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GOG support are useless and I can no longer trust their store pages... multiplayer games are repeatedly having LAN stripped from them and that piece of junk Galaxy secretly mandated... Linux stated to be supported but when I buy the game it isn't available to collect.

GOG have seriously lost their way as a business model. When I contacted support they informed me that I just had to "switch to the Linux build of the game" in my library, followed by a screenshot they generated. However, had they bothered to actually follow their own instructions they'd have noticed the issue (they didn't move away from the Windows selection).

I feel GOG as a company is blinded by their lust for monetising the tracking of how people use games (i.e. galaxy / games phoning home) and have become incompetent at what they used to do best... providing Good Old Games.

I'm considering abandoning.
Post edited June 23, 2024 by spinewire
I only bought this game, because it was available for Linux and without DRM.
Hopeful we get the update Soon™.
Kearf: I only bought this game, because it was available for Linux and without DRM.
Hopeful we get the update Soon™.
Maybe Monday or something. For me, probably waiting until the weekend again.
Update per Galaxy Client dont functioned
Update per Galaxy Client brings the client to stop download all other updates and i cannot delete or block the update
Linux 7.00 not available

My words in the ear of gog, code an special client with only update and download functions

If Gog players are second class gamers,
we, on Gog+Linux, mus be the third class gamers.
Still waiting for the 7,0 update.on Linux
jokmontoya: If Gog players are second class gamers,
we, on Gog+Linux, mus be the third class gamers.
Still waiting for the 7,0 update.on Linux
I think the biggest problems I have with this situation is that GOG support staff sent me a completely out-of-touch and inaccurate response that half-blamed me for not being smart enough to figure out how to download the game installers, and the fact that they have, otherwise, remained silent to any futher communications or even tweets I made at them.
Since Friday morning no reaction at all from the Gog support.

Purchased (Timelines DLC) on Thursday only to wait for the Linux version to take, I guess a week extra again. My feeling is that those waiting times just get longer with each release or update.

On the one hand, I am happy for each new DLC that X4 receives. On the other hand, I want it to stop and X5 to be released so I can switch to steam. Just fed up with this...
Post edited June 24, 2024 by ExSign
ExSign: Since Friday morning no reaction at all from the Gog support.

Purchased (Timelines DLC) on Thursday only to wait for the Linux version to take, I guess a week extra again. My feeling is that those waiting times just get longer with each release or update.

On the one hand, I am happy for each new DLC that X4 receives. On the other hand, I want it to stop and X5 to be released so I can switch to steam. Just fed up with this...
End of business day... still not uploaded nor responded again to my support emails.
ExSign: On the other hand, I want it to stop and X5 to be released so I can switch to steam. Just fed up with this...
New game (will it be X5 or individual X4 enhanced game or something else) should come 2026 so you still have 2 years time to wait.
There might be something still coming for X4 next year (2025) as otherwise it would be long time for Egosoft to be without new release / funding. And X4 still have bugs which need fixing so 1 more major release would give apportunity to that too.
If pirates can get the new 7.0 + version sooner then legal customers, i think there is a problem.
Support never got back to me on the issue. I bookmarked the first page to see when this issue would be fixed. Guess that was naive.
Their support got back to me today. They are now asking me to try downloading v6.20 to see if it's v7.0. Hey, guess what? That's right: it's v6.20.

I really would like to know why their staff cannot simply click the link themselves and internally report the problem. I personally believe GOG staff have zero clue what they are doing and their upper management are blinded by false hopes of galaxy being a thing.

Evidently they are no longer resourced to provide advertised services and these are delay tactics. I've told them they have 48 hours to provide me the product or satisfactory support before I request a full refund.

Has anyone reached out to Egosoft to let them know that GOG are impacting their reputation?
Post edited June 25, 2024 by spinewire
spinewire: Their support got back to me today. They are now asking me to try downloading v6.20 to see if it's v7.0. Hey, guess what? That's right: it's v6.20.

I really would like to know why their staff cannot simply click the link themselves and internally report the problem. I personally believe GOG staff have zero clue what they are doing and their upper management are blinded by false hopes of galaxy being a thing.

Evidently they are no longer resourced to provide advertised services and these are delay tactics. I've told them they have 48 hours to provide me the product or satisfactory support before I request a full refund.

Has anyone reached out to Egosoft to let them know that GOG are impacting their reputation?
Yes, actually, I finally got EgoSoft to notice me sempai and they responded today that they are working with GOG to get the issue resolved as soon as possible, but didn't go into detail as to what the hold up was.
The Egosoft Team is aware of this situation and do their best as far as i can tell from this forum thread on their own website.

I can also understand that it is a lot of work to prepare different clients for download.
Lets just be patient. As long as we do get the new version in a reasonable time frame, i am happy.
Kearf: The Egosoft Team is aware of this situation and do their best as far as i can tell from this forum thread on their own website.

I can also understand that it is a lot of work to prepare different clients for download.
Lets just be patient. As long as we do get the new version in a reasonable time frame, i am happy.
I like how GOG support has no idea what they're talking about and no one from GOG has even bothered to pop in here real quick to give an explanation and/or status update.