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Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
Do my best to survive without losing my core values. Locate those I love and set up a small quiet community without drawing attention to us.
I would cover my self with blood and guts so that I can blend with the horde
I would simply march to the center of the continent and find the amazon forest where i would die of starvation and dehydration instead of a zombie apocalypse, or survive, but at least i would not find a huge population of infected zombies so it will be easy to avoid.
I would commandeer a large ship (smaller than the size of the Dauntless, as two men cannot captain the Dauntless without a crew and I would be on my own to avoid the inevitable, heartbreaking betrayal of me standing over my once dear, now dying friend screaming: “You did this [insert name]! You made me do this!”). As sole captain and crew, if I did not have enough supplies to survive on board the ship, I would lead a series of daring raids to (ideally) secure the fishing supplies, weapons, books for entertainment (being a slow reader helps), basic needs and petrol supplies I’d need to sail out to sea and wait it all out. If I’m especially lucky during these raids, I would acquire a small animal to keep me company and ensure my sanity remains barely kept in check throughout my time of trial. During my exodus on the sea, I would smash down raw fish in a manner that would put Gollum to shame and stay aboard until well after Day 1515 (following the wiki page for comic chronology, as apparently the comics and games are set in the same universe). Is this all impractical? Would I turn into a walker way earlier than expected? Would I have a lot more fun taking the classic farm, shopping centre or prison route? I certainly think so… but at the end of the day, I strongly believe that Louisianan boat man from Left 4 Dead 2 had it right. Thank you for reading :)
Survival alone is a poor goal if the world is full of fear and cruelty. We need a community where everyone feels safe, and everyone feels valued, never at the expense of anyone else. To get there, we need to remember history's great ideas in civilization building: free and fair elections for leadership, separation of powers, laws that serve and bind everyone equally, due process for those suspected of breaking laws, and universal individual rights. We need to build trustworthy institutions: councils, courts, schools, hospitals, etc. We have to protect those institutions from corruption by selfish interests. Walkers are dangerous, but the danger is manageable, especially when we act collectively. Outsiders are dangerous, but they are often more scared than malicious. They may have been surviving for years through selfishness and opportunism, possibly through violence and cruelty. We need to be sympathetic and understanding of that. Sometimes we will have to defend ourselves, but sometimes we will have an opportunity to tech them that there's a better way. To survive the world of The Walking Dead, I will uphold these values in the face of all adversity, and teach them everyone around me.
Rip and tear, until it is done.... wait, are we talking what we'd do as zombies to survive? or as humans?...IT MATTERS NOT! same answer for both really.
Recover as many supplies possible, hunker down in a safe space with water and electricity still up and running - and then rewatch the whole series to learn from their mistakes! Like, seriously, how did you let a guy like "The Governor" take the upper hand?
Because I would lose all my friends to the zombies, I’d simply live among the zombies making them my new friends while ultimately killing some and saturating in their blood so they don’t turn on me. Friends for life with the zombie horde :)
I would gather my friends and loved ones in a large, wholesale box-store (one without windows to the outside) and fortify all of the entrances. The store would possess more than enough supplies (food, water, clothing, medication, communication devices, batteries, etc) to last for years and much of it would be non-perishable. Some such stores, particularly in the United States, would also allow for access to weapons and ammunition, although several other everyday items could be used in a pinch. I would establish a democratic system whereby decision-making would be shared so as to minimize conflict among members. I would also allow for new members to join the group, provided that they agreed to our society's terms and could be trusted; human capital would be incredibly important in such a world, particularly if they had helpful skills or abilities.
avatar Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
Move quickly and quietly to survive, find other people and organise settlement. As simple as mad the world became!
If I was a computer character stuck in the world of the walking dead games and was self-aware enough to realise it was indeed a "game" - I would privately reach out to one of the Devs and request a serious power-up. Load me up with weapons, food, a source of clean water, armour and survival skills! If you are feeling generous, feel free to throw in a "Wilson" Volleyball.

Alternatively, if we are talking a real world, hellish-style apocalypse, with zombies taking over - then count me out!
I would abandon all hope and learn to enjoy the taste of human flesh.
I would get out my big RED crowbar and get to work!
I don't know yet, I will improvise, I would be human
avatar Our Halloween Sale has just begun! To celebrate the spooky season, we've teamed up with Skybound Games for a contest where you can win one of 15 keys for The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series!

To enter, just tell us what you would do to survive if you were stuck in the world of The Walking Dead games.

Submit your answer until November 2nd, 4 PM UTC.
I will gather myself a group of survivors, git gud with them, gather more teammates to eventually build a community, and protect each other from harm's way. We will probably allied with other communities if we can, and we will outlive the apocalypse together, as family.