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[*]The billowing conch of the Aji now blows gas in a cone.
[*]Mannequins can now be animated.
[*]The thrown weapons category is now also expanded with grenades when you're choosing a weapon to throw.
[*]In the Tomb of the Eaters when the Bell of Rest rings, you no longer occasionally get teleported to a space with a pit.
[*]Improved the grammar of base item names that get appended to the descriptions of relics and named items. This won't affect existing items in saved games.
[*]The nearby objects list now updates faster.
[*]The nearby objects list and minimap are now masked while you're pressing Alt.
[*]Open air no longer renders in magenta in the alt overlay.
[*]Fixed a bug that allowed pulsed field magnets to pull cybernetic implants off your body.
[*]Fixed a bug that let robots eat meals.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused onboard recoilers to activate all the time when you had multiple of them implanted. If you want multiple onboard recoilers to work properly in current saved games, you have to uninstall and reinstall the implants.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the Otherpearl not to grant psychic glimmer.
[*]Fixed a bug where, during the water ritual, you could buy mutations you already had.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused containers to appear empty when an item was taken out of them, regardless of their contents.
[*]Fixed several bugs related to tho nearby objects list.
[*]Fixed a bug that produced various name, description, and weight related errors throughout the game.
[*]Fixed a bug where the "Show liquid pools" and "Show plants" options were sometimes ignored.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the nearby objects list to become unresponsive after loading a save.
[*]Fixed a bug where objects gradually stopped rendering in the list as the game progressed.
[*]Fixed a bug that showed invisible objects.
[*]Fixed a bug that allowed you to continually disassemble the same item via the nearby objects list.
[*]Fixed some murals referring to the player in the second person.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused conversation options related to the Landing Pads quest to appear even if your tongue was missing.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused legendary stat saps to have the type of stats they sapped removed from their names.
[*]Fixed an issue that caused some key inputs to be doubled when using the prerelease input manager.
[*][modding] Did a lot more reorganization of the new object blueprint files.
[*][modding] The QueryItemList event now gives DefaultBehavior objects the opportunity to prevent usage of their body part via the event CanEquipOverDefaultBehavior. Parameters: Object - the object to be equipped; Subject - the object it is potentially to be equippped on; and Part - the BodyPart being examined. Returning false prevents the object from being equipped in that slot.
[*]Liquid pools under wading depth (200 drams) are now called 'puddles'.
[*]Liquid pools at or over swimming depth (2000 drams) are now called 'deep pools'.
[*]Added new, connected tiles for puddles.
[*]Added a few new tile variants for the following pure liquid pools: wax, algae, green goo, brown sludge, black ooze, honey, primordial soup, salt, lava, slime, asphalt, and the four rare liquids.
[*]You can now restore from a checkpoint in the menu options.
[*]Reduced the cold resistance on elaystine skull cap from +25 to +5.
[*]Added resistances to the tier 5 relic haurberk.
[*]Tier 3 relic pistols are no longer carbine-like.
[*]Shem -1 is now counted as a friend for the purposes of A Call to Arms and The Assessment.
[*]The default interaction on witchbark is once again 'eat'.
[*]Fewer of the cider, wine, honey, and oil vessels you come across in random dungeons are mysteriously owned.
[*]Star kraken no longer extrude [sultan wall] objects.
[*]Followers trying to join you after a map transition no longer spawn in lava or over open pits.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented you from blowing the conch of the Aji while wielding it in your thrown weapon slot.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused Liihart and Meyehind to resurrect when you progressed Kith and Kin.
[*]Fixed a bug where loading a more recent quick save after restoring from checkpoint would cause zone thawing errors.
[*]Fixed a rare issue that caused map generation to ignore locked doors when determining pathable connectivity.
[*]Fixed a rare issue that caused stairs to be disconnected.
[*]Fixed a typo in tier 3 gauntlet relics.
[*]Fixed a conjugation bug in rubber-based cooking effect descriptions.
[*]We made several changes, cultural and otherwise, to Kyakukya.
[*]Added village monuments and village history snippets.
