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Stellaris [Part 1/3]

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.9.3 ⇒
3.10.0 “Pyxis” Update

① Features
• Leader Consolidation - see Dev Diary 322 for more details.
---⬫ Admirals and Generals have been merged into the Commander, the Military leader class.
---⬫ Governors and some Envoy functions have been merged into Officials, the Administrative leader class.
------◾️ Officials are now assigned to represent your empire in each of the Galactic Community (or Imperium) and your Federation rather than assigning multiple Envoys.
------◾️ Envoys still represent your Empire's overall diplomatic bandwidth, and handle First Contact, Improving and Harming Relations, and Espionage.
---⬫ Scientists remain the third, Scientific leader class.
---⬫ All leader classes can now govern planets and sectors.
------◾️ Military governors apply Martial Law to a planet or sector, which increases worker and slave output at the cost of specialist and ruler output, adds soldiers to the planet or sector, and causes soldiers to increase stability.
------◾️ Administrative governors increase general material resource extraction and industrial productivity.
------◾️ Scientific governors increase research output on the planet or sector. This replaces the old Assist Research Scientist action, which has been removed.
------◾️ Most governor traits now include apply to a lesser extent to the rest of the sector, unless a local planetary governor is overriding them.
---⬫ Added the Minister of State for most non-gestalt empires. (Some civics, such as Fanatic Purifiers or Inwards Perfection, remove this position.)
---⬫ The Minister of Defense, Research, and State council positions are no longer locked for players with Galactic Paragons, and can be replaced with other council positions when you reorganize your council, though at a cost.
------◾️ No Minister of Defense: -25% Naval Capacity
------◾️ No Minister of State: -25% Diplomatic Weight
------◾️ No Head of Research: -25% Research Speed
---⬫ A balance pass has been made on all leader traits and subclasses. Many have changed significantly, and the overall power level has generally been decreased.
------◾️ Traits chosen when levelling up will now be biased towards the leader's current position, whether or not you have Galactic Paragons. (i.e., A Scientist that is governing a planet will be more likely to receive leader traits related to planet governance.)
---⬫ The classes of all event leaders and paragons, as well as leader themed civics, technologies, and traditions, have been reviewed and adjusted.
• Council Legitimacy now gives bonuses or penalties to council agenda speed.
• Replaced the Recommended Content window with a more full-featured Additional Content Browser.
---⬫ The Additional Content Browser increases the clarity and transparency of what various DLCs contain, by letting you preview things like Origins, Civics with full tooltips that include nested concepts, animated Portraits, and Shipsets. It is our hope that this will help you make more informed decisions about DLC purchases. (The Additional Content Browser will only be available on some storefronts, and will not update information without an active internet connection.)
• Added Tabbed Outliner.
---⬫ Information is now split across Government, Ships, Politics, and Structures tabs, which will appear as they become relevant to your empire.

② Improvements
• Many event chains now include event chain titles in the event window.
• Added three new planet modifiers: Abundant Geothermal Activity, Subterranean Wildlife, Rich Microflora
• Added four planetary decisions to be able to remove some negative modifiers without having to terraform the planet: Remove Bleak Planet, Add Dayside Farm, Remove Hazardous Weather, Remove Dangerous Wildlife
• A toast message will now appear when a truce expires.
• Clarified tooltips of modifiers that increased leader cap
• Expanded on the Zroni dig site descriptions.
• A notification will now be sent when yoour fleets are unexpectedly forced to decloak
• You can now change the destination of a Leviathan Parade Situation at the cost of some unity.

③ Bugfixes
• Blocked special event leaders from having backgrounds and homeworlds. Warform was not hanging around with the Romans.
• Fix a case where the leader UI would remain on screen when exiting to main menu
• Fix councilor position triggers related to authority not being evaluated correctly in galaxy creation
• Fix diplo weight tooltip when affected by a resolution category weight modifier
• Fix gestalt leader backgrounds not clearing other leaders' BGs
• Fix scripted fleet order buttons having incomplete tooltips (e.g. Azaryn's terraforming special action)
• Fixed Alien Box event changing getsalt councilor nodes portrait
• Fixed bypasses mapicons always being placed in second position if there is an upgraded starbase in the system, hiding the icon below
• Fixed crash when checking if an invalid system is in sensor range
• Fixed Cultist event chain not having any target to pick planet from if the fleet that attacked was destroyed in the meantime
• Fixed gestalt nodes not having a starting trait
• Fixed leader portrait changes when changing species
• Fixed leaders with a preset design using the wrong portrait when their species changes without its portrait changing.
• Fixed misaligned buttons and inconsistent tooltips in the Planet View
• Fixed num_owned_relics trigger not displaying its dynamic values in tooltip
• Fixed num_researched_techs_of_tier tooltip not displaying the technology tier
• Fixed random rulers never being generated with origin-locked traits.
• Fixed situation target tooltip not being completely localized
• Fixed Starbases receiving ship modifiers twice
• Fixed the "pick trait" button for recruitable leaders
• Fixed the Inevitable Assimilation tradition for DAs saying you need to adopt Cybernetic traditions twice.
• Fixed UOR ruler not benefiting from other initial skill modifiers.
• Fixed UOR setting ruler level to 4 instead of giving +3 initial levels.
• Leaders excluded from the upkeep cost now correctly produce resources
• Set the base value for percent_of_leader_lifespan to match the leader lifespan define value.
• Subjects now support their Overlords resolutions in the Galactic Community correctly
• The Escape key no longer closes any event windows.
• The first event option for the event Dysfunctional Council now informs you that the leader will be dismissed.
• The Xenophobic Fallen Empire will once again be able to get real mad at you if you border them.
• Worker Coops can no longer be Xenophobic
• You will no longer be able to avoid being synthetically ascended by being an assault army in space.
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Stellaris [Part 2/3]

