Cadaver747: That's how we played Doom/Heretic in Russia ;)
Ah the nostalgia...
awalterj: We didn't have internet until 1995 (14,4 kbit dial up...) but I wasn't allowed to use it, especially not for online gaming. So I just carried the whole computer over the hills to my friend's place. Russian style!
I got my first internet access in December 1995 (14,4 sounds like a heaven, we had maybe 5 kbit at best). Remember downloading 3dfx patches to Tomb Raider and Carmageddon games for several hours and constant pray to higher power in fear of any connection breaks. After some time good downloader managers appeared.
We discussed to have multi-nights game party with my friend. He came to my place we packed my PC and monitor, made a few steps out of the house to underground and were stopped by Police patrol (back then Milice or Militia if you like), they thought we stole electronics and asked for documents ;)
Imagine, back then nobody had any documents for computers bought in half illegal markets, many enthusiasts bought parts and combined into a full fledged desktop, this allowed us to save up to 50-250$ sometimes. But this time it was a a birthday present from my father for having good marks in school. So I presented all the documents to a great disbelief and slight disappointment of our law enforcement. We played for 2 weeks non-stop in Heretic/Hexen & Doom/Final Doom.
So it's nice to know that we all had something similar in our gaming history ;)