[*]Removed Kyakukyan hunter, mushroom gatherer, and worshipper of Oboroqoru.
[*]Oboroqoru worshippers are now generated dynamically and pulled from a wide pool of creatures.
[*]Oboroqoru worshipers have new dialog.
[*]Made significant edits to Mayor Nuntu's dialog.
[*]Gave Mayor Nuntu a new description.
[*]Made some edits to Yurl's dialog.
[*]Replaced Svenlairnard with someone else.
[*]Tweaked woodsprog dialog.
[*]Made the quest reward choices for Raising Indrix much better.
[*]Added new tiles for mushroom walls.
[*]Gave mushroom walls a new description.
[*]Changed the brinestalk walls to weathered wood and replaced the flower ground tiles near the Oboroqoru shrine with real flower objects.
[*]Added a new set of default keybinds for diagonal movement -- shift+arrow keys -- and diagonal attack -- ctrl+shift+arrow keys.
[*]You can no longer block with shields in your thrown weapon slot or bucklers equipped in your hand.
[*]Objects drawn into existence with temporary [redacted] are now also temporary.
[*]Objects drawn into existence now respect phase.
[*]Changed the Naphtaali ASCII glyph to 'n'.
[*]Added a notification that automatic laptop defaults aren't currently implemented for the prerelease input manager.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused some Palladium Reef maps to build without respecting the worldseed.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused line and cone targeting to occasionally ignore visibility.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the wrong map to be named Gyl.
[*]Fixed an error when generating grenadier tents in the Stiltgrounds.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented enter from mapping keys on the ability screen.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused F2 not to work on the new keybindings screen.
[*]Fixed incorrect sound tagging on several melee objects.
[*]Fixed pluralization of clay pots.
[*]Fixed a rare exception in scoreboard processing.
[*][modding] You can now override existing game state in EmbarkModules.xml.
[*][modding] Added population table support to the ReceiveItem conversation part.
[*][modding] Added conversation predicates: IfZoneID, IfZoneWorld, IfZoneTier, IfZoneLevel.
[*][modding] The "reload" wish now invalidates the sound file cache.
[*][modding] The Sounds mod subdirectory now supports its own arbitrary subdirectories.
[*]When an engulfed creature flings quills, the quills now strike the engulfer.
[*]Gave the villagers of Kyakukya plump mushrooms again.
[*]You can now harvest witchwood wreaths for witchwood bark.
[*]The walls of Pax Klanq's hut are once again only visible after taking [redacted].
[*]Soup sludges now stop spawning if there are already thirty in the zone.
[*]Light-based phenomena now pass through glass walls and doors.
[*]Tetraxenonoglass now has a chance to refract light-based projectiles.
[*]Temporary Eaters' nectar tonics no longer permuate your mutation buy options.
[*]The Kyakukya and Yd Freehold monuments are now considered interesting.
[*]Gave unique items many more hitpoints.
[*]Sound effects for when items break or armor is shattered are now less unpleasant.
[*]Excluded gnawed watervine from dynamic encounters.
[*]Fixed several instances of incorrect double spaces.
[*]Swapped the colors of the sun and moon mask.
[*]Removed a reference to the First Huntsman.
[*]Fixed an error when escaping out of the accusation phase of Kith and Kin.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused poor accusations to be forgotten in Kith and Kin.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused Keh-hind to stay in Bey Lah after being exiled.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused AltUse Ability to not properly trigger Sprint.
[*][modding] Added SwingSound, MissSound, and BlockedSound sound tag support to weapons.
[*][modding] Added support for [soundname]_variant_[n] with shuffled playback for sound effect variants.
[*][modding] Added the current build number to the runtime compiler symbols.
[*][modding] World sounds are now delayable.
[*]Improved page up and page down behavior on the equipment screen.
[*]Companion clonelings ordered to stay put no longer move around to clone.
[*]Molting basilisks that spawn in a zone that's already generated, like when one climbs through a spacetime vortex, no longer place molted husks throughout the zone.
[*]Revealed mines and bombs now have much higher priority for being shown in their tile relative to other objects.