④ Balance
• Administrative Leaders can no longer serve as the Head of Research.
• Archaeo-Engineers AP now gives +1 Scientist Capacity
• Aristocratic Elite no longer has +20% Governor XP gain, but instead gives a 20% chance for leaders to have a bonus positive and a bonus negative trait.
• Autonomous Drones and Sovereign Circuits now provide +1 Leader Trait Options
• Belligerent Diplomatic Stance now grants -1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Blocked Inwards Perfectionists and Fanatic Purifiers from having a Minister of State.
• Centralised Command society tech increased to Tier 3
• Changed leader recruitment cost to be a quadratic equation instead of exponential
• Cooperative Diplomatic Stance now grants +1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Corporate Authority and Corporate Dominion Civic now grant +1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Council Legitimacy now directly modifies base council agenda speed, at 0% Legitimacy base agenda speed is 50%, at 50% Legitimacy it is 100%, at 100% Legitimacy it is 125%. Empires without Council Legitimacy are treated as if they have 50% Legitimacy for this.
• Decreased the leader XP gain from the Luminary Bloodline trait.
• Democratic Authority now grants +1 Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Dictatorial Authority now grants +25% Ruler XP and -1 Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Empires can now support three leaders of each class without using leader capacity. Generic leader capacity has been removed.
• Eternal Vigilance now gives +1 Commander Capacity
• Factions are now more upset if their ethic is not represented on the council or by the empire ruler.
• Galactic Force Projection now gives +1 Commander Capacity, +2 Max Influence from Power Projection, increases Naval Capacity by 100 and Fleet Command Limit by 50
• Gestalt rulers no longer count towards leader capacity
• Heroic Past, Precision Cogs, Pooled Knowledge and Factory Overclocking all now provide +1 Commander, +1 Official and +1 Scientist Capacity.
• Imperial Authority now grants -1 Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Imperial Cult now grants additional priest jobs to the ruler's homeworld scaling with their level.
• Imperial Prerogative now gives +2 Official Capacity
• Improvements to Mastery of Nature, planet modifier now gives +50% resource districts
• Changed Leadership Conditioning to reward 3,000 XP equally shared between all leaders below level 10.
• Isolationist Diplomatic Stance now grants -2 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Leader Enhancement policies now increase the starting level of leaders instead of increasing Leader XP gain.
• Leader starting age has once again been increased
• Leader traits from ascension paths no longer provide research points scaling with leader level
• Leaders now have a slightly higher chance to start at a higher level.
• Learning campaign edicts leader xp gain have been reduced
• Mercantile Diplomatic Stance now grants +1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Naval Tradition federation perk now gives +1 Initial Admiral Level instead of +10% Admiral XP gain.
• Nerve Stapled now gives -100% leader XP gain, if you somehow generate leaders from species with this trait.
• Not having a Head of Research (or gestalt equivalent) will impose a -25% penalty to research speed
• Not having a Minister of Defense imposes a -25% penalty to Naval Capacity.
• Not having a Minister of State (or gestalt equivalent) will impose a -25% penalty to diplomatic weight.
• Opener effect for Synthetics now reduces robot upkeep and robot assembly cost
• Philospher King now only provides +5 Effective Ruler Level
• Players can now build multiple Quantum Catapults.
• Pompous Purists Civic now grants -1 External Leader Pool Size in addition to existing effects
• Pops now have ethics attraction towards the ethics of the local planetary governor
• Rebalanced a number of species traits that affected leader XP gain.
• Rebalanced Aptitude Traditions and Leadership Conditioning
• Rebalanced Feudal Society and Franchising Civics and Shared Destiny AP
• Rebalanced Statecraft traditions
• Rebalanced the Auto-Curating Vault, Vault of Acquisitions, Alpha Hub and Citadel of Faith
• Reduced XP gain from Transcendent Learning
• Removed leader pool increase from Transcendent Learning
• Removed Leader Pool size modifiers from ethics
• Removed leader upkeep modifiers from Embodied Dynamism and Collective Self techs
• Removed the -10% leader hire and upkeep cost from traditions that only applied to a single leader class.
• Replaced the +1 Leader Capacity from Oppressive Autocracy with +1 Commander Capacity
• Reworked the Research Institute, Planetary Supercomputer and Military Academy buildings
• Slightly increased time needed to survey a system.
• Specialist subjects now get +1 capacity of the relevant leader type instead of +20% XP gain for that subject type.
• Species traits that give bonuses or maluses to leader xp gain are now multiples of 10% not 25%.
• Technocracy now gives Expertise traits additional effects for scientists when governing planets/sectors.
• The effects of the Ruthless Competition council position now matches Memory Vaults
• The Khanate Successor origin now boosts military leaders
• The Lord High Admiral council position now gives increased naval capacity instead of increased commander xp gain
• The Minister of Defense and Head of Research are no longer mandatory council positions.
• The Minister of State can be removed by Reorganise Council Agenda.
• The Opinion lost with the Trader Enclaves for canceling a trade deal now scales with size of the deal.
• The traditions that previously gave -10% leader hire and upkeep costs for a given class (e.g. Science Division) now also increases the leader capacity for leaders of that class
• Aptitude Tradition adoption now gives Initial Leader Skill: +1 instead of +1 starting trait to leaders.
• Discovery, Domination, and Supremacy Traditions now increase initial skill level for leaders instead of decreasing upkeep and hire cost.
• Transcendent Learning leader XP gain modifier reduced to +25%
• Transcendent Learning now gives +2 Scientist Capacity
• Universal Transactions now gives +1 Official Capacity and +20% Commercial Pact Efficiency
• Updated five existing planet modifiers: Weak Magnetic Field, Strong Magnetic Field, Asteroid Belt, Natural Beauty, Bleak Planet
• You can only find one promising officer every two years.

⑤ AI
• The AI will no longer build habitats if they have an uncolonised habitat.
• The AI will prefer building habitats in systems with upgraded starbases unless they have the Void Dweller origin or the Voidborn AP.

⑥ Performance
• Added game rule for possible_precalc = can_fill_precursor_job
• Added define TRIGGERED_MODIFIER_UPDATE_DELAY, which lets us spread out calculations of triggered modifiers
• Fixed a case where country modifiers would continually recalculate every day

• Added new backgrounds for assembly and organic assembly.
• Added the ability to add an element to the event window specifying the event chain this event is part of
• Archaeological Sites and Astral Rifts mapicons are now colored depending on their exploration state
• Changed the leader cap indicator in the top bar to only display envoys.
• Fixed fleet command limit multipliers not appearing in tooltip if they add up to +100%.
• Improve and Harm Relations monthly values are now shown to two decimal places.
• Improved the tooltips for Agenda Progress.
• removed the notification for leader pool renova
• The leader list now shows the cap for each class
• The tooltip for Agenda Progress now shows modifiers to monthly agenda progress.
• Update the Main Flag button to show the name of the empire (and debug info if you're using Debug view)
• Added a subtitle to all longer event chains.
• Added Event Chain Subtitles for the five original precursors.
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Stellaris [Part 3/3]

