Petrell: Due to devs apparent lapse in judgement caused exhaustion from overwork, the release (originally planned for 14th of December, then delayed to 16th and finally to current release estimate) has been pushed back to February 2016. Devs seem to have burned themselves out (working long days all week including weekends on the game for past few months) in desperate attempt to get it released before Christmas and made the release blunder in their exhausted delirium.
I just hope that this debacle does not bite them in the ass when they finally release the game (ie. I hope steam forum's resident haters and trolls find something else to pick on in the meantime and press are lenient about devs apparent lack of professionalism and still cover the game when time comes).
Could have been worse; if the game was released some days ago...
I'm almost certain, there would have been much more hate in the steam forum (which its already unbelievable for some games -_-)
so yes better to have pushed back the release..... it's not a first world problem....