[*]Smart use near mines and bombs now triggers interaction with them.
[*]Crab legs now count as meat.
[*]Creatures freed from gentling cones and mask now usually return to conversing as they would have prior to gentling.
[*]Goatfolk haunts now have fewer huts and a higher density of qlippoths per hut.
[*]Mercurial cloaks are now considered weird artifacts.
[*]Digging, in conjunction with autoexplore and normal movement, no longer attempts to burrow through the force bubbles of non-hostile NPCs.
[*]Jotun, Fjorn-Kosef, and Haggabah are now marked as having proper names.
[*]Chalkboards can now be animated.
[*]Duplicating a temporary item using non-temporary metamorphic polygel now creates a non-temporary version of the item.
[*]Duplicates created by metamorphic polygel now carry over effects like being broken or cleaved from the parent object.
[*]Removed the defunct Waydroids faction.
[*]Gave concrete floors to some areas in the Tomb of the Eaters that were missing them.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused mutation points to be spent when there were no further random mutations to buy.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused villages to sometimes generate without an oven.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused wire strands shorter than 25' to not stack with wire strands longer than 25'.
[*]Fixed an issue that caused some village wardens to generate without the warden title in their name.
[*]Fixed a bug where items duplicated with temporary metamorphic polygel became non-temporary.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the damage message for ranged weapon attacks that killed their target to be suppressed. (Tthe target's death was reported but not the damage.)
[*]Fixed a crash when traveling to [redacted].
[*]Fixed several rare crashes in the audio manager.
[*]Fixed some grammar issues with the messages for when you spot weeps.
[*]Fixed a repeat word in blood-gradient hand vacuum description.
[*][modding] Genotypes without available presets are now hidden when selecting a preset character.
[*][modding] Custom embark modes can now skip the Genotype and Subtype modules if they are not applicable.
[*][modding] The CanEquipOverDefaultBehavior event is now honored by attempts to equip items from the equipment screen as well as from the inventory screen.
[*]Disassembling single-bit scrap once again shows the bit that is obtained.
[*]Putting items in a chest you are carrying no longer attempts to describe the location of the chest.
[*]The trade screen no longer requests confirmation when putting important items in containers unless the containers are owned.
[*]Ancient bones and tar-encrusted bones now have more bone-like tiles.
[*]Dynamically generated compound words are now a little easier to read.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused equipping too many Otherpearls to cause an integer overflow on the chance to drop extradimensional items.
[*]Multiple Otherpearls now stack their chances to drop extradimensional items linearly rather than multiplicatively. Ex: equipping six Otherpearls now multiplies the extradimensional item drop chance by 30, not by 15625.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused turret tinkers to sometimes build a turret in the tile they were occupying.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused fungal infections on the hand to be incurable.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused fungal infections to disappear when applied to anything but a hand.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused you to sometimes start in the ruins of Joppa when selecting a generated village start.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented you from being able to jump into clams.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented dynamic villages and their respective factions from being generated.
[*]Fixed a bug that made phase-conjugate and phase-harmonic grenades fail to perform their phase effects if detonated using the 'detonate' interaction.
[*]Fixed a bug that made harvesting a stack of witchwood wreaths render the rest of the stack unharvestable.
[*]Fixed a bug that made falling down while flying trigger Quantum Jitters.
[*]Fixed a bug that allowed Amnesia and memory eaters to override the effect of air current microsensors until you left the zone and returned to it.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused uninstalled gun rack implants to generate phantom copies of themselves in your inventory.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused Force Bubble forcefields to be partially destroyed if active at the very edge of the world.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented block sounds from playing properly.
[*]Fixed some grammar errors in tombstone text.
[*]Fixed a dynamic pronoun issue in tomb mural text.
[*]Fixed some dynamic pronoun issues in creature description text.
[*]Fixed a capitalization issue with Rainwater Shomer's name.
[*][modding] Updated the HighScores.json format to store more information for easy access.
[*][modding] HitSounds now have a default 135ms delay, which can be overriden by the HitSoundDelay int property. The delay is specified in MS.
