Posted October 17, 2022
neumi5694: Taking action against someone who harrasses others, insults them for skin color, weight, gender, sexual orientation or nationality or heritage? Against people who spread lies? Not only am I willing to accept that, I encourage it.
It's not always what peoples "do" but also "how" they do it. Taking action against someone who harasses others, sounds like a noble goal, who could be against that ? except the real question is what qualify as "harassment" ?
Is this harassment insulting or assaulting somebody because of their skin color, sex, religion, opinion, or sexuality ?
Or is this "harassment" simply, a joke / character / story /theme that you don't like, something that offends you directly or by proxy for minority X,Y,Z you self proclaimed yourself an ally of, is it somebody wearing the wrong hairstyle or simply somebody whose opinion doesn't align at 100% with yours.
And what about racism ? most peoples would agree that racism is bad and fighting it is a good thing, but what are we calling racism ? hating / being prejudiced against peoples based on their race or ethnic group or is it simply thinking that Hollywood obsession with race swamping random established character is stupid ? is misogyny hating woman or simply being annoyed at the Nth movie franchise having a soulless gender swapped reboot.
Personally I am pretty sure that when peoples say they are against "wokism", in a majority of cases, it doesn't mean that they hate woman, minorities or peoples with different sexuality, simply that they hate the extremist dogma that come with it where if you don't pass some purity test then you are automatically placed in one of the imaginary boogieman group that those following this ideology created to park the unbelievers, be it some dumb hashtag or one of the 'ist, 'ism or 'phobes ending adjectives.
To go back with this thread the reason why I am a little weary about this ESG score is simply because I am worried that they will do what to many other have done before as in that they will be so obsessed with not offending anybody, even the most sensitive dum dum on Twitter, and reaching some "diversity" quota, that they will self-censor themselves or start adding more and more hamfisting badly written or preachy characters or themes. Not because I think that caring about the environment or equal right for everybody is bad.