Well, ... if someone has the time and patience to make such list, any information is welcome... even if I wonder how many games in GOG really dont benefit for 60FPS at all.
But as I said, welcome.
SirPrimalform: I thought GOG users were above that kind of silliness. The traditional film frame rate is 24fps, why would a game being capped at 30fps be a problem? Because dickheads like to brag about how many fps they get on their 'rig'. It's part of the PC master race BS that I can't abide.
tammerwhisk: Aye.
I mean I understand it to a degree with fast paced FPS and competative MP games, but beyond that a lot of the framerate wank is just ridiculous. "Worst game ever I dipped to 50fps on ultra, SHIT DEVS AND UNOPTIMIZIEDDDDDdd!!!1" (Sad thing is I literally see statements like that on Steam.)
Edit: Especially since a lot of the PCMRs that freak about framerates are the same idiots that crank every possible setting whether they know what it does or not. "OMG I CANT MAX IT"....with SSAAx4 at 1440p. *facepalm*
I seen people complaining that they CANNOT PLAY at 45 FPS or even 50FPS, to later seen this same people been absolutely owned in a neogaf thread because they been saying MARIO64 at 60FPS was absolutely much more awesome and playable (talking about the emulation), and actually it resulted that some guys that actually helped in the emulation said and demonstrate that is impossible to make MARIO64 run at 60fps... (dramatic fail music here)
60FPS are usually better, more in action 3D fast paced games, and the higher the framerate the best, is pretty easy to recognize the difference if you play similar games, I used to play COD and then BF3 in console, and is so clear COD runs faster actually helping the visuals and the gameplay, but still BF3 was for me a much better experience were the 30FPS never made me cry or die, and before some again, lol, master race say the "oh you should play BF at 60fps on PC" No, no, lol NO, actually I hate competitive shooters on PC, is a fucking field of cheaters, I know what I am talking about, I used to participate in competitions in many PC shooters, and now that I play only for fun, I rather prefer to sacrifice the mouse and keyboard, graphic quality and FPS that ever play an online shooter on a PC platform where who is not cheating, at least is lowering the fucking full graphics, taking smoke graphics, and FX out, and making FOVs totally unrealistic just to got advantage, so fuck open platforms for online gaming . But all the FPS "master race" extreme BS, really makes me laugh, cry, and do facepalms all the time...