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Grargar: BTA
Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: War Cry #1
Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure #1-3
Pathfinder: Dark Waters Rising, Vol. 1 (Issues 1-6)
Red Sonja: Queen of Plagues, Vol. 1 (Issues 1-6)
Kevin Smith's Green Hornet, Vol. 1 & 2 (Issues 1-10)
Vampirella Masters, Vol. 4: Visionaries (Anthology)
George R. R. Martin's Wild Cards (Issues 1-6)
Added to BTA:

The Shadow: Midnight in Moscow #1
Miss Fury, Vol1: Anger is An Energy (Issues 1-6)
Jungle Girl Omnibus (11 issues)
Just got the bundle. And damn, I just hate it when they only put in a few issues, probably expecting you to buy the rest...=D
And who the heck thought it'd be a good idea to put up Vol. 1-2 and THEN 4?!?! Huh?! People with OCD must be going nuts :P
Reever: Just got the bundle. And damn, I just hate it when they only put in a few issues, probably expecting you to buy the rest...=D
And who the heck thought it'd be a good idea to put up Vol. 1-2 and THEN 4?!?! Huh?! People with OCD must be going nuts :P
Thanks for the info. Was on the fence, but this gives me a reason to avoid it. : )
I've spent too much money on bundles lately.
Volume 3 of Vampirella is missing... but it's an anthology collection, right? If so it's hardly continuos anyway.
undeadcow: Volume 3 of Vampirella is missing... but it's an anthology collection, right? If so it's hardly continuos anyway.
Indeed. Each volumen collects different issues of Vampirella by authors more than following the numbered issues.

Vol. 1 Is Grant Morrison and Mark Millar
Vol. 2 Is Warren Ellis
Not included in the bundle [url=http://Vampirella%20Masters%20Series%20Vol.%203:%20Mark%20Millar]Vol.3 is Mark Millar alone[/url]
Vol. 4 is an anthology of several authors
Post edited July 04, 2014 by madth3
Reever: Just got the bundle. And damn, I just hate it when they only put in a few issues, probably expecting you to buy the rest...=D
And who the heck thought it'd be a good idea to put up Vol. 1-2 and THEN 4?!?! Huh?! People with OCD must be going nuts :P
Yup. That's why I don't buy the comic bundles. I know what's in store.
Damn, it's pretty HARD to resist this Dynamite...
Reever: Just got the bundle. And damn, I just hate it when they only put in a few issues, probably expecting you to buy the rest...=D
And who the heck thought it'd be a good idea to put up Vol. 1-2 and THEN 4?!?! Huh?! People with OCD must be going nuts :P
MaximumBunny: Yup. That's why I don't buy the comic bundles. I know what's in store.
Well, they have two one shots and one or two complete series, so I said why not? And I used this bundle more to donate to Doctors without Borders, so there's my justification :P
gamefood: Damn, it's pretty HARD to resist this Dynamite...
Well, Dynamite is not my favorite publisher but if a bundle like this appeared in comixology it would be $100 and it would be called a great deal. For $15 I gave in. Also I sent more to charity.
Keep in mind that this current book bundle had a freebie each day.

Notable ones include: Wheels of Time #1, Jungle Girl #0, Red Sonja #1, Miss Fury #1, Pathfinder #1
I know I am going to end up buying it. Still on the fence, but I seem to keep thinking about it. It keeps calling to me . . .
I also got the freebie issues for a few days and then I thought "Well, why the hell not!" :P
The Humble Sci-Fi eBook Bundle

- The Healer's War by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
- The Reluctant Swordsman by Dave Duncan
- Freehold by William Dietz
- The Time of the Dark by Barbara Hambly
- Wingman by Mack Maloney

- Spellsinger by Alan Dean Foster
- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison
- The Forge of God by Greg Bear
- Song of Kali by Dan Simmons
- Budayeen Nights by George A. Effinger
- Justice and Her Brothers by Virginia Hamilton

$12 or more:
- Encounter with Tiber by Buzz Aldrin and John Barnes
- Blackcollar by Timothy Zahn

As usual, books available in PDF, MOBI, and ePub.
Post edited July 16, 2014 by madth3
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is the only book that screams to me in that bundle. :)

Edit: And the game includes the story so I don't even need to get that. Cheers, GOG!
Post edited July 09, 2014 by zaine-h
Damn. I'm going to have to jump on this one. Some good authors in there and some intriguing looking books.