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MaGo72: Normally I am not into "digital" comics, I like to read comics while having the paper comic book in my hands, but this looks quite tempting.
so do i
but havinga huge wobbely stack of comics or a ipad that fits in your pocket is a lot easier to read your comics on the go
MaGo72: Normally I am not into "digital" comics, I like to read comics while having the paper comic book in my hands, but this looks quite tempting.
snowkatt: so do i
but havinga huge wobbely stack of comics or a ipad that fits in your pocket is a lot easier to read your comics on the go
I guess it is time for me to start looking for a tablet. You're right it is way easier to have a tablet with you, than 20-30 comics and then all the stuff that tends to happen when you transport them in a messenger bag - I lost an iron man comic to a squashed banana once :).
Post edited December 10, 2014 by MaGo72
snowkatt: so do i
but havinga huge wobbely stack of comics or a ipad that fits in your pocket is a lot easier to read your comics on the go
MaGo72: I guess it is time for me to start looking for a tablet. You're right it is way easier to have a tablet with you, than 20-30 comics and then all the stuff that tends to happen when you transport them in a messenger bag - I lost an iron man comic to a squashed banana once :).
yes and even big collections like essentials are kinda hard to transports even if they are a bit disposable
and i dont even want to think about what could happen to the more expsensive ones like the hard cover omnibusses or the masterworks books

marvel has a year long subscription service
acces to their whole damn output all the comics they have ever printed for about 59 a year i think

personally im stil busy with all the humble bundles i bought so far
and 3 cd rom dvd collections ( 40 years of amazing spiderman the ultimate xmen run and all ghostriders from the 70's till 2005 all on pdf and all endorsed by marvel )
snowkatt: marvel has a year long subscription service
acces to their whole damn output all the comics they have ever printed for about 59 a year i think
Last time I checked, there were old comics not available and access to the new ones was a little behind.
A good offer nonetheless and sometimes gets even cheaper.
/\ It is still true that Marvel Unlimited has holes in it's backlog and about a six month delay on new issues. You can't beat the price and many epic crossovers and events are well represented (for example, Infinity War core series is there but many of the numerous tie-ins are not).
snowkatt: marvel has a year long subscription service
acces to their whole damn output all the comics they have ever printed for about 59 a year i think
madth3: Last time I checked, there were old comics not available and access to the new ones was a little behind.
A good offer nonetheless and sometimes gets even cheaper.
i last checked it early last year so things my have changed
but its still a great deal

for the time being i have more then enough to read

transformers bundle
valliant bundle
star trek bundle
star wars bundle
now this one
500 spiderman comics
This seems like the thread for it. ;)
annyone mind helping me out in this bundle? if someone claims Bobs burger, it will unlock for me Django/Zorro adding the link. Thanks in advance
I also have this comic to give away:
Grargar: I didn't mention it, because it's standard for a book bundle to offer free samples.
Is it, though?
I can think of many comic bundles without samples.
Did they give away Pathfinder 1-6 in an earlier bundle? I cannot see them here.
Or am I just too tired to read anything properly?
011284mm: Did they give away Pathfinder 1-6 in an earlier bundle? I cannot see them here.
Or am I just too tired to read anything properly?
Yes. The Humble Dynamite 10th Anniversary Bundle

Several of the things in this bundle follow the issues from that one.
As two forum users above I also have a link/gift to share. It is a copy of Bob's Burgers #1 comic book.

When at least one person claims it from my link, it will unlock another comic for me. :)
madth3: Is it, though?
I can think of many comic bundles without samples.
Is that the case? I thought it became standard after a point.
Grargar: Is that the case? I thought it became standard after a point.
I'm afraid not.
madth3: I'm afraid not.
OK then. Might as well include it in my post.
Post edited December 11, 2014 by Grargar