⑧ Modding
• `num_leader_traits` now has a new filter `is_subclass = yes/no/any`
• Add `federation_modifier` and `triggered_federation_modifier` leader trait modifiers
• Add `galcom_modifier` and `triggered_galcom_modifier` leader trait modifiers
• Add `starbase_type` field for starbase components to show the correct text when a tech unlocks it and it's for orbital buildings
• Add alternate_civic_version to swap locked civics w/ authorities
• Add army_modifier and triggered_army_modifier to leader traits
• Add background_planet_modifier and triggered_background_planet_modifier to leader traits
• Add country_<type>_cap_add modifiers for specific leader class capacities
• Add fleet_modifier and triggered_fleet_modifier to leader traits
• Add new on_astral_rift_entered action
• Add piracy_protection_mult modifier
• Add set_completed_rifts command
• Add skill_<classname>_<task> static modifiers for each class and the "navy", "army", "planet_governor", "sector_governor" and "background_planet_governor" cases
• Add specialist_subject_conversion_time_mult modifier
• Added a debug ImGui view to the console - So long, and thanks for all the fish <3 (Editor's Note: @MonzUn thank you for all your hard work and best of luck with your new endeavours!)
• Added army_damage_empire_sprawl_penalty_mult modifier
• Added army_damage_taken_mult and army_morale_damage_taken_mult modifiers
• Added astral_rift_difficulty_add modifier
• Added can_spawn_astral_rift trigger
• Added council_legitimacy >= <value> country scope trigger to check an empire's council legitimacy.
• Added council_legitimacy trigger to check council legitimacy in script
• Added councilor_modifier, triggered_councilor_modifier and force_councilor_trait to leader traits and removed councilor_trait and is_councilor_trait_for_ruler.
• Added create_astral_rift effect
• Added distance_to_capital trigger
• Added dump_astralrifts command
• Added dynamic_capacity parameter to strategic resources
• Added export_modifier_duration_to_variable effect
• Added freeze_leader_age effect to allow leaders to stop aging
• Added in_place_of parameter to spawn_astral_rift
• Added in_place_of parameter to spawn_wormhole effect to use the coordinates of an existing spatial object
• Added inline scripts support for triggers
• Added is_assigned_to_galcom script trigger.
• Added is_bypass_type trigger
• Added leader_lifespan_mult modifier
• Added leader_starting_age_add, leader_starting_age_mult, ruler_starting_age_add, ruler_starting_age_mult, heir_starting_age_add, heir_starting_age_mult, and <leader class>_starting_age_add and <leader class>_starting_age_mult (for example commander_starting_age_mult)
• Added mod_<leader class>_lifespan_add and mod_<leader class>_lifespan_mult (ex: mod_scientist_lifespan_add)
• Added new modifiers for leader initial level
• Added on_build_queued and on_build_unqueued effects for mega structures
• Added on_truce_end on_action
• Added planet_max_branch_office_buildings_self_add empire modifier
• Added planet_non_artificial_max_buildings_add modifier
• Added refill_astral_rift_pool command
• Added research_sharing_mult modifier that increases the effectiveness of a country's research agreements.
• Added ruler_skill_add modifier to increase or decrease the effective level of an empire's ruler for the purposes of their council position modifiers.
• Added scripted triggers prefers_scientist_governors and prefers_commander_governors which determine the class of your homeworld governor on game start.
• Added sector_modifier and triggered_sector_modifier to leader traits.
• Added spawn_astral_scar effect
• Added spawn_beyond_gravity_well parameter to spawn_planet effect
• Added split_astral_scar and copy_survey_data scripted effects
• Added the is_site_locked = yes/no trigger for archaeology sites.
• Added the set_council_position_to_council script effect to place a council position in the council.
• Added trigger leader_lifespan to calculate leader lifespan depending on LEADER_LIFESPAN_DEATH_CHANCE_AGE, MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_ADD and MOD_LEADER_LIFESPAN_MULT. Updated script values referencing this define to use the trigger instead.
• Added triggered_system_modifier to leader traits.
• Added X_tech_cost_mult modifiers
• Armies can now have an army_modifier
• can_build_STATION_TYPE_around can now also have astral_rift as from scope
• country_leader_cap_add now increases the capacity for all leader classes
• create_message effect now has a recipient parameter to allow to have another recipient than the automatically resolved one
• create_mining_station and create_research_station now support deposit holder scopes
• create_pop effect now has a count parameter to spawn multiple pops at the same time
• created `can_be_assigned_to_federation` and `can_be_assigned_to_galactic_community` abilities for leader
• Created destroy_astral_rift effect
• Created is_astral_scar trigger
• Created on_astral_rift_exploration_complete on_action to count the number of explored astral rift
• Created set_next_astral_rift_event debug description to more easily keep track of events branching
• Events using the leader event window can now hide not allowed options using hide_option_if_not_allowed
• Fixed fleet scope command limit modifiers not being applied if the fleet doesn't have a leader.
• Fixed leader trait planet and system modifiers functioning identically to the regular modifiers.
• Fleet and megastructure modifiers from governor skill are only applied from unoccupied planets owned by the same country as the fleet/megastructure.
• Hiring / assigning councilors is now done based on a scripted value instead of hardcoded in the ai
• is_surveyed can now be used on astral rifts
• Leader trait planet_modifier and triggered_planet_modifier now support all leader types. Removed assist_research_planet_modifier.
• Leaders class no longer rely on a hard coded type, and are fully dynamic and based on leaders abilities and defined entirely in the class file
• Megastructures on_build_start/cancel/complete now use the constructing fleet as root if it's being built by a construction ship
• MetaScripts (Effects,Triggers,Values) can now substitute an argument by the value of another with $ARG1|ARG2$
• num_buildings effect now support's building category.
• on_destroying_station is now also called when an orbital station around an Astral Rift is destroyed
• Removed is_ruler and is_heir checks from leader potential add on traits, instead using the can_leader_get_normal_trait game rule.
• Removed some unused trait parameters.
• Removed the DLC lock on unlock_council_selection = yes
• Replace diplo_weight_envoys_mult and envoy_cohesion_effect_mult modifiers with diplo_weight_delegate_mult and delegate_cohesion_effect_mult
• Replaced subclass_background_icon and destiny_background_icon with background_icon.
• Replaced tenth_of_leader_lifespan script value with the more generic percent_of_leader_lifespan.
• Replaced the modifier leader_age with leader_lifespan_add.
• Replaced the required = yes/no parameter for council positions with the optional trigger in the country scope.
• Reworked has_envoy_task to work with any leader class
• Separate Scientist `can_research` into more granular capability definitions
• set_surveyed can now be used on astral rifts
• Situations can now have multiple title selected from triggers.
• SpawnWormhole effect now has a parameter graphics_entity_name to change graphics
• Updated leader trait documentation.

Please note that save file compatibility between versions is not guaranteed.

If you have an important game going, please back up the save file before trying to load the save in the new version.

If you experience crashing or other issues, first disable all mods and start a new save. If the issue persists, please report it on the Bug Report forums.
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Stellaris [Part 1/2]

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] ⇒ 3.10.1.
3.10.1 “Pyxis” Patch Notes

① Improvements
• Added Ctrl+A/D shortcuts to cycle through outliner tabs. Also added Ctrl+Q/W/E/R to switch to specific tabs. Added tooltips for them. These tooltips are currently in English regardless of language setting
• Clarified tooltip headers for governor traits.

