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Time is (of) the essence

<span class="bold">Braid</span>, the subversive, time-manipulating platformer with the evocative story, is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, DRM-free on, with a 50% launch discount.

It's been played, studied, and thoroughly discussed. Some praise its brilliant time-bending mechanics that make each level a complex gauntlet of puzzle-platforming delight. Others debate the deliberately obscure story that deals with personal redemption, broader philosophical themes, and meta-commentary on gaming's conventions.

Everybody recognises it as a masterfully crafted experience that put Jonathan Blow in the spotlight and helped usher the golden age of indies. If you haven't tried it, now is your chance to turn back time and give it a spin. Your future self will surely thank you for it.

Catch up on a timeless classic and untangle the brilliant challenges of <span class="bold">Braid</span>, DRM-free on The 50% discount will last until May 18, 12:59 PM UTC.

In the press:
"Diabolically clever and incredibly rewarding" - Giant Bomb
"Beautiful, entertaining, and inspiring" - Eurogamer
"An instant indie classic" - Total PC Gaming
I played the game once. I wasn't impressed...
low rated
Yay! I really enjoyed this game. Will pick it up in a sale to add to my drm free collection!
CharlesGrey: Hm, I'm among the few(?) who still haven't tried this one, but at the current price, I'm not sure I'm willing to. It might well be worth it, but given how old the game is, and how often it's been discounted, bundled and likely given away for "free" since its original release, a base price of 17+ Euro seems a bit silly. Guess I'll wait for a better discount.

( Just for comparison: The equally praised and successful indie title Terraria has about half the base price, and when it was introduced here on GOG, it came at, what... an 80% release discount or something like that? )
You don't have to compare it with Terraria when you can compare it with HumbleBundle's release of Braid, which has a base price for me of €9, and it's also DRM-Free. Does this version have any extras that I don't know of? Because the price difference is a bit too much.
HiPhish: I beat it in like on or two sittings. It was too short and too easy to even qualify as a puzzle game, there were just one or two puzzles where I actually had to stop and think to solve them. I guess people like this game because it makes them feel smarter than they actually are. Braid started the whole trend of pretentious indie games.
Impaler26: I agree. Braid is a mediocre platformer at best and it was way overhyped.

You can get much better 2D platformers for the same asking price or less - like Shovel Knight just to give one example.
There are games for everyone. I own both, and I liked Braid and couldn't get into Shovel Knight. Not that I think Shovel Knight is actually a puzzle platformer and both games could really be compared, but...
I guess I just don't have any kind of nostalgia for those overhyped retro console inspired platformers.
Post edited May 11, 2016 by rgnrk
Not a huge fan of this game and only 50% off and regionally priced.. yeah not getting it.
Maybe during a huge sale sometime.. maybe.
Great game imo but I had to use YouTube to help me solve many of the puzzles. ;) However, I can't see it selling well at only -50% off; GOG, you should have negotiated for at least -75% imo

Soundtrack is excellent of course, and it's sold on Steam; I assume legal issues prevent it from being sold as DLC here.

Post edited May 11, 2016 by tfishell
YES! Finally!!!

Instabuy, this and Witness :)

Thanks. GOG
tinyE: Looks really cool but it also looks like I have nowhere near the brain cells needed to play it.
HiPhish: I beat it in like on or two sittings. It was too short and too easy to even qualify as a puzzle game, there were just one or two puzzles where I actually had to stop and think to solve them. I guess people like this game because it makes them feel smarter than they actually are. Braid started the whole trend of pretentious indie games.
Or maybe people don't like it but like to gloat about about how easily they beat it :P
The game wasn't too short. At least not shorter that many other puzzle platformers. And please, enlighten me about real puzzle platformers. You know, long and difficult ones. Brain cell difficult, not skill difficult. Because I don't think there can be many difficult puzzles in that format, as there are not all that many things to try and combine.
That I remember right now without checking, Limbo, The Cave or Never Alone all fall into the same genre and are as short and probably easier.
Fairfox: HAHAHAHA. That price. I reeeally wanted this; I mean I madeded a thread about it! Just the other day! And things! But $7.49 (...) is too much and that's at 50% off?! And no OST DLC included for that price?!!!11oneon YOU ARE JUMPING THE SHARK. OF OPPORTUNITY. AND LASERS.

But it is the same price as on the Steam store (Which also doesn't include the OST DLC in that price). For some reason, only the Humble Store has a cheaper default price...Blow probably has some deal with them, I guess?
Great. There goes a whole bunch of forum drama down the drain. :(
Price seems indeed high for such an old game. And no OST while it is available in the various bundles it was in seems a bit harsh.

I was not very impressed by the game either and had to use a walkthrough in the end...
sebarnolds: Price seems indeed high for such an old game. And no OST while it is available in the various bundles it was in seems a bit harsh.

I was not very impressed by the game either and had to use a walkthrough in the end...
Had to use a walkthrough because you were not impressed?
Perhaps using a walkthrough affected your appreciation for and enjoyment of the game. After all, it's all about trial and error and learning from your mistakes. Why would you rob yourself of the joy of discovery?
Post edited May 11, 2016 by Barry_Woodward
Tarm: Great. There goes a whole bunch of forum drama down the drain. :(
Don't worry something else will become the new forum drama :P