Getcomposted: Make more arrows. All you need is wood! And you already have the basic arrow recipe. Go to a forge, either at the smith's or just outside your grandpa's house. 4? wood makes 13? arrows.
Getcomposted: You can also smelt the ore you get from mining into iron etc., and get more money for selling them.
That's the problem. You don't get more money from refined goods.
Iron ore is worth 2 coins. Iron bar is worth 3 and takes 2 ore + fuel to make.
Silver ore is worth 2 coins. Silver bar is worth 4 but takes 3 ore + fuel to make.
I need higher mining level to smeld anything better.
Spicy potato soup is worth 20 coins but just one of it's ingredients, the songbird egg, is worth 35 coins. Also ingredients restore way more various stats than the resulting soup.
It takes 1 iron bar and 1 wood to make 5 arrows so I could, with my current reserves or iron, make 100 arrows that would be probably used up in less than hour. My current bow causes 2-6 damage. I have better bow but even if I could use it (can't due to 4 base dex requirement. I have 6 due to equipment but only base stat counts and that's 3. Rising it to 4 would cost me 750 coiins or something) it would only do 4-6 damage. Do remember that iron is not infinite resourse either.
As I said before only gems and some items you can find have any real value. I've already sold all the excess (left 2 min of each) but I've yet to acumulate enough money to pay all level 1 trainings let alone higher levels or special skills.
Unless I find infinite resourse I can readily sell and is actually worth the trouble, I find manufactured good that turns way more profit than the ingredients or quests start paying hundreds or thousands of gold. I really don't see how you're supposed to pay for all the training available.