[*][modding] Added BlockSound and BlockSoundDelay tag/property support to shields.
[*]Added an option to display full level up information for your followers. (Prompts > "Display full level up message for followers")
[*]Legendary newly sentient beings now have more sensible names and titles.
[*]Achievements based on killing a creature are now awarded when a companion lands the killing blow.
[*]Kindrish can no longer be modded.
[*]Kindrish can no longer be returned to the hindren multiple times.
[*]When you create a recipe from a meal with Canned Have-It-All as an ingredient, the recipe's replacement ingredient is now always a valid ingredient.
[*]Wardens Esther can no longer spawn hated by the Merchants' Guild. They can now spawn hated by dromaids, however.
[*]The descriptions of meals cooked with liquid ingredients now include liquids themselves rather than their containers.
[*]Autoexplore is now less willing to walk up next to a hostile aquatic creature that cannot itself approach you.
[*]The missile weapon Fire binding now works to activate an ability when targeting with the prerelease input manager.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused cybernetic implants meant to occupy equipment slots on implantation to fail to do so and appear in inventory, resulting in inappropriate behavior.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the red targeting indicator for lithofex's gaze to disappear after loading a save.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented you from pouring across map boundaries.
[*]Fixed a typo in brooding rosepuff's description.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused penetrating radar to show the identified tiles for unidentified items stuck in walls.
[*]Fixed a bug in diagonal movement in target pickers when prerelease input manager is enabled.
[*][modding] Added GetLevelUpDiceEvent and GetLevelUpPointsEvent to alter stats gained from level ups without defining a new genotype or subtype.
[*]Creatures can now shank.
[*]"Skills and powers"" are now just called "skills".
[*]Droid scramblers are now considered metal.
[*]Gave droid scramblers a commerce value.
[*]Gas breathing mutations are now affected by the gas tumbler.
[*]Mushroom cherubim now have more appropriate idealized features.
[*]Mechanical urchin cherubim now have idealized features that match non-mechanical urchin cherubim.
[*]When a creature is cloned via cloning draught or by a cloneling, the clone no longer carries over graftek grafts.
[*]You can now select several artifacts at once to throw down the sacred well.
[*]Added missing "molten wax drop" object.
[*]Conveyor belts now have 64,000 HP, down from 250,000 HP.
[*]Added a user interface option to disable most tile-based flashing and animation effects.
[*]The same sound can no longer be played more than once in a single frame. This fixes several issues with sound volumes.
[*]Unequipping the [redacted] via [redacted] of a [redacted] now angers [redacted] similarly to as if you had used [redacted].
[*]Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the stairs created by spiral borers to override the generation of normal stairs.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused recharge sounds to sometimes play too loudly.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused buggy dialog options like "MISSING_QUESTION" and "MISSING_ANSWER" to appear in village immigrants' dialogs.
[*]Fixed a bug that made it impossible for 1-pound metal items to become coated with liquids.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the majority of encounters on the world map to become undiscoverable after reloading the game.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused followers who end up on the world map for some reason to crash the game.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused followers joining their leader from the world map to pass time as if you, the player, were traveling.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused stingers to appear in the inventory.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused krakens to fail to change their behavior in any way because of being terrified.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused precognitive visions gained via sphynx salt injectors to continuously ask if you wished to return to the start of your vision.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused unequipping the [redacted] to leave permanent attribute modifiers behind.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused some sets of strange tubes to not be treated as plural.
[*]Fixed a bug that sometimes caused game state to not reset after reloading.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused single-size penetration dice to explode infinitely.
[*]Fixed a rare bug that caused the game to freeze on the Freehold splash screen.
[*]Fixed a soft lock when speaking to Pax Klanq without Q Girl's climber blueprints.
[*]Fixed a frequent crash caused by an interaction between temporal fugue and force bracelets.
[*]Fixed errors in Kah and Nacham's dialogue.
[*]Fixed some typos in polished gemstone descriptions.
[*]Fixed a typo with rectangular bells.
[*][pets] Gloaming no longer respawns on the world map, forestalling a possible crash.
