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JudasIscariot: "Please put the mask back ON!" was my thought at that scene...
I guess that was intended. He looks the carbon copy beautiful that Anakin Skywalker embodied in Episode III. Kylo strives to be Vader, but fails every step of the way. He's impulsive, fearful, and not properly trained. He's getting smeared and bullied by his equals again and again, and he just swallows it. There's no need for him to wear the silly mask, but still he does. That's his character, he's a purposefully pathetic tool. I wouldn't say he's a bad villain (a bad main villain he'd definitely be), but a lot depends on how future instalments treat his story arc.

He's a poser who only knows one or two things fairly well. He can stop a blaster shot mid air and delves into the mind of people. But he sucks completely at such elementary things as Force Pull.

He's not a Sith as well; and I do doubt that the new 'emperor' is a Sith to begin with.

JudasIscariot: Also, what kind of a Sith doesn't use the choke hold or Force lightning? Did they teach this kid via a pamphlet as to how to be a Sith 101?
I actually think that's more or less accurate. Kylo's new master is either not trained in the force himself, or is holding back on purpose. When the Sloth emperor says he'd like to conclude Kylo's training, it's heavily implied that he wants to kill him.
Post edited December 22, 2015 by Vainamoinen
Lemon_Curry: Me too though I hope we'll see him develop into an altogether different character than Vader. Honestly, I don't consider him a main villain in The Force Awakens (though initially he may appear as such), far from it actually. He is more like a powerful but highly inexperienced, completely reckless and unhinged Jedi apprentice who has been way too easily swayed by the Dark Side.
Not that easily swayed... he has to keep reminding himself what the dark side offers, and he keeps punching himself in his wounded side to keep the fury up during an intense light saber battle.

Emob78: Following the hive mind? Hahaha... that's hilarious. The hive mind is currently eating Force thunder and crapping out 9.5 lightning. You know what the hive is saying? 'As long as you go in and turn your brain off and just enjoy it for what it is, you'll have a great time.' That's the only answer I need. 'It's a great movie as long as you don't think about it.' Gotcha.

And no, after religiously following Star Wars for 30 years, I have come to terms with the truth - that it is an engine of commerce, that is all. Any residue of mysticism, layered characters, concepts of morality, or interesting... anything... it's all been passed on for vending machine candy and plastic action figures. That's fine. I totally support capitalism. But as a creation of art, I don't pretend that dog shit on a canvas is anything but dog shit on a canvas.
FearfulSymmetry: Wow, and clearly your tastes dictate what is good and what is not? You think it's shit so no one else is allowed to like it? You're entitled to your own opinions, but they're still just that: your opinions. Obviously the people who are saying it's good are also merely sharing their own opinion, neither side is the absolute truth, so I'm not saying they're right. I'm just saying we could be a tad more considerate of others.
Thing is, it's not his opinion. He hasn't seen the movie.
low rated
Vainamoinen: When the Sloth emperor says he'd like to conclude Kylo's training, it's heavily implied that he wants to kill him.
Really? I didn't see it as that at all. And if he wanted him dead why order the general to save him from the exploding planet-base? Just leave him there.
Vainamoinen: When the Sloth emperor says he'd like to conclude Kylo's training, it's heavily implied that he wants to kill him.
Breja: Really? I didn't see it as that at all. And if he wanted him dead why order the general to save him from the exploding planet-base? Just leave him there.
Good point. I think the training being concluded means something else entirely as you don't generally save someone from an exploding planet-sized base only to kill them later.
Breja: Really? I didn't see it as that at all. And if he wanted him dead why order the general to save him from the exploding planet-base? Just leave him there.
It's just a wild guess of course, but there could be some kind of harvesting going on. If the Sloth guy does possess Sith training methods, I'll say he's a godawful teacher. So I'd rather go with other theories here.

And, of course, the German dub could kill or add to the original tone a good deal. :(
low rated
Vainamoinen: And, of course, the German dub could kill or add to the original tone a good deal. :(
Is that why you keep calling him Sloth? :D Or is it about him being lazy, sitting on his ass while others build bases and blow shit up for him?
Post edited December 22, 2015 by Breja
Did anyone else get the preview of the new animated movie that featured a sloth?

That was hilarious. :D
tinyE: Did anyone else get the preview of the new animated movie that featured a sloth?

That was hilarious. :D
I only got the previews for Batman v Superman (which looked a lot better in Imax) and Warcraft (and the 3D in that was really migrane inducingly bad). No sloths for me :(
tinyE: Did anyone else get the preview of the new animated movie that featured a sloth?
That was hilarious. :D
Yes XD
tinyE: Did anyone else get the preview of the new animated movie that featured a sloth?

That was hilarious. :D
Ice Age? No. I saw the preview for the Jungle Book, which looks spectacular.
Breja: Is that why you keep calling him Sloth?
I saw a resemblance of some kind. Shaved Sloth. Or something. :)
Saw, the movie today. After the whole hype on the net and the high grades on IMDB the movie kind off felt flat for me and not even close to the grades it got. It was an ok movie but I just have a feeling it was kind of barebones. Probably cause its a remake of A New Hope. Eitherway will see next december what Star Wars VIII brings.
Post edited December 23, 2015 by Matruchus
Matruchus: Eitherway will see next december what Star Wars VIII brings.
Next december is the spin-off Rogue One. Episode VIII comes in 2017.
Matruchus: Eitherway will see next december what Star Wars VIII brings.
Breja: Next december is the spin-off Rogue One. Episode VIII comes in 2017.
Ok, thanks. I know they have 6-7 movies scheduled but wasn't quite sure which one is it going to be. I know they are making a movie about Han Solo and Chewie too.
Post edited December 23, 2015 by Matruchus
Well, I thought I wouldn't, but I liked it. Quite a lot actually. More of the same instead of shallow and pointless tons of dialogue.
My preference order is now: IV > V > VI > VII > III >>>>>> I >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&a mp;g t;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> II