rtcvb32: While congress is going over to stop the transfer to the UN,
Internet freedom and control will be censored by Iran and China if it's handed over. Not only that, government and military (
.gov and .mil) can and probably will become a huge security risk.
We should keep an eye on this.
Wrong about everything, as usual for you in this thread.
No content in the video. Iran and China are two countries in the world, and all countries are eligible to be part of ICANN. Two countries do not get power to make such sweeping changes as the pretty girl claims. Since I know more about networking than you ever will, let me break it down for you.
First, she makes vague, content-free claims about top level domains (TLDs, the last bit of an address like .com, .org, mil, and such). The internet has no idea what, for example, whithouse.gov is. DNS changes that name into an address, which is then routed across the global internet. Even if - and this can't happen, but considering the worst case scenario as these internet-illiterate talking heads like to do - previously American .mil TLDs were given out to other countries to use, the names are still irrelevant. Addresses are what matters, and regardless of who gets to pick address names, classified data is held on SIPRNET or other closed networks, which are not vulnerable to name-resolution threats.
They keep saying "internet control" because they (presumably) know that there's nothing actually alarming to talk about. If the name reservation system is in fact held, as these people love to say, "in the same building as the agency responsible for censoring the country's (China's) internet", it still makes no difference to how we in the USA view the internet, because the root DNS is not held in one place, but thirteen (logical, over 500 physical), and is what actually allows name resolution. Since DNS is - and has been for decades - open and controlled by many countries, it's very easy to look and see that it's not being tampered with.
She devolves into infantile stammering near the end of her monologue because she's an idiot. You're an idiot for listening to her empty words and ignoring everything I'm telling you. Those two say nothing, and everything they imply is incorrect. You should really look up these terms:
Root DNS
How BGP works
You're not worth the time to provide links, so go find the actual truth yourself. It's technical, and scary, but if you tried, you could come back in as little as a week and have a good laugh at how stupid you sound in this thread.