Posted April 23, 2015

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

But then as you said something like German German is also not used (it sounds riddiculous) it's just German in contrast to Austrian German and Swiss (standard) you're it doesn't make any sense to call in British English as all other varieties evolved from it :).

They like to refer to their English as the default English, and thus British-English started to be used. A bit like how they decided to call football soccer and try to influence the world to do the same. I am not sure why they decided to use the term football for their sport, when football had been around for hundreds of years already by the time American-Football came along. Another example is the Jack Russell, which is an English breed of dog. I remember reading that the American Jack Russell society wants to get a law passed to have the term Jack Russell refer to the American Jack Russell, and again make the English (and the original) Jack Russell be refereed to as the British/English-Jack Russell, instead of the current American-Jack Russell.

Ah talk an writ gooder englissh than any o them thar forin peepls.
Good morning. =)
How're you doing today?
Well, you guessed correctly. Depending on what group of people you're speaking with at a given time, it can feel like you're in 2015, or have managed to step through a time warp back to all the worst parts of the 50's.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 23, 2015

Ah talk an writ gooder englissh than any o them thar forin peepls.
And seems legit what you wrote. Reminds me a bit of the squabblings between Northern Germans and Southern Germans on who speaks the better German ^^

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 23, 2015

It's good to see that kind of supportiveness. It's also an interesting perspective shift, since I'm kinda waiting, either with malice or without, for anyone who calls me a sibling to die. -laughs-

Ah talk an writ gooder englissh than any o them thar forin peepls.
So. Hello, Endre! How are you today, how is the knee?
*Big morning hug*

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 23, 2015

They like to refer to their English as the default English, and thus British-English started to be used. A bit like how they decided to call football soccer and try to influence the world to do the same. I am not sure why they decided to use the term football for their sport, when football had been around for hundreds of years already by the time American-Football came along. Another example is the Jack Russell, which is an English breed of dog. I remember reading that the American Jack Russell society wants to get a law passed to have the term Jack Russell refer to the American Jack Russell, and again make the English (and the original) Jack Russell be refereed to as the British/English-Jack Russell, instead of the current American-Jack Russell.
Things like this can also happen in Germany. It's not really restricted to the US...
Post edited April 23, 2015 by ElTerprise

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted April 23, 2015
I see we've gotten to the 1500 hundred pages milestone and beyond. But we're still 2700 posts shy of finding out wether the forum database indexes its posts with a short signed int or not.
ElTerprise: I don't know - but English was usually referred to as British English in school....
But then German German is also not used (it sounds riddiculous) it's just German in contrast to Austrian German and Swiss (standard) you're it doesn't make any sense to call in British English as all other varieties evolved from it :). Darned Austrians and their ß!
Shake your fist harder at them!
You could have fooled me, for a second I mistook you for a Manchester chav.
I see we've gotten to the 1500 hundred pages milestone and beyond. But we're still 2700 posts shy of finding out wether the forum database indexes its posts with a short signed int or not.

But then German German is also not used (it sounds riddiculous) it's just German in contrast to Austrian German and Swiss (standard) you're it doesn't make any sense to call in British English as all other varieties evolved from it :).
Shake your fist harder at them!
You could have fooled me, for a second I mistook you for a Manchester chav.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015
I love being able to laugh about 'muricans here ;-)
I normally can't have conversations like this without at least 3 people pulling guns out ;-p
I normally can't have conversations like this without at least 3 people pulling guns out ;-p

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 23, 2015
I though that said Two Worlds at first and thought you were commenting on the quality of that game. :-)
In my defence, I am only skimming the forums while trying to sort through some documentation and find some more things my father has "filed away", meaning lord knows where it is. :-)
In my defence, I am only skimming the forums while trying to sort through some documentation and find some more things my father has "filed away", meaning lord knows where it is. :-)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted April 23, 2015

I see we've gotten to the 1500 hundred pages milestone and beyond. But we're still 2700 posts shy of finding out wether the forum database indexes its posts with a short signed int or not.
Darned Austrians and their ß!
Shake your fist harder at them!
Uhm...most German varieties are using the ß (apart from Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the german speakers in Namibia)..

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

It's good to see that kind of supportiveness. It's also an interesting perspective shift, since I'm kinda waiting, either with malice or without, for anyone who calls me a sibling to die. -laughs-

Some people, like your partner's mother, are kinda shit, just in general.
Post edited April 23, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015

Ah talk an writ gooder englissh than any o them thar forin peepls.

Good morning. =)
How're you doing today?
Looked like your storm was a good one on the radar last night.
Any damage? How are you feeling today?

Ah talk an writ gooder englissh than any o them thar forin peepls.

*big hug back*
Post edited April 23, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted April 23, 2015
That proves how uncultured you are, the spelling of Endre's post was way too good. :-)
But I think I need to stop bringing up these topics, I am beginning to feel guilty for mentioning so much about the Americans that is not really that nice.
But I think I need to stop bringing up these topics, I am beginning to feel guilty for mentioning so much about the Americans that is not really that nice.

gone (but still playing his games)
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted April 23, 2015
Good morning
*coffees and silly lattes for whoever needs them*
*coffees and silly lattes for whoever needs them*