eksasol: Make the font bigger, my eyes are getting old.
zeogold: Are you using Chrome?
If so, there's this fascinating little function that consists of holding down control and pressing the "+" key.
Works with browsers, but not with Galaxy (if using that to read the forums).
I have a similar problem with the Steam client, the font is damn small to read. I found a sort of workaround for that, but it meant a lot of time-consuming tinkering within the Steam client to make many (but not all) of the fonts bigger.
DaCostaBR: Zeogold spoke of IP banning users, I assumed that might be more trouble than it's worth, but is it? Is it feasible?
The problem with IP banning is that there may be several legit GOG users/accounts behind one public IP address. For instance behind a proxy, or if some family has several GOG accounts in use. So at least they can't go blindly removing any GOG accounts that happen to become from the same IP address. Plus, there are ways to use several IP addresses anyway, like using your mobile phone for the internet connection, or using some free VPN service, or whatever.
I think it may be more feasible to try to curb the symptoms (for baaad people using alt accounts), rather than trying to block or remove the alt accounts themselves. So could someone list all the issues that alt accounts cause, then maybe it would be possible to curb those symptoms?
Like I suggested earlier, downvote and message report buttons would trigger CAPTCHA, that should at least block using lots of alt accounts and a script to mass-downvote messages?