② Bugfixes
• "The Seal" situation is aborted if you attack [ISPOILER]the formless[/ISPOILER]
• Added missing descriptions for multiple ship component categories (reactor, auras, combat computers)
• Added missing node xp modifiers to the Astral Planes civics for gestalt empires.
• AI empires with the Fruitful Partnership origin will stop opening seed pods on Holy Words only to get obliterated by angry fallen empires
• All types of priest jobs (e.g. high priests, numistic priests) now benefit from the additional trade value from the Dimensional Enterprise council position.
• Blocked Entrepreneur (Ambassador) trait for gestalt empires, fanatic purifiers, inward perfectionists and criminal syndicates
• Blocked the Charmer and Research Exchange traits for genocidal empires and inwards perfectionists
• Clarified that the First Contact civics give an increased chance to draw FTL travel technologies (English only)
• Corrected all versions of Sovereign Guardianship to have 150% Empire Size from systems
• Corrected draw weights for a number of leader traits
• Empires can no longer spawn with multiple ministers of defense under some cases, such as being The Chosen.
• Empires created via status quo peace deals will now correctly generate their council.
• Explicitly blocked trading of gestalt nodes (instead of them being implicitly blocked)
• Fixed 2 zroni digsites pointing to a deprecated title.
• Fixed a bug that allowed you to enact the "Dayside Farm" decision multiple times on a single planet.
• Fixed a case where the "Abandoned Star Platform" anomaly would leave the system's primary star without a deposit
• Fixed a case where the "Ion Trail" event would occasionally pick the same system it spawned in for the follow-up event
• Fixed a large number of planetary features that were providing incorrect bonuses due to changes with Mastery of Nature
• Fixed a typo in the event text for the "Blinding Grief" event
• Fixed calculations for determining trade values gained from slaves
• Fixed commanders wearing the wrong uniform on planetary assignments.
• Fixed crystal rift situations checking for the wrong amount of resources to validate approaches
• Fixed Crystal Sphere stolen events not using the correct texts and picture
• Fixed Crystal Sphere stolen events triggering when the crystal sphere situations are no longer active
• Fixed Dark Consortium displaying flag information in tooltip instead of the standard loc key for this situation
• Fixed Dark Consortium not locking the civic when being played from start
• Fixed Dark Matter Breakthrough agenda always stating it will locks the civic, even if it already is
• Fixed descriptions for Artisan Drones showing in district tooltips when none were present
• Fixed Eager Explorers giving two +50% chances to draw Improved Structural Integrity
• Fixed Efficient Staffing III applying the incorrect modifiers, leading to no sector modifiers.
• Fixed habitat and archaeology lab technologies missing increased chance to be drawn from being rare technologies
• Fixed hostile fleets being capable of crossing dimensional locks
• Fixed Imperial Heirs sometimes spawning with the incorrect initial level for their class.
• Fixed issue with concepts being offset for all languages using TTF (fonts)
• Fixed missing AI weights for some council positions
• Fixed missing localisation for Clone Army Commander traits
• Fixed outdated tooltips in diplomacy with Trader Enclaves
• Fixed some empires, such as Common Ground federation members or MSI, starting with duplicated council positions.
• Fixed some triggered modifiers from leader traits not being applied.
• Fixed starbases not inheriting modifiers from their country
• Fixed strange wormhole breaking existing wormhole in the same system if any when spawning
• Fixed that culled/reformatted nodes would not have a level 1 trait.
• Fixed that culling/reformatting the Regulatory Node would not create a new one.
• Fixed the "Dissolved" astral rift event leaving a ship stuck in an endless MIA loop
• Fixed the Archivist trait giving scientists additional levels
• Fixed the sector modifier for Ruthless Developer
• Fixed Tree of Life and Lithoid Crater deposits not providing all of their bonuses
• Fixed Urbanist trait displaying it was tier 1 and for any class when it is not a tiered trait and only for the Official
• For players without Galactic Paragons, Officials should no longer roll GalCom traits if you are not a member of the GalCom or Federation traits if you are not a member of a Federation
• Galactic Community Delegates now correctly multiply their diplomatic weight bonus by their level, instead of their level squared.
• If your capital is in the Formless home system, The Vacuum Flower relic now correctly grants you Astral Threads
• Made the first option in Black Hole Instability requiring Astral Threads instead of rewarding them
• Only leaders eligible for a specific council position should show up as potential recruits.
• Pre-Sapient pops no longer help you upgrade your capital buildings earlier.
• Prospector trait should no longer fire twice for Volatile Motes
• Removed Artisan Drone jobs from ringworld industrial segment if it is not set to factory designation.
• Removed reference to Imperial Heirs not having unity upkeep.
• Repaired Shattered Ringworlds now use the correct graphics
• Scrapping the warship in the "Adrift" event now correctly awards you Alloys instead of Minerals
• Scrapping the warship in the "Warship Destroyed" event now correctly awards you Alloys instead of Minerals
• Stopped certain events from accidentally adding anomalies or terraforming Astral Scars
• The Excavator trait no longer erroneously requires the Rift Sphere technology
• The formless don't talk to you lightly anymore if you become hostile
• The Geology Expert, Manufacturer, and Observer traits no longer state that they are Scientist traits
• The leader trait "Trader II" now correctly applies its effect to the whole sector
• The Manifesti's Head in the Clouds demand now checks for scientists on the council correctly
• The Mass Extinction Event Chain should work properly again.
• The plasmic species trait now has a slave cost of 2500 energy credits.
• The Scout trait no longer states it applies to military fleets for scientists
• The Tyznn Tithe trait is no longer possible to acquire by levelling up.
• The UNE will no longer spawn a third human empire to hang out with them for no reason.
• The Void Dweller initializing effects will no longer generate habitable worlds with no deposits.
• Updated the upgraded version of the Assembler trait to use the correct modifiers
• Vassalizing [ISPOILER]the formless[/ISPOILER] will now transfer their system to them if you happen to own it.
• Vibrant Storyteller is correctly marked as a Destiny trait for Scholars, not Explorers
• When loading a save, update some modifiers that previously weren't updated.
• You can now use the Astral Jump Astral Action if you have Psionic Jump Drives or Subspace Drives.
• [ISPOILER]zadigal[/ISPOILER] is now correctly fired if you declare war with [ISPOILER]the Formless[/ISPOILER] on their recruitment day
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Stellaris [Part 2/2]

③ Balance
• AI empires generated as part of the Common Ground and Hegemony origins now start with an additional Official to be assigned to the Federation
• Blocked empire rulers and imperial heirs from getting the Planar Theorist trait
• Commissioner subclass now increases stability from soldiers instead of providing additional soldier jobs
• Decreased the chance for leaders to get common governor traits if they do not have a governor subclass or are not governing
• Decreased the chance of leaders gaining job providing traits
• Detail-Oriented has been updated to be a Destiny trait for Scholars, instead of a Veteran trait
• Explorer subclass now has +1 Sensor Range
• Halved the effects of the Politician trait
• Having a Commander govern a planet or sector now provides soldier jobs
• Increased the chances of the Prospector trait to fire.
• Oppressive Autocracy now has the colony shelter building replace a colonist job with an enforcer job
• Policies that increase leader starting level now greatly increase leader hiring cost and upkeep cost.
• Rebalanced traits that affect research output from jobs while governing
• Reduced the magnitude of most governor modifiers.
• Removed the "can only get Council traits" restriction on rulers in Democracies, Oligarchies and MegaCorps. (For modders, this is using the is_autocracy scripted trigger)
• Replaced Champions of the Empire +1 Initial Leader Level with +1 Additional Trait
• Resources from Psionic Pops modifier now applies to latent psionic species.
• Reworked Driven Educator to instead provide +25% Leader XP gain
• Slightly decreased the bonuses from Custom AI Assistant and Sapient AI Assistant traits
• Slightly decreased the penalties from the Neurosis trait
• Soldier jobs now produce a small amount of base stability.
• Traits that give homeworld jobs now require leaders to be at least level 2
• You can no longer sell exceptional materials (astral threads and minor artifacts) to the AI.

