( this post will be in 2 parts due to ancient GOG forum CMS, thank you for your understanding )
B1tF1ghter: So I take it you use Linux daily? No? WHY?
Braggadar: OK, just what the hell does Linux have to do with all of this? I'm talking about a simple suite of browser tools
Simple for thou, not for all.
You blatantly fail to account for the fact that MOST PEOPLE in the world in fact DO NOT know how to use browser dev tools. Many will NEVER learn them either.
HAVING TO know how to use webdev tools to parse the code to dig out a "MAYBE an ID, or maybe it's some unrelated string we THINK is an ID", falls outside of scope of "EASILY accessible information".
Braggadar: I don't see how phones is a valid concern, since they are an object of convenience and not required for this place.
Yes, this is about convenience, my ORIGINAL POINT - where I advocate for WELL ( and PUBLICLY ) DOCUMENTED implementation that is way in the open, for everyone to see EASILY, with convenience.
Without having to resort to dev tools, and second guessing assumptions!
It also shouldn't be NECESSARY to use a PC browser to access this information. On Steam BY DEFAULT the ID is in the url, and remains in said url REGARDLESS if you use PC browser, Samsung Fridge, some smart toaster, or a phone.
On Steam this information is EASILY accessible ( it is NOT on GOG, nor is it CLEAR on GOG how this GOG specific number string WORKS and EXACTLY what it entails ). And for cases where someone has set their vanity url instead, the ID can still be EASILY retrieved, through websites which use VALVE'S OFFICIAL API to query this information, example being:
Braggadar: And no, I don't use Linux in case that's somehow relevant to this conversation (I don't see it myself, but OK). At the moment I don't have the need to learn, but I'm confident I could learn if I chose to. Hence I'd GROW SOME BRAINS and learn it if I wanted to use it.
It's a dangerous logic because you imply in between lines that "if you care about X, you >> WILL << ( something )", whereas it's not that simple.
Eg many Windows users "care" about privacy, yet they are unwilling to learn Linux.
Braggadar: It's not dangerous logic, it's "if you want to know how, learn"
Your words
Braggadar: Don't have the software to give you the capability to do this? Get it. Don't have the brains to use it? Grow some.
can be easily interpreted as: "if you don't know how to, GO LEARN".
It sounds more like "DO IT", than "you are free to, IF you want to".
You are using pretty cut and dry language, in a matter suggesting that if someone can't then it's "THEM problem".
From linguistic perspective, your sentences could be worded better, if you don't want to leave people room for misinterpretation.
And besides, the information in question should be provided BLATANTLY PUBLICLY ( like on Steam ) - it should not be NECESSARY for an average user to learn web development tools.
Hey, let me ask you a simple question:
what if GOG **REMOVES** this from the code one day? WHAT THEN?
Then there will be no ID of ANY kind available; not the current BLACK BOX which NONE of you ACTUALLY know how it REALLY works and you are all just making BLIND ASSUMPTIONS about; nor an actual reliable one.
What I WANT is for GOG to do what Steam did. Have a WELL AND PUBLICLY DOCUMENTED ID system that is in complete plain sight and DELIBERATELY SO.
Not GOG's current "ACCIDENTALLY maybe-ID number string with no public documentation to describe intricacies of".
Braggadar: "protect their beloved platform at all costs against ANY valid criticism"
GOG is in no-way flawless and it does often deserve criticism. I dish it out regularly, as a matter of fact. If you think I'm a blind apologist, then you're quite mistaken.
I'm not mistaken because I wasn't talking about YOU in this specific sentence.
Braggadar: We're also on a website selling product for Mac/Linux/Windows.
If you want to be accurate:
this platform sells PRIMARILY Windows builds ( and Galaxy has no official Linux port btw ).
Rarely for Mac OS.
And very rarely for Linux, with many games having official Linux ports on Steam, but lacking them on GOG.
Braggadar: As for the IDs, well I'd prefer to believe that GOG doesn't reallocate its IDs until it migrates the databases, or some kind of snafu happens where an account has to be rebuilt from scratch. In any case for the use of a simple GA host it will be reasonably reliable until it no-longer is.
A. You don't know how it works ( you ASSUME, while there's no OFFICIAL information )
B. You CANNOT PROVE without any doubt, how it works, you are ASSUMING things and basic your judgement based on that ( eg you are ASSUMING, without OFFICIAL proof, that it's NEVER being reused and is PERMANENTLY static per account ), therefore you CANNOT RULE OUT it's being reused at some point, cue, making it NOT fully unique
then it's not reliable AT ALL to begin with!
Using THIS current implementation, black box, without OFFICIALLY knowing anything about it, just MAKING ASSUMPTIONS pulled out of the wazoo, and gaslighting yourself into believing them to "definitely be correct", is a CASTLE BUILT ON SAND.
Braggadar: What's the harm of a false-positive? Someone misses out on a gift they were never
entitled to receive in the first place?
I HOPE TO GOD you don't work in infosec, nor in IT sec, nor do you handle any suspensions / bans ANYWHERE in any industry in the world.
There's plenty of harm in false positives. Don't even get me started on this conversation...
( part 2 will be posted in 10+ minutes, OR if someone else posts in the meantime, then sooner )