akhliber: Holy crap, my wife and I may be taking in a little puppy. My last pet was a cactus a good decade ago, so I am nervous but absolutely thrilled. Especially considering I am disabled and unable to drive and such, just the idea of having a little buddy at home with me during the days is exciting as hell. American Bulldog mix, only about 4 weeks old, runt of the litter and a bit malnourished, but that just seems like the perfect fit, And I am confident we will get along swimmingly.
I am at my parents' house for the day to visit and go to a medical appointment, and their back yard is just gorgeous. I am watching deer laze around on the far side of the pond and just thinking about having a new friend at home soon. It's a good day.
Good morning, folks!
Hey there, long time no see. Glad to hear you're getting a furry friend :)