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snowkatt: awww poor baby
is it all about you again ?
Feed the flame and I'll feed you to Mr. Stuffikins.
high rated
snowkatt: awww poor baby
is it all about you again ?
zeogold: Feed the flame and I'll feed you to Mr. Stuffikins.
i thought i burned that ;p
and the poor baby doesnt respond to me when i hurt his fee fee's anyway
must be sobbing in his blankie
snowkatt: i thought i burned that ;p
He's made of a flame-retardant material.
Make the font bigger, my eyes are getting old.
snowkatt: and the poor baby doesnt respond to me when i hurt his fee fee's anyway
must be sobbing in his blankie
Couldn't you just hire Regals to do this stuff for you?
eksasol: Make the font bigger, my eyes are getting old.
Are you using Chrome?
If so, there's this fascinating little function that consists of holding down control and pressing the "+" key.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
Definitely needs more categories. One totally dedicated for politics and alex jones discussion, so I don't have to read them (not that I do).

Also another one for DRM discussion.

(Ps. These were jokes.)
Post edited November 19, 2016 by eksasol
low rated
eksasol: Forum definitely needs more categorys so I don't have to read things I does not fit my agenda.
Fairly good and open minded suggestion you have.
eksasol: Definitely needs more categories. One totally dedicated for politics and alex jones discussion, so I don't have to read them (not that I do).

Also another one for DRM discussion.
There's been speculation on whether that would be a good idea or not. I forget who said it in the other thread, but it could splinter the forum/isolate people from each other even more than it does now.
There's already the "political" sections, they're a handful of 3-4 specific threads (provided a thread doesn't derail into politics).
snowkatt: i thought i burned that ;p
zeogold: He's made of a flame-retardant material.
ill just have to use thermite or willy pete then
eksasol: Forum definitely needs more categorys so I don't have to read things I does not fit my agenda.
Regals: Fairly good and open minded suggestion you have.
Yes it is, because they tend to lead to flaming and such and there are many other forums for those sort of things. I'm not censoring anyone's opinions, but it's better in a category so you know exactly what to expect when you go in. It was something I said in jest, it really doesn't matter I can ignore those threads. I'm happy with the forum the way it is really, there's a nice group of people here. Don't take what I said seriously.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by eksasol
low rated
eksasol: I'm not censoring anyone's opinions
Yet you were fairly specific on the exact topics you want censored.
I could list many other things that offend other people that don't offend you but they don't act like children and throw fit.

Typically the "flame war" starts by someone that doesn't agree with the topic so instead of just stating their opinion they go on rampage attacking people in such topic.

Which is example of how I first met dtgreen when she went in gamergate thread when she is obvious feminist to attack others. Followed by people such as Zeogold and TinyE which are extremely liberal feeling that it was acceptable to troll instead of let others have their own opinion.

People do not typically see it as censorship till it occurs to their own opinion.
Regals: Followed by people such as Zeogold and TinyE which are extremely liberal feeling that it was acceptable to troll instead of let others have their own opinion.
First I'm attacked for wanting everybody to have a voice, being accused of letting racists, sexists, etc. run wild, and now I'm attacked for the exact opposite.
Man. I didn't know my fencesitting was THIS powerful!
If you're going to accuse me, at least be accurate. Now, if I recall, you said you were going to ruin my academic career by proving that I cheated in a computer class, right?
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
high rated
zeogold: Current issues:

What is the community manager capable of?

What powers SHOULD the community manager have?

How should the issue of alt accounts be dealt with?

How should the issue of rep be dealt with?

How should the search function be fixed?
1. Based on Konrad: twiddling his thumbs and repeating "We'll look into it" :P
Not sure if much's (or just anything) gonna change yet...

2. Don't think that the "community" has a say in this, GoG / CDPR does.
But as what they SHOULD do:
- Handle scammer problem (high / top priority)
- ban spambots (and no, not tinyE, but those advertising Viagra and shit) and people posting links to malware and other illegal content (mainly piracy and cracks) (high priority)
- Revoke posting privileges for the worst known trolls (tauto, Regals, dtgreene, Kletus), first temporaily, then possibly permanently if still un-cooperative. (Medium)
- Refrain from "over-moderating", as in tone-policing or playing the PC Patrol, as this place, while unmoderated for the longest time, is still far more civilized than alot of the rest of the Internet, if you disregard above mentioned trolls and political threads (High)
- Add a "containment subforum" for political discussions (+ possibly other "controversial" stuff, which would basically be a "Enter at your own risk"-area), as they always turn into a cesspit of cancer. (Low)
- Have some active Forum presence (as in, not just community manager in-name only *cough* Konrad *cough* )

3. Not sure about this one... maybe check for accounts with no games in them, having existed for X amount of time, and remove those first (as I doubt there is any real person having a 0 games account, given that GoG has a handful of free games). Would be a first step.

4. Just remove it all together, it has a become a running gag now that rep means nothing on GoG (thanks to in no small amount to both NES and his particular alt Swatkat)

5. Once rep is removed, maybe GoG could revert to the old search function, as it could no longer be abused for de-rep witchhunts.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Habanerose
low rated
Habanerose: - Revoke posting privileges for the worst known trolls (tauto, Regals, Habanerose, Kletus), first temporaily, then possibly permanently if still un-cooperative. (Medium)
Fixed that for you.
high rated
dtgreene: I'm a really butthurt dude now.
Sorry, but you definitively earned your place on the list of worst trolls.
And I doubt I could dethrone you from it, even if I tried.

So deal with it, dude :P
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Habanerose