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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
paypal would be great
Agree about paypal - but what about a simple 'notification by email' option so you get an email when a new post is made in a thread you are interested in? Not like Abandonia though, where you get taken to the thread but if you want to post you have to log-in and logging-in takes you to your profile page so you have to wind your way back to the relevant thread to post a reply!
Translated version of games when avaible.
Jaeger: For everyone wanting PayPal support, you can use PayPal to create single-use (or multiple, your choice) credit card numbers for your PayPal account. Just generate one and use it on GOG. PayPal Plugin

You can also have them send you a physical card for use. I've been using one for about a year now. Works just like a bank's debit card.
I like to have my games sorted in my account, one page for the purchased ones, and one for the wishlist, yes, that means I want a wishlist, so I can throw my notices away (if I ever find them all) and add it here to my account wishlist, so I never forget, what good old game to buy, if it's re-released some day. :)
And maybe some PM-thingy while clicking the name of another member.
So far this site is looking good, and I'm sure it will be better and better. Oh, and make the download manager optional, I don't like those things.
By the way, maybe it's there and I did not find it, but just in case: a "Mark all topics read" option in the forums could be useful.
Does anyone else here think there should maybe be a download manager for the larger files? That way you could start and stop the files whenever you want
I say +1 to paypal. I dont have a credit card. also dont intend in getting 1. but I can only pay through paypal through the internets,
Loving the site, bought my first game already :0)
Any chance you could list whether each game supports widescreen resolutions?
I'd like PayPal as well.
I've never had a credit card, which means the beta is kind of useless to me right now.
high rated
MIK0: Translated version of games when avaible.

Make it optional, though.<rant start> I've already been discouraged from purchasing games in local, Polish stores (instead resorting to steam and friends in US) due to a bizarre localized-games-only policy we have here.
Ironically, one of the companies responsible for the status quo, is the one who (AFAIK) gave us So, if anyone's reading this, please, guys, don't do this ;)<rant end>
Sorry for ranting ;)
As for my wish, I'd very much appreciate a coverflow-like view of the games I purchased. Since they're not physically on my shelf, I'd like some other way of showcasing them ;)
MIK0: Translated version of games when avaible.

i don't think it's a good idea
firstly, original versions are usually the best and translation only hurt them
secondly, i'd prefer situation when everyone is playing the same game, from experience i know that localization can change the whole "feeling of the game" ;)
and @keph - they have bizarre policy about localized games but damn, they brought us gog! :D
I completely agree with PayPal, that is a must. A chat and friends list for GOG would be a very nice addition as well. As such I would find it interesting if those ideas(chat and friends list) were implemented into a manager application. The site is nice, don't get me wrong, but I would love to see something like STEAM to come out for GOG.
I'd like to echo the option of having a download manager. When I was downloading Perimeter earlier (a 1.2 gigabyte download) my connection dropped at about 30 seconds left. In my experience, Firefox is horrible at resuming downloads if the connection is interrupted but thankfully I was able to reconnect and get the game to install and run fine. Infuriating crisis averted.
On the GoG website side of suggestions, I don't find the colored circles in the topics to be particularly meaningful. I can see the legend on the bottom of the topic list but the colors seem arbitrary and unintuitive. Why does blue represent comments? Why not brown, or pink? I think using an icon that plainly says what kind of thread it is would be better. Perhaps you can have some sort of commonly used shorthand like a question mark for a question or a exclamation point for an announcement.
TinKelp: I'd like to echo the option of having a download manager. When I was downloading Perimeter earlier (a 1.2 gigabyte download) my connection dropped at about 30 seconds left. In my experience, Firefox is horrible at resuming downloads if the connection is interrupted but thankfully I was able to reconnect and get the game to install and run fine. Infuriating crisis averted.

Yes. for the love of everything yes :D
TinKelp: On the GoG website side of suggestions, I don't find the colored circles in the topics to be particularly meaningful. I can see the legend on the bottom of the topic list but the colors seem arbitrary and unintuitive. Why does blue represent comments? Why not brown, or pink? I think using an icon that plainly says what kind of thread it is would be better. Perhaps you can have some sort of commonly used shorthand like a question mark for a question or a exclamation point for an announcement.

You mean an icon for questions would be a qustion mark of some sort? or discussions would be two chattering heads etc etc?
il try to make some this eavning... cause i have nothing better to do