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Speaking of, anyone know what Zyre did? He was at 5 or 6 last night and now he's in the negative. Everything I've seen him post is a compliment to this place.
Namur: I have joined gog 1728 days back
... whoops! I don't know how I managed to get 2000+ days. I just redid the calculation on the same site and it came back with ~1700.. maybe I accidently selected 2007 somehow!

Namur: It is however my understanding that it should take 5 (i'm not sure about if it's 5, but lets' go with it) downvotes/upvotes from five different users on the same post to rate that post, up or down, and accordingly apply the -1 or +1 rep fluctuation to the user in question, that's what i meant by "no single user can shift, up or down, the rep of any other single user through the legitimate rating of posts". That's the reason people need ALTS in order to cheat, no ? Because doing whatever the hell they feel like doing from a single account has no impact on post ratings or rep. Revisit everything i said and please understand that this was my working basis.

If it's not working like that then i don't know, it's possibly a bug, or bad design, in which case finding out how the system IS actually working is a good first step to maybe sort this out, so as of now you have my permission to do what you proposed to do, to go around with your flag account donwrating my posts to see what kind of effect it brings about.
I believe that it takes 5 downrates on a single post to mark it downrated, but RepLog has already revealed that rep goes down without having to have low rated posts.[1] So it would appear that 5 (or whatever) downrates anywhere will reduce your rep.. it doesn't have to be on the same post.

And.. thank you. I appreciate you offering to help me figure it out.. especially considering GOG could just tell us!

[1] Providing someone isn't seeking out old, forgotten posts and downrating them to low-rated.
Post edited July 22, 2013 by xyem
xyem: We've had a couple of people in the past make multiple accounts to increase their influence over the rep system..

Is that what you mean?
No we were talking about some guy spending hours to make 100 accounts to downrep one guy and how thats a crazy conspiracy theory. Then you said it already happened. So lets hear it.
xyem: [1] Providing someone isn't seeking out old, forgotten posts and downrating them to low-rated.
Wouldn't it be more "providing that the post ratings that caused the rep fluctuation occured in any thread on the boards except this one" ?

xyem: And.. thank you. I appreciate you offering to help me figure it out.. especially considering GOG could just tell us!
You're welcome, and do share your findings.
xyem: [1] Providing someone isn't seeking out old, forgotten posts and downrating them to low-rated.
Namur: Wouldn't it be more "providing that the post ratings that caused the rep fluctuation occured in any thread on the boards except this one" ?

As I am not particularly active on the forums I can pretty easily check my posts and despite none of my recent posts that I've made in the last week or so that I can find being "low rated", RepLog shows me losing rep.

Start: 2013-07-21T02:00+0000.tsv:xyem 1230 4
Peak: 2013-07-21T18:15+0000.tsv:xyem 1233 4
Dip: 2013-07-21T22:30+0000.tsv:xyem 1231 4
Current: 2013-07-22T16:30+0000.tsv:xyem 1233 4

(lines are from when the rep was first recorded at that level).

This means that either someone is making much older posts "low rated" or your posts don't need to be downrated to "low rating" before they reduce rep. Or some other mechanics I haven't taken into account are at play :)

I'll find some older posts of yours and do a quick test. Report back shortly!
tinyE: Speaking of, anyone know what Zyre did? He was at 5 or 6 last night and now he's in the negative. Everything I've seen him post is a compliment to this place.
A thread asking if anyone has any spare steam cards he could give him. Low rated thread, should be back 3-4 hours I think.

Edit: This one
Post edited July 22, 2013 by JMich
I don't know if it really warrants clarification but since not everybody is interested in international affairs i'm going to clarify anyway, "monkeys in power here" on my other post obviously refers to the politicians currently running Portugal's economy into the ground.
Namur: I don't know if it really warrants clarification but since not everybody is interested in international affairs i'm going to clarify anyway, "monkeys in power here" on my other post obviously refers to the politicians currently running Portugal's economy into the ground.
You shouldn't insult monkeys by comparing them to politicians, man. It's uncalled for, really...
Sure, though I don't expect my line to be very interesting.

Xyem, will these results be displayed systematically in some way, or would we just ask you "What's my rep done in the past month?" Sorry if that's already been answered, I skimmed the last few pages.
Licurg: You shouldn't insult monkeys by comparing them to politicians, man. It's uncalled for, really...
That's a faux pas indeed and a cruel one at that, my bad.

My apologies to all monkeys on the planet, i don't know what i was thinking.
Post edited July 22, 2013 by Namur
kodeen: Sure, though I don't expect my line to be very interesting.

Xyem, will these results be displayed systematically in some way, or would we just ask you "What's my rep done in the past month?" Sorry if that's already been answered, I skimmed the last few pages.
At the moment it is just a case of either asking me to review it or asking for a copy of your/aggregate data.

I'll likely set up a site where the data is available for those who agree to make theirs public with a few generated graphs and statistics.
This post is here for inclusion. Thanks for putting your programming prowess to the task of rep tracking, xyem.

Mostly, I'm just interested to see how it flows. I wonder if a time-from-last-post makes rep go down. Or perhaps there's some GOG employee who downvotes everything he sees just for fun. I wouldn't imagine some normal person doing that without getting paid. Unless they were 14. Hmmm.... Do 14-year-olds run the rep system?

Anyhoots, thanks!

P.S. I don't care my results, specifically. I figured you can just add me for more information to gather in an attempt to find a clue as to how it all works. Graci!
Post edited July 22, 2013 by Tallima
Namur: You're welcome, and do share your findings.
Okay, so I located a handful of very old posts of yours..

Your current rep is: 3192
After downrating X posts..
1) 3192
5) 3192
10) 3192

Hmm.. I left it for 30 minutes and it didn't decrease. Now this is getting interesting!

Another 15 posts?

15) 3192
20) 3192
25) 3192

Again.. left it for 30 minutes and.. still no decrease.

There are a few explanations for what this may be the case but so far, the evidence seems to be pointing towards a single account not being able to damage rep! Excellent stuff and definitely good to know.

Thanks again to Namur for volunteering and continuing to let me experiment on his (from what I've now seen!) extremely well-deserved rep.

I'll post the results of the next round of testing once I have organised it.
xyem: I'll post the results of the next round of testing once I have organised it.
Thanks for sharing your findings xyem and for doing all the leg work of the experiment as well.
xyem: Results....
Perhaps there's a statute of limitations in regards to the amount of time a post is valid for affecting rep. Just how old was the most recent post you used in Namur's sample?