Posted September 09, 2023
BenKii: Still lots of strong opinions on drawings still. I think I'll take the suggestion by some and keep this on a trial run for the next few months.
There are still a few kinks to work out like what game gets "Starred" and not. It is a balancing act in which I factor everything. The last two Starred games I put up (Van Helsing and Warhammer) retailed a bit higher than most other games, were complete editions, and are regarded to be excellent games so I listed them for the draw. I think it didn't get much attention is because we were at the end of the month and most regulars already got a game that month. I still think it was a success and I personally think it was a lot of fun rolling the dice.
My 2 cents - taking into account my previous post (yes, I know, but still): There are still a few kinks to work out like what game gets "Starred" and not. It is a balancing act in which I factor everything. The last two Starred games I put up (Van Helsing and Warhammer) retailed a bit higher than most other games, were complete editions, and are regarded to be excellent games so I listed them for the draw. I think it didn't get much attention is because we were at the end of the month and most regulars already got a game that month. I still think it was a success and I personally think it was a lot of fun rolling the dice.
A. I think that there should be 3 star listings, none of which work on a first asked first served basis :
1. One star - games that didn't come from a known freebie - obtainable by all - draw @ end of month.
2. Two star - same as above and considered "better" - only for reputable, counts towards monthly limit - draw @ end of month.
3. Three star - same as above and "much" better (GOTY Bundle for example) - only for reputable, counts towards monthly ( & Yearly, when applicable) limit - one can participate only once every 4 months - draw at the end of a two months period.
- Obviously not every month will have games in every "star" category - as it depends on availability.
B. Most* games that didn't come from a freebie should go into the star category rather than being handled "first served".
1. The visibility factor alone should be much more important than feeding the thread lurkers.
2. Nominating for a Standart game should be favoured for any regular request (like if 3 are sequentual, 2 keys avilable).
3. Nominating for a regular game (from a "past freebie" - aka not top list) should have preference over any regular request.
4. Nominating others to the draw should be encouraged - for instance clearing a monthly limit for the nominee every nth time his nomination accepted.
- NOT all nominations should be automatically accepted, and regularly one can only nominate once per month.
* While Standart keys list is not empty, Starred should host Anything of "higher" value that expected to be taken quickly.
- A good approach will be to always add a couple of keys to a drawing first, and only if the drawing did Not gained much traktion, add the reminder of keys to Standart pile. Otherwize Giveaway again.
- When only having 1 key to Giveway, perhaps wait a bit to get some more? Otherwize decide if it's a Starred or Standart depending on presumed "value".
Post edited September 09, 2023 by BlackThorny