teceem: - The Man In The High Castle
I just couldn't get through the book, which is why I haven't picked up the show so far. I actually read quite a few of Dick's books and liked them, but I just couldn't make it through this one.
Here it's the reverse - I love the book so much the show would have to be exactly 100% like I imagined it for me to like it, and I could see from the trailers and the cast that it's not. I know, I know, one show I don't watch because I didn't like the book, the other because I loved it. I know I'm not being consistent.
I hate the movie so much, I'd rather staple my dick to a burning log than watch any more of it.
Started of well (would say great but good) but from season 3 on it only got worse and worse. Season 4 is outright horrible, and the finale is an amazing piece of crap. Maybe the worst episode of tv I've ever seen.
It's ok-ish. Definately not great. Some of the plots go nowhere. Hardy's character is too one-note to be really interesting.
I almost died of boredom watching the first episode. Also guessed one of the big twists immediately. I think the original movie and it's weird sequel are quite enough Westworld for me.