[*]Legendary hindren pariah leaders are no longer called "*name*, Hindren Pariah Pariah".
[*]Sprouting orbs and friendly junk dollars now respect phase and flight.
[*]Signs now show their description on smart use.
[*]The cryochamber plaques in Bethesda Susa now act more like signs.
[*]Journal locations are now marked with a colored '?' to indicate whether you've visited that location.
[*]Journal locations now note the date of your last visit.
[*]Journal locations with the same name are now sorted by their time of discovery.
[*]You can now use the Home and End keys to navigate to the top or bottom of the journal.
[*]Your cursor positions within the journal are now remembered when you change tabs, until the journal is closed.
[*]The 'Limit the input buffer to two commands.' option now defaults to on.
[*]Gossip and lore learned indirectly, such as by cooking with psychal gland paste, now displays what the gossip was in the popup message.
[*]Renamed the "Open Skills & Powers" keybind to "Open Skills".
[*]Renamed the status effect Shatter Mental Armor"" to "psionically cleaved".
[*]The 'villagers of Joppa' faction is no longer be present in alternate starts.
[*]The usual default interaction on Schrodinger pages is now entangle.
[*]Stopsvalinn now only makes its full powers available once it is identified.
[*]Removed an exception that allowed temporary cooking ingredients to be used in cooking if they had no defined duration of their own.
[*]Normality fields, kindled flames, and space-time anomalies no longer fall down pits.
[*]Fixed some grammar issues in juice sap drain messages.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused clones of flying creatures to show as if their Fly ability was activated even though they weren't flying.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented Shank from being used if the shanker was able to move their extremities.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the game to soft lock if you became a brooding puffer.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused arrow penetration bonus caps to not apply when using compound bows and turbows.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused canvas walls in villages to use the ASCII colors of their source creatures instead of the tile colors.
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented pickaxes and nanopneumatic jackhammers from applying their penetration bonus against diggable objects.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused deleting deleting entries from your journal's chronology to require two confirmations.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the ability bar status to not update properly.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the Yd Freehold to not show up in the worldmap alt overlay when ASCII mode was enabled.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the text based conversation view to be improperly placed if a conversation was initiated from a zoomed-in view.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the text options view to be improperly placed if a conversation was initiated from a zoomed-in view.
[*]Fixed a rare bug that caused the main building in Golgotha to have a sealed exit.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused sparking baetyls to spark very quickly when in a targeting view.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused locations names to overflow the text sidebar.
[*][modding] Background color can now be defined in Display.txt.
[*][modding] Fixed a bug that prevented Display.txt from loading correctly.
[*][modding] Fixed a bug that prevented custom item mods from being craftable.
[*]You and your companions are now highlighted blue instead of green on the alt overlay.
[*]Obtaining a base skill by drinking brain brine now unlocks the skill tree instead of only unlocking the skill itself.
[*]Books and artifacts marked important by default, but not explicitly marked important by you, are no longer excluded from the donation list.
[*]Changed the donation message when the only books or artifacts you have are marked important.
[*]You're no longer asked for confirmation when you move into a space with a pool of dangerous liquid if you're flying over the pool or not in phase with it.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the stat bonuses from Graftek grafts to carry over to clones even through the graft did not.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused merchant advertisements not to generate.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the music tracks for Grit Gate and Ezra to allocate large amounts of memory.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when choosing to start a new game.
[*]Fixed a rare bug that caused reality stabilization fields to fire random events, causing world state to fluctuate.
[*]Mysterious gunslingers now often generate with wide-brimmed hats and woven tunics.
[*]When you put extradimensional gemstones in a rock tumbler, you now get their extradimensional smooth varieties out.
[*]Newly sentient beings with onboard power generation can now power Jacked equipment. This change won't apply to creatures that already exist in saved games.
[*]Dangerous liquids that are out of phase or that you're flying over no longer prompt you with a movement warning in autoexplore.
[*]The default option when prompted to confirm the deletion of a save is no longer Yes.
[*]The flattened remains one occasionally stumbles onto in the salt marsh is now considered interesting.
