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high rated
Ice_Mage: Can you please stop copying and pasting this typo? Its driving me nut's.
BenKii: You want to know the really crazy part? I type it out each time. And every time, I put that apostrophe there. I don't know why I keep doing it, but it is improper usage. Users approved (plural). Good. User's approved (singular possessive). Bad. My Mom taught grammar and she'd slapped me upside the head if she knew I was continuing to make this mistake. >_<
maybe, it's better NOT to fix that? kinda tradition already.
BenKii: You want to know the really crazy part? I type it out each time. And every time, I put that apostrophe there. I don't know why I keep doing it, but it is improper usage. Users approved (plural). Good. User's approved (singular possessive). Bad. My Mom taught grammar and she'd slapped me upside the head if she knew I was continuing to make this mistake. >_<
It happen's.
May I ask something english-language-like? We say "donor" and "donator"? They are synonyms?
I ask because there are the words "donate" and "donation", but the person who does it mostly is described as a "donor", not "donator".
Or we say "donor" for medical aspects and "donator" for all the other?
CarChris: May I ask something english-language-like? We say "donor" and "donator"? They are synonyms?
I ask because there are the words "donate" and "donation", but the person who does it mostly is described as a "donor", not "donator".
Or we say "donor" for medical aspects and "donator" for all the other?
Yeah, they're synonyms, but donator is rare, apparently legal jargon and nonstandard even there.
CarChris: May I ask something english-language-like? We say "donor" and "donator"? They are synonyms?
I ask because there are the words "donate" and "donation", but the person who does it mostly is described as a "donor", not "donator".
Or we say "donor" for medical aspects and "donator" for all the other?
Cavalary: Yeah, they're synonyms, but donator is rare, apparently legal jargon and nonstandard even there.
Thank you, good explanation!
Cavalary: Yeah, they're synonyms, but donator is rare, apparently legal jargon and nonstandard even there.
CarChris: Thank you, good explanation!
Just to be clearer, while the word "donator" technically exists, its use has always been so rare (see here:;year_start=1800) that if one uses it in a normal context, most English speakers would see it as an error.
Post edited February 22, 2024 by mrkgnao
BenKii: ( ... )
>> RFC 20240309 reg Starred keys cooldown VS daggered <<

In MY opinion post #4 does not explain well ENOUGH the ramifications of having a cooldown period.
IMO it's worded a little TOO ambiguously as far as English language usage goes. In particular the matter of DAGGERED keys is debatably ambiguous.
Albeit I myself *think* I understand it correctly ( daggered key requests ALLOWED during cooldown period ? ), and I myself have extensive English language learning background, there are many GOG users who participate ( or are trying to ) in the giveaway thread - users who may not have the highest English proficiency.

TLDR Question:
For a person on an active cooldown period, are they allowed to still request DAGGERED keys during said cooldown period, or not ?

Slightly alter, alternatively entirely rewrite the relevant section of post #4 ( url: ) to explain terms in more "simple english" for the sake of less proficient speakers. In any case, clear up any confusion.

fixed a typo
Post edited March 09, 2024 by B1tF1ghter
^ Despite my unproficiency in English, I find actual rules quite clear...
Seeing as the daggered keys don't count towards the limit, not sure what other explanation is needed...
high rated
B1tF1ghter: TLDR Question:
For a person on an active cooldown period, are they allowed to still request DAGGERED keys during said cooldown period, or not ?
Yes. However you need to request one, then wait at least ten minutes before requesting the second item. If you don't wait the ten minutes, the GOG forum will edit your first request to try to combine them thus defeating the whole point of 1) putting each request in a separate post and 2) not editing posts that have requests.

The reason daggered keys don't have a cooldown period is that they are items that GOG was giving away recently and have an expiration date. They're only going to be requested by someone that missed the giveaway.
I think the debate is due to my nomination for a daggered key. In my opinion, I read the rules and it is possible to take it, so I did it keeping this in mind. I think it doesn't break the rules that are very clear for someone who doesn't speak English. But debate is always welcome and always learns something.

