It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Elik_Kione: I have an old version V1.330.5 How do I get this latest update via GOG/GOG Galaxy?

Your version is the latest available on GOG, the ones after are Steam updates. Anyway the new latest update should arrive soon on GOG (asked in game Discord server).

pen311: 6/13/2023

Update 1.400.0
pen311: 6/28/2023

Huge optimization update, part one - v1.500.0
pen311: 6/29/2023

Extensive optimization package, part two - v1.501.0
Please @pen311 don't keep posting Steam updates cause it creates confusion. GOG updates should be posted when effectively they are here...
Post edited June 29, 2023 by Skess01
Patron v1.501.0 now available
GOG Galaxy and Offline Installer
Post edited June 30, 2023 by Skess01
Big thanks @ pen311 for posting the change logs here!
Bigger thanks @pen311 if you'll post changelogs here when really available on GOG :)

Update to 1.700.0

Changelogs from SteamDB (with slight adaptation):


Fixes before the big update

Hello Patrons

Last fixes before the big update:

• Continue button fix
• Only one notification fix
• Model Optimizations – more improvements


Celebrating two year release anniversary with awesome update and hefty discount!

Hi honorable Patrons!

In a few days we'll celebrate the two year anniversary of Patron release. A lot has been changed, expanded and improved during this time and we're happy majority of players appreciate this continuous effort to make the experience ever more enjoyable. Heck, a lot of ideas came directly from you so big thanks for supplying us with such a nice amount of inspiration!

So, for the occassion, we've naturally prepared some nice surprises:

Central element of today's update is the addition of „Creative“ game mode. This has been requested numerous times by so many of you, so it's here now. When you start the New game you'll be prompted to choose between two game modes – Sandbox and Creative. First is basically the original game mode that existed from before: All game rules apply, players faces challenges with securing resources, balancing societal issues, tackling problems and disasters, forces the way ahead through resources and everything else connected to selected game difficulty.

Creative mode is a special game mode that OPENS EVERYTHING to players. Entire research tree is available from the start, ALL RESOURCES ARE INFINITE, Citizens will always spaws in sufficient numbers, access to all buildings is open and so on… you get the picture. This mode is for anyone wishing to simply spend some time playing the role of ultimate medieval urbanist. If you were a mayor of a medieval city, with limitless resources and logistics – what kind of marvelous city would you create? Only sky is the limit…

We hope you'll enjoy this new dimension of Patron, and that you'll go wild building impressive urban fantasies. We'll be happy to take a look at what you come up with. Feel free to share it on our Discord.

Another important thing in this update is the introduction of „automatic jobs board“. This means you can now check this option on ingame jobs board and all jobs will be automatically populated depending on available citizen numbers, stage of building upgrades and current city requirements.

More detailed list of v1.610.0 content:

• ADDED: Second game mode: Creative mode with unlimited resources and people, as well as all researches and buildings unlocked
• ADDED: Jobs board now has „automatic“ option
• ADDED: Several new flags for players to choose from
• UPDATED: Another batch of 3D models optimized for faster performance
• UPDATED: Trees in orchards now use different drawing system aimed at increased game performance
• UPDATED: Visual improvements on water wells
• FIXED: Hitting ESC button in main menu doesn't initiate save loading anymore
• FIXED: Error disabling more then one on screen notification is removed. All notifications are now clearly visible
• FIXED: Numerous corrections to text in several languages

Hope you'll like the contents of this update! Thank you for following us in this two year journey, and see you on next update!

Enjoy and have fun!
Overseer Games


Pressing on - update 1.700.0

Hello Patrons!

In recent days following our extensive update and significant increase in active player numbers, we've also received a number of suggestions and possible bug reports. Today's update responds to these requests, at least to ones we've already confirmed and can react to quickly. Thanks to everyone communicating with us on forums and sending us valuable data for pinpointing the areas of improvements!

