Doc0075: (58) Mirror Miss casts an illusion to change her shapely form to that of a portly, but jolly clown. She sashays down to her waiting car, Mr Whuffles.
Appearing larger than she actually is, she slips into the driving seat quite comfortably. Mr Whuffles is having none of this and shrinks his size to leave her gasping for breath.
(53) P. T. (Peter Trombone) Unia, known as Petunia, squeezes his lanky frame into Snookums, his upper torso hanging out of the drivers window due to his height.
Mirror Miss drives steadily while admiring her illusionary face in the cars rear view mirror. From above evil cackling heralds the arrival of four paperbag demons, sharpened sheets of paper grasped in their hands promising a death by a thousand paper cuts.
Mirror Miss keeps Mr Whuffles steady while holding a mirror out of the window and aiming it at the bothersome demons. She casts an illusion of the flames of hell flaring up from her cars roof and the paperbags panic as they get close, hopping over each other and basically juggling themselves.
Petunia stalls Snookums twice before finding his driving feet and settling for a steady pace. Gurgling and cooing from above has him look up to see a dozen popcorn kernels from the planet 'Corn That Goes Pop' approaching while sucking dummies and wearing tiny nappies.
Petunia ties the steering wheel in place with his rope and climbs on the roof. He focuses his heat vision on the kernels and cooks them till they expand from cute babies into complaining teenagers.
Cries of “You never give me what I want!”, “You are not my real Mum!” and “It is all your fault!” ring out from the spotty popcorn as he juggles them, wishing he had left them as babies.
Both clowns return to their seats.
(74) Maggie Murphy, the permanently grinning potato, doffs its hat to the crowd and runs down to the waiting Snookums who has shrunk to potato size.
Having had someone read its joke cue cards to it, it turns to the crowd and says in a little voice "Did you hear about the potato that got its head chopped off?" "It was decap-potatoed."
(47) Winey the Fruit Gum Clown, the clown made entirely out of sweet treats, runs from hordes of alien kids who are intent on eating him. He turns and blows his nose sending hundreds of M&Ms shooting out that the squealing kids happily gobble up instead.
Breathing heavily, he squeezes into Mr Whuffles and apologizes for making his seat sticky.
Maggie Murphy kicks its little car into gear, wondering what it will be expected to juggle? A loud trundling noise has it looking behind in panic...
Winey revs the engine and speeds off in his car. He looks up and sees twelve eggs falling from the sky with every expectation of juggling them.
Unfortunately, his hands are covered in kids drool and are now stuck to Mr Whuffles steering wheel. Winey jerks his hands this way and that way trying to free them, sending the car criss-crossing the tent when he hears a crunch and two tiny "Aarghs!" from below.
He stops his car and looks out to see a crushed Snookums with mashed potato seeping out of it and mutters "whoops".
Winey the Fruit Gum Clown returns to his seat having hired some bodyguards to keep his delicious self safe.
Maggie Murphy is in the infirmary getting put back together again.
I love it, thank you!!! This whole contest is worth it for those paragraphs of fun :)
(And juggling teenagers, while noisier, is maybe easier than changing diapers while juggling.)