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I'm surprised there isn't a topic about this already.

CD PROJEKT | Deep Dive: Approach to ESG

CD PROJEKT recently published a video where Piotr Nielubowicz (6.81% of shares in CD PROJEKT S.A.) calmly explains that they are now fully implementing the ESG ideology within the company, which consists in propagating certain ideas through every means possible.

See the relevant attached picture for a quick explanation of ESG.

If you thought you could just play video games and have a good time, you are increasingly wrong. Games are no longer games. People with much more money and power than you have decided otherwise, and GOG/CD PROJEKT are helping them.

BlackRock owns 1.23% of shares in CD PROJEKT.

You will be educated according to the ideology of a billionaire, and you will like it.

With the "Return YouTube Dislike" browser extension, we can see that the video currently has 251 thumbs up and 4,200 thumbs down. They're not doing this because gamers want it.
(By the way, this is exactly why YouTube axed the dislike button about a year ago. It was never to "protect creators", it was meant to protect large companies in that sort of scenario)
high rated
Narushima: I'm surprised there isn't a topic about this already.

CD PROJEKT | Deep Dive: Approach to ESG

CD PROJEKT recently published a video where Piotr Nielubowicz (6.81% of shares in CD PROJEKT S.A.) calmly explains that they are now fully implementing the ESG ideology within the company, which consists in propagating certain ideas through every means possible.

See the relevant attached picture for a quick explanation of ESG.

If you thought you could just play video games and have a good time, you are increasingly wrong. Games are no longer games. People with much more money and power than you have decided otherwise, and GOG/CD PROJEKT are helping them.

BlackRock owns 1.23% of shares in CD PROJEKT.

You will be educated according to the ideology of a billionaire, and you will like it.

With the "Return YouTube Dislike" browser extension, we can see that the video currently has 251 thumbs up and 4,200 thumbs down. They're not doing this because gamers want it.
(By the way, this is exactly why YouTube axed the dislike button about a year ago. It was never to "protect creators", it was meant to protect large companies in that sort of scenario)
That last attachment.....

"Go Woke, Go Broke" doesn't work because "Three word slogans" and Rhyming Couplets are great for getting narrow minded people to rally behind something, but rarely alters reality. There's no great conspiracy.

The majority of people are "woke", as in they're empathetic and rather not have to use people as scapegoats or stepping stones to improve their lives.
high rated
ESG is mostly marketing BS targeted toward investors, and the linked video perfectly illustrate it.

I don't think it will necessarily have any real negative impact on the games, but we will see.
mechmouse: The majority of people are "woke", as in they're empathetic and rather not have to use people as scapegoats or stepping stones to improve their lives.
That's not being "woke" that being "normal", woke is when you push that to a toxic fanatical extreme. But of course like all words nowadays it is used for everything and nothing.
Post edited October 14, 2022 by Gersen
high rated
Why should a company not agree with corporate measures against pollution, or emissions or justice and workers conditions, diversity and good work spaces, or sanity in the inner administration or company government?

Go Woke go Broke is just a blatant reactionary message/propaganda for the companies and it means that your company will be profitable only if it follows the bad habits of the past.
high rated
Everyone has heard of the big firm Tencent from Asia but few has heard about the western counterpart in the world of huge asset managers, The Blackstone Group. Let's just say they are the one that put this as the World Economical Forum's mantra; "You will own nothing and still be happy".

Recently they allegedly axed the reelection of several hundred CEOs because they didn't align with their view.

It's actually fascinating how we view our own world. It's these behemoths who ultimately pulls the strings in all kinds of media and entertainment nowadays. If they decide you should like them and their way of making games you better be prepared for a new world order.

And who should pay for this change, including the inflation? You, the consumer.

To be clear, I also don't think it will negatively impact the games, at least not in the short run. It might be a problem if they move more over to a gambit/social score system in MMO's (like we already have on credit cards and payments) while killing single player games in the long run. They do seem intent on having us renting things all over the place, and I bet they will launch a subscription based gaming service like Stadia not far into the future via one of their subsidiaries.
Post edited October 14, 2022 by sanscript
high rated
Oh noes.

