Darvond: I just checked Reddit and Neogaf this morning. And literally just now, Google News, a content aggregate.
I think I would have heard/noticed something by now. What with, Science, Technology, Computer, and NASA being major focuses of my customized feed.
I'm calling bunk.
Gilozard: No, this is definitely happening.
Nothing you listed is full of hardcore network engineers. Google News selects articles based on personal interests, for one thing. Everyone outside of network engineering and possibly technology law is ignoring this because they don't understand or even want to understand internet infrastructure. It's work for so long that people take it for granted.
Darvond: Okay, that works. What does it mean, without the FUD, please.
Gilozard: It means that whichever country starts hosting ICANN, that country's laws will apply to the entire internet.
Right now, ICANN is in the US, where we have strong free speech protections, good infrastructure, stable business laws, strong anti-corruption laws and a general hands-off approach from politicians. When it moves - and no one knows to where yet, but China is pushing the hardest for this - that country will be the one deciding things like which sites are allowable, who can stay online, etc.
This is huge. It's a tremendous issue, messing with the fundamentals of the US economy. But network engineering is boring and full of acronyms, so most people aren't paying attention.
So I was able to infer from further perusing; but it also seems that even if China were to (somehow) become the authority, because the way most of the Internet is already centralized in the USA, most of us would go about our merry business...or so I vaguely understand from this