fun.
Wurzelkraft: Who is the old guy with the map in the beginning? He was played by Max von Sydow but I don't know anything about the character.
We don't know much about him. Just that he's "an old ally" and (from the visual dictionary or whatever) that he was a member of Church Of The Force pre-Empire.His name escapes me at the moment.

Wurzelkraft: Where is the Republic and why is Leia in the resistance? Never explained and a big plot hole.
I think it was that the Republic didn't want to risk an all-out war with the remnants of the Empire, which Leia was frustrated with. They "tolerate" the resistance, but are not officially supporting it, which she's petitioning for, but is going nowhere because of the bureaucracy and stuff.
Post edited December 22, 2015 by Accoun
Tallima: that makes me imagine more and better. I can't wait for the next one!
Well, I preferred Star Trek [1]2 to Star Trek [1]1 (despite the usual problems), so there's (some) hope for a better SW8.
These movies are more connected, however, so I couldn't just forget the first one. We'll see.
(and maybe Kylo won't dare to remove his mask ever again)
Tallima: that makes me imagine more and better. I can't wait for the next one!
phaolo: Well, I preferred Star Trek [1]2 to Star Trek [1]1 (despite the usual problems), so there's (some) hope for a better SW8.
These movies are more connected, however, so I couldn't just forget the first one. We'll see.
(and maybe Kylo won't dare to remove his mask ever again)
My hope is that Kylo got messed up enough (guts turned to soup by Chewie's blaster, face cut in half by Rey's coup de grace) that he's more machine than man now, just like his idol.
BoxOfSnoo: When she lighted up the light saber the music kinda tells you something. Not sure if it was Luke's theme or Leia's theme.
I believe it was a combination of the Force theme (May The Force Be With You) and Rey's theme, actually.
poe and finn best duo
Wurzelkraft: Why is Rey force-sensitive? Luke's or Leia's secret daughter?
Breja: That's my guess. I mean, There has to be something behind her "missing parents", and who else could they be? The Star Wars universe doesn't really have any other important, force-sensitive families.
I have a different guess about this. There had to be a first force-sensitive being, therefore it has to be possible for two non-force-sensitive parents to have a force-sensitive child. I think this may have happened with Rey; the force just spontaneously awoke within her. (Hence the title of the movie.)

The correct explanation will probably come in Episode 8 or 9.
Quite a few people I know think Rey is Luke's daughter because she's strong with the force and Fin is a jedi because he got to use a lightsaber; I disagree.
Emob78: More than that, fans are quite easily piecing together pretty much all the similarities to ANH.

Rey - Luke with tits
Han - Han with a touch of Obi-Wan
BB8 - R2D2
Kylo - Emo Vader
Hux - Tarkin
Death Star - Death Star - Death Star

Instead of Death Star plans we have some sort of map thing. Maguffins everywhere, none of which really have any meaning or purpose for emotion or character building. Just talk talk talk, look surprised, run and gun pew-pew scene, more talk talk talk, rinse and repeat.

After reading some reviews and a plot synopsis it's hard for me to swallow that Lawrence Kasdan actually had anything to do that script.
BoxOfSnoo: You're really desperate to hate this movie. You haven't seen it so you're just following the hive mind. Since you won't stop posting nonsense...

- Rey is extremely unlike Luke. Luke was a sheltered farm boy, anxious to have adventure. Rey is NONE of the above. She wants to stay home, despite all of the difficulties there. She never complains. Luke has his family slaughtered and has a personal stake in bringing down the empire.
- Han is absolutely NOTHING like Obi-Wan. I can't even.
- BB8 is definitely more his own character than Artoo. In the original trilogy C3PO and Artoo were co-characters, this one kinda rolls it up in one, with some extra humour.
- Kylo Ren is *trying* to emulate Vader but he is way, way more driven. He's also kinda unhinged. There's something that makes him desperate to break away from the light side (we don't know what, yet) and he will sacrifice the things most dear to him to do it. It reminds me WAY more of Jacen in the books than Vader.
- Hux. No opinion. Not a significant character from the way I view the plot.
- Death Star. So? The First Order needs to be some kind of threat to the galaxy, a galaxy that is not actually under its control. It was the weakest part of the story but who cares? What would you suggest otherwise? A virus? A robot army? Then you'd just complain that they're stealing from other movies.

