snowkatt: liez !
and he makes it pretty clear in his own posts
omega64: Referring to the tranny stuff.
I get why that would be offensive compared to other stuff. :P
snowkatt: yeaah one small teeny tiny problem with that
we are not american ;p
omega64: *runs away*
im just calling a tranny a tranny ;p
and an egotistic narcissistic manchild an egotistic narcistic manchild
because its fine for him to insult others and stereotype people wholecloth
but the moment you insult him your transphobic and how dare you
you ought to be banned you hater !111
and trantran runs off to cry in his blankie
only to do it all over again an hour later
itd all about him his attention whoring and what kind of speshul snowflek he is
he doesnt give a damn about other people or their issues or actual equality
its all about him and getting attention and asspats
snowkatt: ...keep dreaming
they wont do a single fuck
Habanerose: No real expectations or dreams here, really...
Nothing new, really, that's why "pulling a Konrad on you" is actually a thing... as he's still
looking into it :P
which is why i dont believe for a second that this new "community manager" will make any difference
or actually do anything