That is even worse than featuring a woman in star wars.
Narushima: If you thought you could just play video games and have a good time, you are increasingly wrong. Games are no longer games.
"Gaming conglomerates" are corporate, much like many aspects of the IT world have been corporate for a long, long time now. In short, they are in the business of making money and satisfying the interest of their shareholders.

Other declared initiatives and objectives (video game preservation, social involvement through charities etc.) are not set in stone. I dare say not even the DRM-free angle is something unchangeable in the long term, though I dread the day that will happen... but I have my offline installer backups and a large backlog, so can't really complain.

If you want games made out of love and with passion, not necessarily a business plan, look no further than indie developers. Most of them are exactly how game devs used to be in the pre-coporate gaming world.
WinterSnowfall: look no further than indie developers. Most of them are exactly how game devs used to be in the pre-coporate gaming world.
True, however, and this is far far into the future, if the west becomes like certain countries today where you'd need a special social score like they have in China, you wouldn't even get funds for your indie game if the score is too low.

Let alone get an apartment (even today some can't get an apartment near schools or jobs because the score is too low), get married, or get a good education (or any education at all).

That's the worst case, but if history is any indication there is a strong possibility it will happen again.
Post edited October 14, 2022 by sanscript
Gudadantza: Why should a company not agree with corporate measures against pollution, or emissions or justice and workers conditions, diversity and good work spaces, or sanity in the inner administration or company government?

Go Woke go Broke is just a blatant reactionary message/propaganda for the companies and it means that your company will be profitable only if it follows the bad habits of the past.
Besides, as experience in the last 15 years has shown, the true statement would be "go woke OR get broke".

Inclusive minded games have a much broader target audience.
A broader target audience means your games are more lucrative.
And that concludes the "billionaire" perspective of it.

Because developers shouldn't make inclusive games because those are more lucrative, they should do it because it's right.
Post edited October 14, 2022 by Vainamoinen
mechmouse: "Go Woke, Go Broke" doesn't work
It actually does. Just because investors like Black Rock are too detached from the market it takes too much time.
high rated
mechmouse: That last attachment.....

"Go Woke, Go Broke" doesn't work because "Three word slogans" and Rhyming Couplets are great for getting narrow minded people to rally behind something, but rarely alters reality. There's no great conspiracy.
Honestly, whenever I hear about "woke" (and all the silly slogans that accompany that) at this point, it always seem to come from some conservative bashing on the efforts of various equality movements (seriously, its the only times I ever hear that word) and my brain just tunes out as they've just lost 75% of their credibility with me right off the gate.

If they want to talk about issues regarding overzealous political correctness, they'll have my attention as I'm somewhat worried about that.

But if they just want to bash on all equality correction measures and pretend inequality doesn't exist, then I'm out. This is where they lose me.
Post edited October 14, 2022 by Magnitus
Gudadantza: Why should a company not agree with corporate measures against pollution, or emissions or justice and workers conditions, diversity and good work spaces, or sanity in the inner administration or company government?
Because "corporate measures" that are incentivized by the EGS score have very little to do with the actual reduction of emissions, improving working conditions, or any other rational change. It's mostly activism, censorship, and propaganda that blames white straight men for every problem in human history.
Magnitus: If they want to talk about issues regarding overzealous political correctness, they'll have my attention as I'm somewhat worried about that.
LOL! What? "Political correctness" doesn't exist! That's the first thing your "equality movements" teach their followers.
Post edited October 14, 2022 by LootHunter
LootHunter: It actually does. Just because investors like Black Rock are too detached from the market it takes too much time.
But clearly when Gilette goes broke in 240 years, it's defo because of that advertisement in the 2010s.
LootHunter: Because "corporate measures" that are incentivized by the EGS score have very little to do with the actual reduction of emissions, improving working conditions, or any other rational change.
That reminds me of the "conflate" thread further down...

Damn, the logic here is increasingly magical. CDPR and iCo, here I come flying. :D
high rated
First I blindly read "CD PROJEKT officially adopts the EGS store" and enjoyed, but then re-read and became sad.