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Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
Not fight every person i get to see . Try to get to a self sustaining community in an island that wasn't affected as much . Set strict rules for outbreaks in nighttime . And of course finding people with all type of skillsets
avatar Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
I'd raid a screwdriver factory, grab every one of them and build a screwdriver gun to shoot them through zombie eyes from a safe distance.
Post edited October 29, 2021 by GamerACE
Generally Avoid everyone unknown to me. Looters are probably the most dangerous things out there, zombies are instinct and probably predictable.

But ironically, getting food and supplies, would probably turn me into a looter myself. Originally Aim not to harm/steal or step away from my own humanity. But as the years go on (if I'm lucky), the harshness and breakdown of the world would change me.
Post edited October 29, 2021 by hamfighter
I would be on the move all the time. Scavage what I need and can use. Keep my distance from other survivors and be wary of those I do let close.
avatar Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
I will use technology in all the possible ways, create self defense weapons and I think I will stay in a distant place from cities.
Most likely I won't survive so I would try to take as many zombies as I can with me.
Find my nearest amazon Warehouse and lock myself down with a few friends. until most of the zombies has rotted away.
I would find an abandoned factory and get all the resources I need to build a sentry turret to blast those zombies back to HELL!
ran farway from it.
Get some plate armor and encase myself and the loved ones in it, get some shotguns. Move somewhere remote like the mountains, but near a small to medium town (access to resources), build a fort in the woods in an opening near some running water. Make supply runs to the town for medicine and stuff.
Maybe install some solar panels for electricity to play the downloaded gog games :D.
Hole up in a penthouse above a mall for quick access to supplies.
I'd set up a harvest moon style farm away from everyone and just set up small fences since the zombies don't really go for you, they just kinda walk around with no specific targets.
All I have to do to survive is stay away from people that look like main characters - pretty or active people.
Serious answer: I would sleep on the trees (securing myself with rope), not use any light source in open spaces, go in building free elevated area away from resources so that people won't bother me and zombies would probably scatter towards the lower ground. I would use a cave as a fruit and meat freezer and not leave any meat for the zombies so that they would just pass by. I would regularly check a wide area and move away in the first sight of people or zombie herds.
I would survive by not sticking around any of the main characters.
Happy to not have MY story highlighted by Kirkman et al.
I'd just try my best to scavenge for a few months because after all, rigor mortis should set in pretty quickly and then crisis averted. The zombies will be nothing more than a pile of dust by the time they actually reach me since they don't go out of their way to target people.