Doc0075: (50) Subject 36 garrottes a fat man for breathing heavily then calmly turns to the crowd and tells a joke - "What has two butts and kills people ?" "An assassin".
He walks purposefully towards Mr Whuffles and everyone clears a path for him.
A strange sight is our next contender. Wearing lime green trousers, a garish purple shirt and with a top hat that completely covers his face from the nose up (thus rendering him blind) is (62) El Ingenioso Don Sombrero Tenebroso.
El Ingenioso use his echolocation to pick a path towards Snookums. A n oversized possum bumps into him and says "Watch where you are going!"
El Ingenioso sniffles "I wish that I could".
Subject 36 drives and sees three corrupt politicians fall from the sky, slapping each others backs and agreeing ways to screw over the little guys.
He climbs to meet them and starts to juggle them with ease with his android strength. A metal flower sprouts from his chest and squirts them with water as a normal clowns flower would do. Subject 36's arms then turn into metal spikes which he uses to pierce the necks of the politicians as his assassin programming temporarily takes over.
He lets the bodies hit the ground with a shrug and continues on his way.
El Ingenioso uses his heightened senses to drive straight and hears oinks from above. A happy pig contestant and his two piggy pals fall to be expertly caught mid-air by the man in a hat, in spite of his lack of sight.
He juggles them with ease and smiles at their joyous little oinks each time they get sent flying up again. He curses his superior smell though, as each time they come back down they let out a little piggy parp.
Subject 36 - 4 points. He shouldn't have given up and looked for other politicians to juggle. Repeat until he masters the skill or until there are no politicians left. They are still some around. He hasn't done his work.
El Ingenioso Don Sombrero Tenebroso - 4 points because he didn't tell a joke. It's disrespectful to the audience, it's unprofessional.