The map plot line is orthogonal to the new mega weapon.

Wishbone: Well, we don't know who he is yet. I've never bought into the weird prequel explanation of "only two sith at a time". It makes no sense. So I expect Snoke to either be Sith (although the movies have never explained what a Sith actually is), or simply a powerful dark side force adept.
BoxOfSnoo: The "two at a time" restriction was established by Darth Bane. His idea was that the dark side quest was all about power, the student needed to kill the master to prove his power over him and grow. A Sith Lord would never tolerate more than one student. Before that there were Sith academies, lots of students. The ancient Sith were a race, maybe he is supposed to be from that?

Then again, like you said, the movies haven't expounded on that, just the books have done so.

The whole Snoke thing was disappointingly vague. Then again, the whole Ben/Kylo Ren thing was only lightly addressed, there's lots to work with in the sequel. I wish they had laid a bit more groundwork though. I didn't see him as a threat at all, even in ANH the Emperor was the mind behind the Death Star, the one who corrupted Vader, the big bad guy behind the whole oppressive empire.
Following the hive mind? Hahaha... that's hilarious. The hive mind is currently eating Force thunder and crapping out 9.5 lightning. You know what the hive is saying? 'As long as you go in and turn your brain off and just enjoy it for what it is, you'll have a great time.' That's the only answer I need. 'It's a great movie as long as you don't think about it.' Gotcha.

And no, after religiously following Star Wars for 30 years, I have come to terms with the truth - that it is an engine of commerce, that is all. Any residue of mysticism, layered characters, concepts of morality, or interesting... anything... it's all been passed on for vending machine candy and plastic action figures. That's fine. I totally support capitalism. But as a creation of art, I don't pretend that dog shit on a canvas is anything but dog shit on a canvas.
arrjayjee: My hope is that Kylo got messed up enough (guts turned to soup by Chewie's blaster, face cut in half by Rey's coup de grace) that he's more machine than man now, just like his idol.
Because what we need is for the new trilogy to rip-off even more of the original? What we need is a new villain, who isn't just a discount Vader. Someone really new and different. Whiny Ben should get his arms torn out by Chewbacca in the next episode and make room for a better class of bad guy.
arrjayjee: My hope is that Kylo got messed up enough (guts turned to soup by Chewie's blaster, face cut in half by Rey's coup de grace) that he's more machine than man now, just like his idol.
Me too though I hope we'll see him develop into an altogether different character than Vader. Honestly, I don't consider him a main villain in The Force Awakens (though initially he may appear as such), far from it actually. He is more like a powerful but highly inexperienced, completely reckless and unhinged Jedi apprentice who has been way too easily swayed by the dark side. We are witnessing a main villain in the making which to me was rather interesting for a change as I tend to tire of the old supervillain of the week concept.
I don't think of him as whiny at all (besides, I strongly dislike that increasingly popular adjective with its seemingly tailor-made appeal to many internet users) - just flawed as hell and much too focused on villainous appearance and performance (looking and acting the part - emulating his grandfather) as a means to conceal his many character flaws and weaknesses. That he repeatedly removes his mask is a testament to his insecurities and overall vulnerability. Doing so only makes him weaker - and exposing himself effectively alters our perception of him (as evidenced by the strong reactions it provokes - we all crave a great 'larger than life' villain and with the unmasking the illusion is dissolved instantly). Whereas Vader was wholly dependent on his mask and outfit to stay alive Kylo Ren is dependent on them for entirely different reasons (so far that is). I think Kylo Ren won't come into his own until he has realized that he can never be like his grandfather.

Come to think of it his facial cut resembles Snoke's scar (concept art but it was the best a quick search revealed).
Post edited December 23, 2015 by Lemon_Curry
I'm happy that i'm not the only one who consider Kylo Ren a good character with great potential (and,if Disney do a good job in the next movies, I think he can even be one of the best character in the Star Wars universe)
Lolling: I'm happy that i'm not the only one who consider Kylo Ren a good character with great potential (and,if Disney do a good job in the next movies, I think he can even be one of the best character in the Star Wars universe)
Yes. The character has potential. The actor, however, was thoroughly disappointing. Flat acting and not much charisma. When he took off the mask it was a kind of anti-climactic moment. "Really? THAT's supposed to be the scary antagonist?" They really could have done much better in casting that role.

But I did enjoy the rest of the movie