Stilton: That's what we call 'Each To Their Own,' or 'Horses for Courses.' What I do you might not do. 'What would be the German/Swiss equivalent? Also, I'm assuming Keks! means some nice kind of sweet cake or biscuit? In the UK, Keks is a slang term for trousers. I can't imagine you choosing 'Trousers!' as your forum title :-)
moonshineshadow: The German saying is "Jedem das seine" :D
Keks is the German word for cookie ;-)
But there is also a second inofficial family meaning to it :P Ah, I've an idea what that might be (and I'm probably completely wrong...) :-)
Stilton: Right, so your seven hours behind - or 17 ahead...
CarrionCrow: Yes, that's it. On the first, my clock goes back an hour, so it'll be eight hours then.
Time zones are such a pain in the ass.
Seriously wishing the damn food was done cooking already. As soon as I shit-talk laptops, what happens? Situation where a laptop would be useful. Go figure.
Laptops have their uses. I've never been sold on them, except at monster sale time when it would be handy having something that doesn't sound like Hurricane Patricia bearing down on me so I could get some sleep. I'm the proud owner of two PCs with more fans between them than Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.