[*]A creature ceasing to fly in the same tile as a giant clam now uses the same behavior as walking into that tile.
[*]Bep no longer minds if you use the rock tumbler in the Yd Freehold.
[*]Hookahs can now be sealed. This change won't apply to hookahs that already exist in saved games.
[*]Creatures no longer attempt to equip Templar phylacteries in their primary hands.
[*]Very smart creatures no longer activate Templar phylacteries if the wraith-knight would be hostile to them.
[*]When you attempt to move into a tile with an animated door that's locked, you no longer attempt to open them.
[*]"Kin" is now recognized as a plural noun.
[*]Removed some unimplemented mutations from various creatures.
[*]The bonus item mod chance from equipping multiple copies of the Otherpearl once again stacks multiplicatively.
[*]Added a message when selecting 'replay last character' and no valid last character is present.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the mental action cost reduction from Two-headed to not get applied.
[*]Fixed a bug that made point-defense drones fail to fire at some thrown objects.
[*]Fixed some issues with the tile display of walls in villages.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused some named items to have their original item type described strangely.
[*]Fixed a bug that made it so that if fungal infections were occupying two Hand slots, each would try to also occupy a Hands slot rather than sharing one.
[*]Fixed a bug that made it so that a fungal infection occupying a Hand slot could also occupy a Hands slot that was not the one associated with the Hand slot.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused an invalid detail color to crash the game.
[*][modding] All wall tiles have been updated to use DetailColor as their secondary color instead of BackgroundColor.
Hi there

I'm new to this game...but i can't seem to find a way to know what most of the keywords and stat indicators mean.
The mouse tooltip works for in map display of info...but in menu or text colored words have meaning and function.
Is there a way to hover the mouse on any colored words so i can have a general idea what that word or stat means in the lore or gameplay?
In game encyclopedia with all that info? Although the hover function would be much more convenient.
204.32 - 'beta' branch

Moved the Pixel Perfect and Dock options to the Overlay UI section.
Added a new option for "Play area scale" with three choices.
Fit - fits the whole play area on screen. May necessitate letterboxing.
Cover - ensures the play area covers the screen. Minimizes letterboxing.
Pixel Perfect - sizes the play area to an integer multiple of the pixel art. Maximizes sharpness.
Changed the default setting for the modern UI play scale from Fit to Cover.
General UI note: if the camera is zoomed in so that the whole play area doesn't fit on the screen, you may notice the UI switching to fullscreen Fit mode when you take certain actions that still have unfinished UI elements (like Interact nearby). This is done to prevent the old UI elements from becoming unreadable at the zoomed in scales. As we add continue to add modern UI elements, it'll stop happening.
Added a new option to disable the mouse-clickable zone transition arrows that appear when the map is zoomed in (Options > Overlay UI > Disable mouse-clickable zone transition border arrows).
The mouse cursor now hides itself when the mouse is stationary.
Removed the unintentional fade-in effect when tooltips appear.
The "lost" status effect now transfers between you and your [redacted]. You can no longer ask your [redacted] for directions.
Firing ranged weapons now more accurately targets flying creatures rather than the trash beneath them.
Added ability bar navigation and activation keybinds to the legacy input manager.
Fixed a bug with modern UI keybinds using modifier keys in the legacy input manager.
Fixed a bug that caused music tracks to improperly restart when entering a new zone.
Fixed a bug where having the "Enable additional overlay UI elements" on and then disabling the "Enable modern UI elements" option left the game in an unusable state.
Fixed a bug that caused Astral creatures to flicker in and out of phase while traveling on the world map
Fixed an exception with throw animations.
Fixed a rare exception in the "corrected vision" status effect.
Fixed a rare exception in the "immobilized" status effect.
204.38 - 'beta' branch
[*]Added a new mouse cursor and an option to disable it or choose an alternate color scheme (Options > Overlay UI > Mouse cursor).
[*]Added more status effect possibilities to dilute warm static.
[*]Made all the Chavvah entities water ritualable. More changes to the Chavvah faction are in progress.
[*]We made some balance changes to the Hamsa component of [redacted].