④ AI
• Fixed AI assigning leaders to Galcom when it shouldn't be possible.

⑤ Stability
• Fix for crash when running unlock_council_slots effect.

⑥ UI
• Added text to system debug tooltip to separate the different lists of modifiers.
• Anomaly view "Research Time" label is hidden when the research time is hidden.
• Changed Change Scientist hotkey in Situation Log anomaly view to G.
• DLC list is now shown in the Cooperative game setup.
• Fixed empire creation UI remaining visible while ACB is open.
• Fixed layout of "no scientists" text in anomaly view.
• Fixed portrait frame appearing to the left of the anomaly UI if you have no science ships with scientists.
• Fixed portrait tooltip in anomaly view incorrectly saying that you can right-click to remove the leader.
• In the anomaly window, if you get a valid scientist while no scientist is selected, that scientist is automatically selected.
• In the anomaly window, the Change Scientist button is disabled if there is no valid scientist available.
• Updated the leader ethics tooltip to mention planetary and sector governor ethics attraction
• Fixed leader XP bar showing the wrong tooltip

⑦ Modding
• Added a init_effect field to spawn_natural_wormhole effect
• Added additional documentation to 00_base_classes.txt
• Moved events action.504 and .505 to event leader.200 and .201
• Removed initial_effect_custom_loc from agendas. The initial effect's tooltip is now directly built from the initial effect
• The link_wormholes effect can now be used on the bypass scope

We want to thank you again for your patience, and thank you for playing Stellaris!

Please note that save file compatibility between versions is not guaranteed. If you have an important game going you would like to finish, please back up the save file before trying to load it in the new version.

If you experience crashing or other issues, first disable all mods and start a new save. If the issue persists, please report it on the Bug Report forums.

⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ END ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎ ⛔︎
Post edited November 24, 2023 by surfer1260

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.10.1 ⇒ 3.10.2.

① Features
• Added custom tab functionality to the outliner

② Balance
• Paragon leader Nasuz Demetor is now reclassed as Scholar and only has one Destiny trait (Vibrant Storyteller)
• Payback Origin: the "Declining Healthcare" modifier acquired during the "Out Of Warranty" event chain is now automatically removed after 5 years
• The Agrarian Upbringing trait can now be gained by all leader classes
• The Agrarian Upbringing trait is less likely to be rolled if another leader has the trait
• The Architectural Interest trait can now be gained by both officials and scientists
• The Army Veteran trait can now be gained by both scientists and officials
• The Army Veteran trait is less likely to be rolled if another leader has the trait
• The Enlister trait has been moved from officials to commanders and now gives soldiers to the governed planet (tier 1) and sector (tier 2)
• The Entangled Dark Matter astral rift now completely overwrites the personalty of the selected scientist if they are not psionic
• The Environmental Engineering trait can now be gained by all leader classes
• The Environmental Engineering trait is less likely to be rolled if the leader's empire has the Environmentalist civic
• The Environmental Engineering trait now requires a blocker removal tech to be researched
• The Foreign Consciousness trait is now a destiny trait
• The Kaleidoscope now has a chance of appearing anytime after midgame starts, instead of always appearing at the start of midgame
• The Mining, Farming and Generator focus traits have moved from officials to commanders
• The Planetary Analyst destiny trait can now be gained by both commanders and scientists
• The Retired Fleet Officer trait can now be gained by both scientists and officials
• The Retired Fleet Officer trait is less likely to be rolled if another leader has the trait
• The Righteous trait can now be gained by both commanders and officials
• The Traumatized trait now negatively impacts Astral Rift Exploration Speed
• The Unifier trait is less likely to be rolled if another leader has the trait
• The Xeno-Mediator destiny trait can now be gained by all classes

③ Bugfixes
• Astral Rifts now appear as not leading to anywhere when the player's astral rift pool is empty
• Blocked commanders for end-game crisis factions having non-admiral traits
• Corrected draw weight for Shipbreaker trait
• Corrected modifiers on Agrarian Upbringing
• Corrected some trait names
• Correctly locked a number of Delegate GalCom focus traits to require the DLC that unlocks their resolution category
• Dimensional Locks now forbid access to countries without communications
• Fixed a number of opposite trait pairs not taking into account their levelled versions
• Fixed a visible trigger check in the first contact description for Amoebas and Crystalline Entities
• Fixed all leaders in imperial empires using the regnal namelists instead of only the ruler and heir
• Fixed an error in the "Out of Warranty" event chain that occasionally left you stuck with a permanent "Declining Healthcare" modifier
• Fixed Ancient Rampart not applying its modifiers correctly
• Fixed astral rifts exploration UI getting locked when all narratives had been explored
• Fixed dimensional dump astral rift sometimes creating a leader with no name
• Fixed Dimensional Shrine not being buildable in Terminal Egress system
• Fixed discoveries tab not being displayed when tabs order has been customized
• Fixed heirs being able to have planar theorist trait despite not being capable of exploring astral rifts
• Fixed leader age staying frozen after leaving an Astral Rift
• Fixed missing 0 on Collaborator II's sector modifier
• Fixed outliner sometimes opening the astral rift view on the wrong rift when clicking on a ship exploring an astral rift
• Fixed reformating regulatory node agenda for machine empires
• Fixed Revolutionary Medi-Gel not affecting Pharma State civic production for Medical Workers
• Fixed ship build cost modifiers not being applied
• Fixed starting gestalt nodes not benefiting from initial leader level modifiers
• Fixed the Numistic Administration species trait
• Fixed the right-click menu not appearing for archaeology sites
• Fixed some modifiers with a multiplier not being applied
• Fixed the Surveyor relic trying to fire an effect on a habitat orbital when none exists
• The Ancient Ramparts Starbase Module now mentions what modifiers it has to Defense Platforms
• The astral rifts now correctly check for Chosen One traits in addition to the Psionic trait
• The empire created by the Animator of Clay now correctly spawns their council
• The Factory Focus trait is no longer blocked for gestalts, but instead checks that they have a use for consumer goods instead (ie it is valid for Rogue Servitors)
• The Sensor Array Power Surge event can no longer target Astral Scars, planets with deposits or planets that have a habitat orbital
• Updated science nexus events to check for renowned and legendary paragon scientists

④ Stability
• Mac crash fix (one of threads run out of the stack mem by alloca in a loop)
• Workaround for rare crash when rendering empire borders

⑤ Performance
• Fixed performance issues caused by outliner notification.

