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This topic is meant only for suggestions regarding functionality / features.
If there's a game you'd like to see on, please vote on it using via Wishlist page -
Post edited February 03, 2009 by Destro
Perhaps have this wishlist thread setup like the Community (games) wishlist so we could vote on which features we believe would be the most helpful?
With that said, I'd like to again mention the personal games wishlist (similar to Amazon, etc). ;)
Mnemon: For downloader app:
Add a "shut down computer" function. Would be so nice to have computer running overnight downloading purchase knowing that it'lll turn itself off, eventually.

Agreed! It's not fun trying to surf the internet while downloading games at the same time - being able to sleep knowing games will be ready to play the next day without wasting electricity would be very nice.
Add a FAQs button next to the Community Discussions label on the forums.
Bump, suckas.
There are a lot of duplicate entries in the games wishlist.
- add a "Report duplicate entry"
This would probably make it easier for admins to merge entries. I find it slightly annoying that people don't care to search for the game they want before they post a wish.
Also, there are many entries with typing errors in them. Therefore...
- add a "Typo error in entrie" or something along those lines.
Otherwise I find this site excellent. DRM-free golden oldies is a wish come true. :D
I would like to see support for Windows 7 added to the installer format in preparation for the final (RTM) release. In the RC, as in the beta, GOG installers do not create shortcuts in the Games folder under All Programs (although, to be fair, I think this is new to 7) and the Games Explorer shortcuts do not work correctly; they have no boxart, context menu, or metadata, and do nothing when activated. The Games Explorer entries also fail to override the generic entries Windows itself adds if it recognises a game, meaning quite a few games will end up being listed twice. The games themselves work flawlessly with 7, as expected, as do the traditional desktop shortcuts.
Additionally, the GOG installer design does not incorporate the appropriate metadata to inform Windows that access elevation is required for installation (Windows automatically detects this heuristically for a variety of installer formats, but fails to detect GOG's; regardless, programs are supposed to announce the need for elevation of their own accord). This is relevant for Vista as well as 7, and may be contributing to slower installer initialisation because the UAC prompt does not appear until after the integrity check. Some customers have even reported GOG installers doing a second integrity check after the UAC prompt.
If it's not already mentioned, I'd suggest adding the ability to gift games to a user name in addition to email addresses.
How about letting me gift games with discounts during promos? I have to gift full price when I gift during promos... which sucks.
I know it'll be hard to do, but it'd really help with knowing about compatibility.
For example, I want to buy Beyond Good and Evil, yet i've heard of lots of various problems with it... so i want to be sure it works (as there is a no refunds policy).
But i have no way to do that. I could try a demo from another source, but that won't tell me if GOG has fixed any problems.
Alternatively, if i download a game, maybe i could swap it for another of equal value in the first 2 days if there are compatibility problems... or something.
Or demos...
Showing the Date added/modified on the downloadable files would be nice. Otherwise it is quite possible to miss new content when you don't/can't visit the site for some time.
For example the Darkstar One soundtrack that was recently added. The message that this was added has already migrated to the news archive
Post edited May 14, 2009 by renew
Support for Windows 7!
Yes, actually, I AM asking for support for an as-yet unreleased operating system, because I figure it'll solve an issue I had in Vista as well.
The thing is, in Windows 7, the entried in Games Explorer are not usable at all, can't double-click them to run the games, can't right-click them to do anything with them, they don't get the fancy-pants icons they should get, and they get categorised as "Unspecified" instead of "Games". Some of the games for sale here get picked up by Windows individually, and as such get duplicate, usable entries.
In Vista, the problem is less obvious, and less critical, but I guess something in the registration process isn't going as it should (which I think is the reason for what I see in W7 as well) - normally you can right-click a game and chose "hide this game", on the GOG-added entries this choice isn't there (ok, so I can hide the duplicate entries that get added when Windows manages to discover the game itself, but I figure if the games were added properly that wouldn't happen to begin with).
See attached file to see how it looks... interestingly, World of Warcraft, popular and recent as it is, does not get picked up by Games Explorer in W7, yet (it did in Vista).
win7games.png (471 Kb)
Add abblility to hide uninteresting forums (three gategories: favourite, normal and hidden) so we only see forums we're interested in. It's hard to spot the forums you like among all the glutter in normal gategory and problem only escalates as new games are added.
Allow us to see game prices after purchase. This is especially usefull for gifting purposes as well as if you want to calculate worth of your GOG game library. Current situation also makes it hard to advertise some promotions as you can't see the price of games if you own them (the 7 bumble pack week I could not just copy paste the promotion infe as I already owned some or half of some of the bumble packs offered so I had to leave prices out).
A Wiki-like area for users to geek out and collect, organize and share information on any given g.o.g. release, including history, screens, mods, cheats/trainers, creator info and any relevant details I might have forgot to list.
RSS feeds for individual forums. Right now the only feed I'm aware of is for frontpage GOG news.
I just realized that each topic has it's own RSS feed. Neat.
Petrell: Allow us to see game prices after purchase. This is especially usefull for gifting purposes as well as if you want to calculate worth of your GOG game library. Current situation also makes it hard to advertise some promotions as you can't see the price of games if you own them (the 7 bumble pack week I could not just copy paste the promotion infe as I already owned some or half of some of the bumble packs offered so I had to leave prices out).

Either i'm missing something or i'm not understanding what you mean.
Why don't you just log out to see the prices ?
My feature request: A 'log out' button on the boards.