Posted September 09, 2016
low rated
Censorship via suing over linking between sites that haven't explicitly given permission to link. Example might be if i made a link to Mel Gibson, i could then get sued for making that link, and referencing sites or sharing such information will be squashed.
Ted Cruz and other Republicans are barreling toward a September showdown with the White House over its plan to give up oversight of the internet, as the Obama administration tries to rally support from the tech and telecom industries.
GOP lawmakers have long warned that the administration's plan to relinquish its authority over ICANN, the global nonprofit that manages the internet's domain name system, could give authoritarian countries like China and Russia an opening to make an online power grab. Now, as the actual date of the transition approaches — Oct. 1 — Republicans are looking at throwing up new obstacles. GOP lawmakers have long warned that the administration's plan to relinquish its authority over ICANN, the global nonprofit that manages the internet's domain name system, could give authoritarian countries like China and Russia an opening to make an online power grab. Now, as the actual date of the transition approaches — Oct. 1 — Republicans are looking at throwing up new obstacles.
The Obama administration is pushing through a radical proposal to take control of Internet domains and instead give it to an international organization, ICANN, that includes 162 foreign countries. If that proposal goes through, countries like Russia, China, and Iran could be able to censor speech on the Internet, including here in the U.S. by blocking access to sites they don't like.
Right now, the Obama administration’s proposal to give away the Internet is an extraordinary threat to our freedom and it’s one that many Americans don’t know anything about. It is scheduled to go into effect September 30, 2016. Congress must act before it's too late! Right now, the Obama administration’s proposal to give away the Internet is an extraordinary threat to our freedom and it’s one that many Americans don’t know anything about. It is scheduled to go into effect September 30, 2016. Congress must act before it's too late!
Censorship via suing over linking between sites that haven't explicitly given permission to link. Example might be if i made a link to Mel Gibson, i could then get sued for making that link, and referencing sites or sharing such information will be squashed.
The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg said GeenStijl, owned by GS Media, broke copyright laws when it published links to pictures of TV personality Britt Dekker without the permission of Sanoma Oyj’s Dutch unit, which runs Playboy in the Netherlands.
This all is connected with the TPP which was quietly made and in secret and the large bill never had time to be sifted through for it's potential effects to be challenged. Only 5 of the 29 entries involve anything to do with trade.
Post edited September 09, 2016 by rtcvb32