⑥ AI
• When adding council positions, AI will prioritize Head of Research, Minister of Defense and Minister of State if it doesn't have them

⑦ Modding
• Added @anti_synergy_weight_mult scripted variable for leader trait weights
• Added ai_priority to councilor type
• Added background_planet scope for leaders
• Added has_blocker_removal_tech scripted trigger
• Added Ship Class modifiers for armor and shield hardening, `shipclass_<class>_armor_hardening_add` and `shipclass_<class>_shield_hardening_add`

This release does not yet have fixes for two Linux issues, but we have workarounds for two of them:
• If you are crashing on startup, players have reported that starting Steam, disabling the internet, then loading the game bypasses the issue. Internet can be reenabled afterwards.
• If you are crashing while hosting a multiplayer game on Ubuntu 20.04, switching to Cross Platform multiplayer appears to resolve the issue. It is also not present on Ubuntu 22.04.

Players have also reported issues with certain event leaders missing traits and envoys convincing themselves they're real people, these will be fixed in 3.10.3.

Outliner Customization
In 3.10.2, we've added the ability to fully customize your Outliner tabs. In your Outliner Options, there is now a toggle for Custom Outliner Tab, which will let you select any elements you wish to show on that particular tab. This should allow you to set up your tabs however you desire, including putting everything on a single tab or duplicating the same information across different tabs if you wish. (For example, if you want a "Peace" and "War" tab, with different information or sorting.)

So What's Next?
We're continuing to focus on stability and bugfixing for the next few weeks.

3.10.3 is planned for next week, and we plan on continuing the pattern of releasing the build early as an Open Beta while it's undergoing certification.

3.10.4 is expected the week after that, and will include translated localization for the various changes made in the first three patches. (As well as further bugfixing as needed.)

And After That?
The 3.11 "Eridanus" update in 2024Q1 will focus on stability, AI, and balance.

We're planning on running a balance related Open Beta over the holidays to collect feedback regarding some experiments around Research.
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.10.2 ⇒ 3.10.3.
3.10.3 "Pyxis" Patch Notes

① Improvements
• Now ‘New Entries’ notification on the outliner tabs is cleared, even when switching between tabs using keyboard shortcuts.
• Ulastar is now an advisor
• Vas the Gilded is now an ambassador

② Balance
• Pre-FTLs in Federation's End now have their technological progress frozen

③ Bugfixes
• Fixed a number of event or paragon leaders not being generated with the correct traits
• Fixed envoys passively gaining XP
• Fixed missing subtitle for Scout trait
• Pre-FTL Empires will now have a fully functional council when they ascend to the stars.
• Released Vassals will now have a fully functional council when released.

④ Stability
• Fix crash on startup for Linux (including Steam Deck).
• Fix crash related to modifiers of recently destroyed empires updating
• Fixed crash when surveying a planet that was just removed from the map

⑤ UI
• Removed some empty space in the topbar

⑥ Modding
• Added moddable_conditions_custom_tooltip parameter to civics modification statement to allow displaying a custom requirement key when no condition has been specified
• Fixed civics modifications statements not always (not) allowing the correct civic changes
• Improved error logging to know which federation perk is invalid

We currently have plans for another update this cycle with some more fixes, including an AI fix to encourage them to recruit an appropriate number of scientists.
Edit: wrong thread.
Post edited December 07, 2023 by ConsulCaesar
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.10.3 ⇒ 3.10.4.

[Complete patch notes containing the announcement of the upcoming Technology Open Beta.]

① Balance
• Significantly reduced the yearly chance for leaders to gain negative traits.
• Due to player feedback, the Micromanager negative trait for Commanders now increases fleet upkeep instead of reducing command limit.
• The Lethargic negative trait for Commanders now also reduces fleet upkeep.
• The Nervous negative trait for Commanders now also increases disengagement chance.
• Having the Antagonistic Diplomatic Stance will now appease your factions asking for you to have a Strong Diplomatic Stance.

② Bugfixes
• Added some failsafes to generate council positions and gestalt nodes in various edge cases where they weren't created or disappeared
• Clarified reformed tooltip for Dark Consortium civics
• Declining to Hunt for the Hyacinth should now correctly remove the event chain.
• Fix Astral Harvesting not available for heavily conquering empires
• Fixed a typo in the pre-FTL Provide Technology Tooltip.
• Fixed Civics not swapping to their alternative when switching Governments
• Fixed missing loc for the Fear of the Dark Admiral trait
• Fixed the Accelerated Time Astral Planes Modifier having a description for a title.
• Removed a redundant tooltip from the Synthetic Evolution event
• Ruler clothing selection in the empire designer is now respected
• Some planet modifiers that were getting incorrectly applied twice should now only be applied once.
• Updated the All Crisis Strength tooltip to accurately state that it doubles the strength of each subsequent crisis.
• Your ice miners will no longer make your Mercenaries homeless if they happened to have built their base above an ice asteroid.

③ AI
• AI Empires will now be more willing to hire leaders for their science ships as long as they believe they can afford the Unity upkeep.

④ UI
• Fixed XP not being shown in XP bar tooltip for gestalt rulers and councilors.

⑤ Modding
• collapsable_leader_container should now calculate the correct height no matter the amount of horizontal slots.
• Fixed lock_country scope change incorrectly stating that the output scope was a bypass, when it is actually a country

Barring unexpected developments, we consider the 3.10 “Pyxis” release stable at this point, and the 3.11 “Eridanus” update is the next expected release - currently planned for 2024Q1. As mentioned in an earlier dev diary, 3.11 “Eridanus” will be focused primarily on general bugfixing and stability.
Post edited December 14, 2023 by surfer1260
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.10.4 ⇒

[The complete patch notes are here.]

① Feature
• Difficulty Adjusted Technology Costs slider added to galaxy generation. This slider adjusts technology costs based on tier and game difficulty.