[*]The action cost reduction for melee weapons was reduced from 25% to 15%.
[*]Figurines now award reputation with the factions of the creatures they depict.
[*]Cybernetic implants now reduce the toughness of the [redacted] by an amount equal to their license cost.
[*]Teleport-granting items now give Teleport 6 instead of Teleport 1.
[*]Added [redacted].
[*]Added "If, Then, Else" post-quest dialogue for Tammuz.
[*]Raised scorpiock's level and lowered their AV.
[*]When using the modern UI you can now zoom out past your default setting, going to "Fit" mode, then "Fullscreen".
[*]Added a "Wait Menu" keybind to the legacy key mapping.
[*]Removed the outdated "Display a background image when letterboxing" option.
[*]Improved performance when moving through liquids, particular during autoexplore.
[*]Particle simulation now has a fixed timestep.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused imaginary objects to be flammable.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused imaginary objects to vaporize if they reached vapor point.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused particles to stack up in look and targeting views.
[*]Fixed a bug with item naming popups in the console UI.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the play area to dissapear behind item interaction popups.
[*]Fixed some auto collection bugs for liquids.
[*]Fixed ability bar buttons not greying out properly.
[*]Fixed "Wait 1 Turn" option not working properly in the wait menu.
[*]Fixed a bug where prerelease inventory UI screens were appearing below the play area.
[*]Fixed a bug where autoget would pick up fancy furniture.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused village merchants to fail to spawn.
[*]Fixed a bug where each village history entry in your journal contained histories from every village.
[*]Fixed a bug with arrow keys improperly paging through modern UI controls.
[*]Fixed the sizing of popup message windows with long scrollbars.
[*]Fixed a bug where "Take all" would fail to pick up everything if you had previously dropped any of the items.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused some shale walls to become invisible.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused zones to stay in memory for too long.
[*][modding] All XML files are now parsed based on their root element and can thus be reorganized within subdirectories and renamed to anything.
[*][modding] Skill entries can now set the Hidden flag to remove them from the Skills menu until they has been acquired via other means.
204.41 - 'beta' branch
[*]Added a new plant to the Moon Stair: noisegrass.
[*]Added a new harvestable: bundle of noisegrass.
[*]Added a new cooking ingredient: wild rice.
[*]Added a new item: leyline puppeteers.
[*]The following cybernetic implants all had their bonuses raised from +1 to +2: bionic hands, bionic arm, bionic heart, dopamine synth, and beautiful visage.
[*]Beautiful visage now costs 3 license points.
[*]Added some cybernetic credits wedges to certain places on the Moon Stair.
[*]Added wheeled, goat, and crystal variants of [redacted].
[*]We made some balance changes to blast cannon.
[*]Increased accuracy.
[*]Increased damage.
[*]Increased concussive force on impact.
[*]Increased cell energy cost per fire.
[*]Changed the cooldown from 1d4 to 2.
[*]Relic containers are now considered important.
[*]Added a variety of visual effects for Moon Stair objects and interactions.
[*]Added descriptions for the following creatures and items: zero jell, unimax, dreamcrungle, dawning ape, n-dimensional starshell, drem wren, leering stalker, chrome pyramid, blast cannon, and swarm rack.
[*]Renamed the liquid container zero jells occasionally drop to entropy cyst and gave it a new tile.
[*]Added a new tile for recoilers.
[*]Added a new tile for Santalalotze.
[*]Changed leering stalker's ASCII color to bright red.
[*]Fixed an issue with page up and page down binds overriding some ctrl+up and ctrl+down binds. You may have to rebind existing binds using those keys if you have customized them.
[*]Fixed an issue with page up and page down binds in the prerelease input manager.
[*]Fixed a bug where some creatures were incorrectly receiving bonuses for mutations they had as if they were rank 1 instead of the rank they actually were.
[*]Fixed a bug with autoget while flying that required landing to take items on the ground.
[*]Fixed a bug when a non-player creature used a timecube that caused you to get messages as if you used it.
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the new missile weapon UI to not update properly.
[*][modding] added 'findimportant' and 'fetchimportant' wishes.