If i am wrong, no problem.
Post edited March 10, 2024 by argamasa
B1tF1ghter: Request:
Slightly alter, alternatively entirely rewrite the relevant section of post #4 ( url: ) to explain terms in more "simple english" for the sake of less proficient speakers. In any case, clear up any confusion.
I added this line near the end of the Starred game rule write up "Daggered keys are still unlimited to request regardless if you won a Starred or Standard key."

Hopefully this makes it a bit clearer that Daggered keys are totally unlimited.
Can't believe this thread exists for 2 years and today is the first time I learn of its existence. o.O
Definitely should have wrote this post in this thread instead.

Not much to add about about the current rules at the moment.
The only mention of recent event I can share is that seeing Against the Storm not being marked as starred game seems unbelievable to me, considering that it's:
-a new game
-an extremely popular game (and thus would sport a "good fight" for it)
-game that has unlimited replay value
KillingMoon: ^ Despite my unproficiency in English, I find actual rules quite clear...
Good to hear. But you have to think of the others ( not me, I would argue I'm quite profficient ) who may not be of such high skill.
Not everyone in this world speaks English, and not every machine translator will accurately translate unusual language usage.
IMO all rules should be written such that both "less than savvy Eng speakers" as well as "piss poor accuracy machine translator software" would be able to understand properly.
At the end of the day, anyone in doubt can just ask anyway, but having rules account for such cases would hopefully reduce the number of such clarification requests.

Catventurer: wait at least ten minutes before requesting the second item. If you don't wait the ten minutes, the GOG forum will edit your first request to try to combine them
I've been on these forums long enough to be well aware of this :P
GOG should really update their ancient forum CMS at some point, haha :D

Catventurer: They're only going to be requested by someone that missed the giveaway.
Actually I disagree with this sentiment. In IDEAL world this would be accurate. But we live in a twisted worldline.
There absolutely ARE hoarders on this platform, I'm not going to point any fingers at anyone but there definitely were some cases of people who didn't intend to acctually PLAY some game, successfully requesting thee in the giveaway thread.
There are also account resellers - you may ask "how much is it worth, like 1 $ profit"? But that's the thing - those people will stop at nothing, in their greedy race for money. It doesn't matter how little things might be worth.
And as Steam has shown us, it's super easy to "legitimize" a fresh account by making "nonsense forum posts", then letting the account get "shelf life", making it "not appear new BY DATE", then later they "retrieve the account in storage" - account you may say have been "laundered" and "legitimized", and then they use it for whatever nefarious purpose ( eg: bots, propaganda, harrassment, political bs, etc - and while GOG is far smaller platform with far less active forums than Steam, this issue definitely DOES exist on GOG too ).
Such account could potentially look legit on GOG in "quick forum activity verification", but there's really no real way of checking it's ACTUAL legitimacy, nor any way to track what happened to a given account after some time ( eg whether it changed hands ).

While things on official GOG giveaways are "given for free", it's generally time limited. Thus they still retain value, and there are people in this world who are willing to cheap out some miniscule amount of money, just to save ANYTHING, and they might buy an account instead of eg waiting for a discount.
And tbh this isn't a stretch, people do actually do that, regardless of what mine or yours opinion on how dumb this is might be.

But alas.

argamasa: I think the debate is due to my nomination for a daggered key.
You would be 100% correct, kek xD
And the point was for the rule to be stated "without leaving ANY room for interpretation", as in "ZERO doubt", and not a "I THINK I understand" state :P

B1tF1ghter: Request:
Slightly alter, alternatively entirely rewrite the relevant section of post #4 ( url: ) to explain terms in more "simple english" for the sake of less proficient speakers. In any case, clear up any confusion.
BenKii: I added this line near the end of the Starred game rule write up "Daggered keys are still unlimited to request regardless if you won a Starred or Standard key."

Hopefully this makes it a bit clearer that Daggered keys are totally unlimited.
Yes, thank you, it will definitely clear things up for any users who might have been confused prior.
B1tF1ghter: (...)
IMO all rules should be written such that both "less than savvy Eng speakers" as well as "piss poor accuracy machine translator software" would be able to understand properly.
At the end of the day, anyone in doubt can just ask anyway, but having rules account for such cases would hopefully reduce the number of such clarification requests.
Good point.
So, after BenKii's clarification of the rules, all became easier to understand. Thanks to you, B1tF1ghter :)