② Improvements
• Added notification message when new pop settles in zeya (Gaia planet in azilash)
• Added the Seedom system.
• Allowed conversion between Sovereign Guardianship and Corporate Protectorate civics
• Dimensional Locks now forbid access to countries without communications
• Every participant in a war now gets a truce with the others after it ends, even if they were on the same side
• If you have a colony in a system when pre-FTLs become space faring you can apologize and annex them
• Progenitor Hive speed malus and bonuses now only affect military ships, removing the need of science ship escorts
• Technology and Tradition costs are now distinct sliders in galaxy setup
• The Anglers civic now swaps to Trawling Operations if you reform your government into a megacorp and vice versa
• The Eager Explorers civic now swaps to Privatized Exploration if you reform your government into a megacorp and vice versa
• The Eager Explorers, Privatized Exploration and Exploration Protocols civics can be removed and readded after researching Jump Drives. The Stargazers civic cannot be removed as it is linked to the species trait of the same name
• The Foreign Consciousness trait is now a destiny trait
• When the Khan awakens the event will now properly have a go to button
Gangsters should no longer assassinate Chosen Ones or Legendary leaders
If a Zombie or Nerve Stapled pop manages to lie on their resume and become a specialist or ruler they should be demoted much faster
Xenophobic leaders are now half as likely to accept brainslugs while Xenophilic ones are twice as likely to accept them
Improved spawning logic for anomalies that clear deposits to not spawn on planets with strategic resources
• Added the old AI crisis diplomatic room to the list of selectable diplomatic rooms
• Rearranged the room selector priorities so that AI empires shouldn't lose special diplomatic rooms
---• Set the old AI crisis diplomatic room to be used by Determined Exterminators
---• Set the "scrappy room" to be used by the Ketlings
---• Set the "gilded room" to be used the AI overlord for the Imperial Fiefdom origin
---• Set the "organic room" to be used by Devouring Swarms

③ Performance
• Improved speed of AI checking whether it should send subjugation offers
• Various performance improvements

Release notes marked in italic were made with the assistance of our modding community. Special thanks to Ariphaos, Fireprince, Risa, alexrider903, ECHO, Roverstorm, jasonpepe, SirBlackAxe, Glavius, Salvor, OldEnt, Harain, and The24thDS for making Stellaris a better game.

Please note that save file compatibility between versions is not guaranteed. If you have an important game going in a previous version, please back up the save file before trying to load the save in 3.11.1.

If you experience crashing or other issues, first disable all mods and start a new save. If the issue persists, please report it on the Bug Report forums.
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] ⇒

① Balance
• The Opener for Domination now gives +5% Worker Output and +5% Slave Output instead of +10% Slave Output so Egalitarians and Xenophiles aren’t sad.
• Versatility Operational Proxies now gives +1 Unity production to Maintenance Drones so that Rogue Servitors aren't left out.
• Decreased the cost to study (-25%) and pacify (-40%) space fauna.

② Bugfixes
• Ensure dead leaders are properly removed from their location so that new leaders can replace them.
• Fixed Federation Emissaries and GalCom Delegates not assigning correctly and not being replaceable when dead.
• Acquiring the Colonization Drones from the Chemical Wasteland Astral Rift will no longer lead to discovering Noxious Swamps (or other natural blockers) on Habitats (or other planets that shouldn't support these blockers)
• Corrected Adaptability Enhanced Recycling tooltip listing a 10% reduction instead of the 15% reduction.
• Corrected the finisher effect for Domination giving -15% Empire Size from Pops in some cases
• The finisher for Diplomacy now correctly says it gives +10% Diplomatic Weight instead of +10 Diplomatic Weight
• Fixed an issue where the "On the Origins of Nanites" special project didn't spawn.
• The Chosen will now declare a war of Cleansing on whoever breaches their wormhole
• Fixed habitat capital buildings given the wrong number of defensive armies
• Mining districts on machine worlds should no longer claim to give scrap miner drone jobs
• Fixed anomaly.7200 having repeated flags in their switch.
• Cartographer II and Cartographer III are now correctly recognised as councilor traits
• Fixed modifiers to mining and research station upkeep incorrectly attempting to reduce the upkeep of the planet they were orbiting
• Science ship auto explore feature with astral rifts sometimes skipped unexplored ones
• Fixed the icon for the Great Researcher trait
• Fixed Holy Covenants not giving High Priest jobs in some cases
• The Shallash system will now spawn properly again.
• You will no longer be able to engage in pre-FTL diplomacy with pre-FTLs not within your borders
• Homicidal empires will now properly annex pre-FTLs that are foolish enough to become space faring.
• Bio-trophies are no longer affected by Noxious Twice.
• Fix lack of evasion on sapient torpedo comp.

③ UI
• Fixes the background selector for rulers being set incorrectly in the leader category of the background selectors

④ AI
• Fixed AI leaving federations only if the federation has 2 members or the AI empire's type is unplayable.
• Fixed AI never asking to leave Hegemony federations.

⑤ Stability
• Fixed potential CTD in quantum catapult rendering
• Fixed crash upon startup that could be caused by write-protected user directory.
• Fixed CTD that sometimes happens when finishing species modification.
• Fixed CTD when using console command dump_event_data and the output file is not writable
• Fixed CTD in leader names after loading a savegame
• Fixed CTD that may occur when updating diplomacy for countries without diplomacy

⑥ Modding
• Added FEDERATION_DISBAND_THRESHOLD and FEDERATION_DISBAND_PLAYER_THRESHOLD defines, which define the AI's threshold for leaving a federation if it would be disbanded.
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] ⇒

① Improvement
• The Plasmic trait can now be removed from species if you want to clean up your species tab.

② Bugfixes
• Fixed global ship designs country type restriction so awakened empires are not allowed to use ai transports
• Fixed refugees happening every day instead of every 90-180 days
• Fixed secondary species in random empires not having a habitability trait.
• Fixed the Abandoned Gateway event not taking into account ruined gateways from the Galatic Doorstep and Imperial Fiefdom origins
• Fixed the accidental nerf to Civilian difficulty
• Fixed the Luminary Bloodline not being inherited
• Fixing council positions not being kept for Gestalt Consciousness empires after adding civics.
• Made removal of expired leader from leader pool only happen on refresh
• S875.1 Warform no longer disappears from leading their ship
• The Grave Guardians will no longer trap you in an infinite first contact loop.
• The Kaleidoscope no longer double dips in your income from trade
• The Parvus event chain will no longer end too early removing all in progresses special projects.
• Updated some text on the Galactic Community UI that was still referring to envoys instead of Delegates
• Various anomalies and dig site events no longer try and give leaders the Hyper Focus trait if they already have it, instead they level the trait up.
• Fixed a crash from Situation progress.

Please note save compatibility is not guaranteed between versions. Should you experience bugs or other issues, please first create a new, unmodded save and see if the issues persist. If the issues persist on a new unmodded save, please make a bug report!
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] ⇒ 3.12.1.

