EndreWhiteMane: *hug back* I actually have trouble writing that. :-)
Doing OK here today.
That is good to hear. How is the knee, I hope it is getting better?
CarrionCrow: -laughs- The joys of multitasking.
Haven't ever gotten into that one, but from what I've heard, I'll be screaming about horrible voice acting when I do.
It's supposedly absolutely atrocious.
A game with horrible voice acting and questionable game mechanics. I thought that would be top of your to play list, what with your love of playing bad games. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Hmph... I'm sure I mention it far more than you ;-)
I suppose we should all be careful, tough. I'd hate for any of us to be on a CIA watch list ;-p
I was thinking mainly not to hurt anyone's feelings. But I guess you Americans have to be careful in case the CIA come to pay you a visit. Especially if it is Stan Smith coming after you. :-)