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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Brerwolf: -Gifts to other user accounts, or to non-users via e-mail.

I'd love this one. I have lots of friends from college that I no longer live near, and gifting games through Steam is a good way to send birthday/xmas presents. GOG should totally support it too!
well since games on gog are drm free (on steam they aren't) you can just burn the instaler to dvd/cd wrap into gift paper and put into someones xmas sock. gog instaler have nice custom gfx so receiver would know its a proper gift not a torrent :)
high rated
Would be nice, also, to include the cover of each game in the download section a jewel cd case shape, for example. So we buy the games, we burn them and we print the cover for our cds.
I'd really like to see PATCHES for old games that were never quite fixed...
I'd also like to see new content. You know, perhaps features that were not finished because of time constraints.
It would be also nice to upgrade some games with better resolution, textures, models, etc. Not really remakes, but updates that do not actually change the old game.
Dimidium: My Wish: To have a wish list :-p It would be nice to add games to a wish list if you want to buy them but don't have the money now, and want a bunch like I do.

This would be nice, especially for the games that are "coming soon," with some kind of email notification when they become available.
It would be great if you could provide a download client (I have to download Fallout Tactician again because the connection broke) that would allow not only to download games but mods, manuals, trailers, OST's, et.
I like Brerwolf's other ideas how to make gog usability to stand out among other digital stores.
In future, next pay option will be very easy PayPal also.
Just wondering if it would be possible to allow debit card payments, especially the big three debit card types
Solo, Switch, Maestro.
My wish is simple: In My account folder in this time is impossible clear emails, which i have read. I would welcome choice of email delete.
another vote for pay pal. I'm from Germany and Credit Cards are not that usual around here.
For everyone wanting PayPal support, you can use PayPal to create single-use (or multiple, your choice) credit card numbers for your PayPal account. Just generate one and use it on GOG. PayPal Plugin
Yeah. Or maybe the options to buy ‘credits’. You see, in the Netherlands it isn’t all that common for young people ( 0 – 30 years) to have a credit card. So instead of having to bug somebody everytime I want to buy a game, I would rather buy a lot of credits at once. Which I can then spend whenever I feel like it.
Post edited September 10, 2008 by 0xc0de
Jaeger: For everyone wanting PayPal support, you can use PayPal to create single-use (or multiple, your choice) credit card numbers for your PayPal account. Just generate one and use it on GOG. PayPal Plugin

Unfortunelly are only avaliable for USA =(
- Discover Card payments
- Game Ratings (E, T, M)
- Please, No Download manager that is mandatory (like Steam).
- Thanks for the great site so far, it look nice and I know you will be working on it as time goes by.
What about integrating links to external game sites for reviews, gameplay videos, mods etc?