Full Changelog
3.12.1 "Andromeda" Features

• Added a button to resync/wait for a resync to the Multiplayer Out of Sync dialog
• Added the ability to select to continue playing as another empire after game over

① Improvements
• Managers, Priests and Telepaths now automatically inherit _add modifers from Bureaucrats in addition to _mult modifiers
• The Rackets and Ketlings are now related.
---• The Ketlings no longer need Mind over Matter to undertake Psionic Ascension
---• The Rackets are now cyborgs with the trading algorithms trait
⯈ More Machine Improvements:
• Machine and Robot Uprisings have a chance to spawn as Individualistic Machines (requires The Machine Age)
• Undergoing synthetic ascension now grants species the robot version of various origin linked species traits
• Robots and Machines now have the option to select genders. (Indeterminate remains an option.)
• Machine Intelligences no longer suffered from additional empire size from colonies
• Machine Worlds:
---• Jobs on Machine Worlds are doubled if you have the Machine World AP
---• Machine Worlds have a new Coordinator District
⯈ Fallen Empire Improvements:
• The Fallen Materialist empire now uses cybernetic portraits for owners of The Machine Age
• The Fallen Materialist empire's primary species will now have the Cybernetic trait
• The Fallen Spiritualist empire's primary species will now have the Psionic trait

② Bugfixes
• Fixed median preferred attack range being calculated incorrectly.
• Now cannot start fleet upgrade if you can't afford it outright and your balance for the missing resources is not strictly positive
• Homicidal Empires will no longer get the Spiteful Leader trait since they can not have rivals.
• The Princeps Drone trait should no longer improve regular pop output.
• Added a tooltip to inform the player why some scientists might not be able to be assigned to the council
• ancrel.10 now has a working title
• Fixed a spelling error in Lost Junker
• Mega-Engineering no longer shows the Quantum Catapult as an unlock
• The ship previewer in empire creation now uses the same lighting as the ship designer
• All namelists should now have fallback generic names for army types
• Warplings now use the correct localisation for their army name
• Fixed numerous Negative Mass bugs
• Fixed an event referring to the Animator of Clay as the Architect of Clay
• Fixed a blank line sometimes showing up on some species trait tooltips
• Kaleidoscope event chain: fixed Kaleidoscope occasionally spawning in fallen empires
• Kaleidoscope event chain: the "Wonder Sphere" can only be built once
• The fully upgraded Dyson Sphere is now hidden from the Megastructure outliner unless you can upgrade it to the Wonder Sphere
• Fixed global ship designs country type restriction so awakened empires are not allowed to use ai transports
• Made removal of expired leader from leader pool only happen on refresh
• Restoring a ruined orbital ring should no longer use Megastructure build capacity
• Addded a fallback case for distar.1 if you have no valid neighbors.
• Fixed system not being annexed in total war if its planets are occupied by other empires in other wars.
• Invading the Solarpunk Empire with troops will now properly get them to yell at you.
• Marauder fleets can now go to systems that are only reachable through bypasses.
• Enigmatic Cache can now go to systems that are only reachable through bypasses.
• Caravaneers can now go to systems that are only reachable through bypasses.
• Upkeep for jobs that provide pop assembly no longer state "Pop Assembly Upkeep but instead use scripted loc to fetch the job name
• Statospheric Vents now properly have a description
• Fixed some army modifiers from governors' traits not being applied.
• Fixed the modifier for the Unifier trait only applying to unity from administrator jobs instead of unity from all jobs
• Fixed the Ion Cannon having the wrong muzzle flash
• Added checks to ensure the Chosen only declare on valid empires
• Corrected some auto-assignment weights for worker jobs when near a deficit
• Corrected the Psionic and Latent Psionic species traits using each others' icons
• Fixed a COUNTRY_RESOURCE oos happening on the next month change after a hotjoin
• Fixed a crash when switching between countries while in observer mode with the Leader View open.
• Fixed a typo that was causing issues with AI leader assignment
• Fixed a Void Dweller Prosperity tradition having an outdated tooltip
• Fixed missing ORs in the AI weights for Defender of the Galaxy
• Fixed revolts sometimes generating illegal empires
• Fixed some typos in the triggers for colony types
• Fixed the tooltip for recruiting a curator scientist
• Lithoid farmers will no longer abandon their jobs if they live in an empire that uses food
• Planets depopulated by Clone Army pops dying off from lack of Clone Vats should no longer permanently be rendered as having 0% habitability
• Reduced the chance for Galactic Doorstep empires to find Skrand from 91% to 33% for your starting gateway and 67% for other repaired gateways
• The Princeps Drone trait should no longer improve regular pop output.
• The Quantum Catapult can now be correctly researched and built before researching Mega-Engineering, which is only required for the final stage
• The Shallarian System will now spawn just out of reach of the Xenophobic Fallen Empire's reach.
• Your empire will no longer part with irreplaceable science ships such as the Vivairum no matter how much the Caravaneers ask.
• The uplifted species trait will no longer mention being a pre-FTL.
• Situation log and anomaly entries should no longer have part of their border missing when hovering over them.
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.12.1 ⇒ 3.12.2.
3.12.2 Patch Notes

① Bugfixes
• Added additional checks to prevent fully virtual pops from being created on the lathe
• Fix for Hive Mind background unaligned
• Fixed Sectors released by Individualist Machines having the wrong ethics
• Fixed virtual pops sometimes being created while planets are being colonised
• Fixed weapon and strike craft range calculations in ship behavior.
• If an active relic gets removed the relic cooldown is now reset.
• The paradox titan will now appear correctly in the ship view
• Updated Resort Workers, Clerks and Cyberdome Spectators to have trade preference for auto-modding
• Uplifted species will now always have their required traits
• Blocked Cosmogenesis empires from becoming custodian
• Fix for pause being completely blocked in MP forcing the player to rehost
• Fixed cybercreed pops not being able to grow if every pop on the planet was spiritualist
• Fixed non-spiritualist pops in cybercreed empires sometimes having their augmentation bazaars traits removed
• Fixed Determined Exterminators starting with too many planetary features on their homeworld
• Hired fleets are now able to properly enter Cetana's territory once the projects have been researched.
• Inwards Perfection now provides Pop Assembly Speed to Individual Machines
• Megastructures should now correctly hide resources unless they are making use of them.
• The Progressive Growth agenda now gives progress on Machine Template System for individualist machines
• Trait Integrated Weaponry for cyborgs requires The Machine Age DLC

② Balance
• The Progressive Growth agenda now gives progress on Artificial Workforce without needing Powered Exoskeletons

③ Stability
• Civic tooltip CTD fix
• Fix CTD when resync has occured with a player in system view using certain graphical assets
• Fixed CTD after resync
• Fixed CTD in planetview timed modifier tooltip.
• Fixed potential crash in resettlement view tooltips
• Fixed rare crash in planet view
• Fixed crash when buying subscription from the additional content browser.
• Fixed CTD in traits effect tooltip
• Fixed CTD when aborting the construction of Synaptic Lathe

④ AI
• Fixed building type AI weight calculations

⑤ Modding
• Added range_components to ship behaviors, which specifies which components to use for range calculations.

Please note that save file compatibility between major versions is not guaranteed.

If you have an important game going you would like to finish, back up the save file before trying to load it in the new version.
Post edited January 31, 2025 by surfer1260
Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.12.3 ⇒
[Dev Team] 3.12.4 Hotfix patch released


A hotfix patch is now available via Steam, addressing a crash affecting some players trying to start a new game in 3.12.3.

• Fixed a crash where the user directory could not be accessed by the game if the file path included certain characters

Thanks for playing Stellaris, and apologies for the inconvenience!