These are the elements for today's update, and we're throwing ourselves at work for the next one:

• FIXED: All chopped and prepared wood will now be properly picked up and taken to warehouses in a timely manner
• UPDATED: When upgrading a trading dock, autotrade list will be properly refreshed
• FIXED: Harbour trade list glitch where manual value input is being duplicated to scrolled resources is now removed
• FIXED: Distillery production building now updates correct upkeep resources when switching production output
• FIXED: Few ingame panels that were previously displayed visually incorrectly
• FIXED: Several text typos in new game starting panels
• OPTIMIZED: Another batch of foliage models heavily optimized for faster rendering

Hope it makes your playtime even more enjoyable!
Until next update,
Overseer Games

Post edited August 03, 2023 by Skess01

Update to 1.900.0

Changelogs from SteamDB:


Story questline addition + another targeted optimization pack

Hello Patrons!

Fall is fast approaching, and to alleviate the boredom of long rainy days, we've been preparing to add another update to Patron. This time it's mainly focused on new content elements.

Let's get straight into the details of it: First of all, biggest addition in this update is opening up a long questline that will start relatively early in the game and ask players to fulfill tasks asked by the King. Basically, the mainland Kingdom gets involved in a costly and long war alongside its borders. To successfully turn the tide of the conflict, they will need all the help they can get, and your thriving colony will get a chance to step up and offer assistance, in terms of steady stream of supplies or trained troops.

Everything you've been building in your colony in the new land will now get a chance to become an important asset in helping your mainland bretheren fending off the hostile invasion. If your city/colony is strong enough to offer that assistance, you'll prove once and for all that you were the right choice to lead the settlement and King's faith in you was justified all along.

In economical terms, all you'll be required to keep sending assistance when asked for is to secure sufficient production and ensure specific surpluses for resources your mainland is missing at a specific points of the conflict. On the other side, if you're asked for fresh troops directly, you'll have to build a barracks and train required amount of troops.

Besides story questline, another element of this update is another batch of optimizations, this time affecting your citizens, how their simulations are calculated and presented. In our internal tests new system yielded some noticeable gains in performance, depending on specific hardware and overall citizen numbers in your city.

Lastly, today's update brings several bugfixes that correct some annoying bugs our players have been reporting in recent weeks.


• ADDED: Campaign questline and linked worldmap
• ADDED: New available building - Barracks
• OPTIMIZATION: reworked system governing citizen background simulations
• FIXED: Possible CTD during reloading on specific maps eliminated
• FIXED: Trade panel won't suddenly open and close when you click on Dock icon (if Dock icon is below Cancel icon on panel)
• FIXED: Numerous corrections to texts in different languages

Hope you'll enjoy the new content! Until the next update, you're welcome to leave your comments, reactions, any feedback or suggestions - on either Steam forums or our Discord channel. We're there regulary and ready to help out!

Keep governing!

Post edited November 03, 2023 by Skess01

Update to 1.902.0

Changelogs from SteamDB:


Getting both the lack and excess of population under control - Update 1.902.0

Greetings Patrons!

According to numerous reactions from many of you, and what troubles can arise in longer gameplay sessions, we’ve decided to pack together numerous modifications to game features impacting two of the most prominent problems some players are encountering - the lack or slow growth of the population, or the opposite situation with these numbers snowballing after a while.

General idea was to boost the possible population growth in earlier stages of the game, and slow it down after certain number of ingame years. At the same time, tweaks have been also made to system managing the speed with which resources are distributed around your city.

Changing any of these numbers in a full game featuring so many interlinked numbers and calculations was rather tricky, but from all the testing we've done, it should work properly and as intended. If you notice any weird consequences, please do let us know so we can adjust it more if needed.

Let’s go over the list of changes for this update:


• MODIFIED: Movement speed of dedicated carriers (in jobs board) is increased by 10%
• MODIFIED: After 20 and 40 ingame years, carrier speed is increased by further 4%
• MODIFIED: When production building requires a critical resource, carrier will go pick it up even if drop off distance is further away
• MODIFIED: If some resource is very abundant in warehouse, carriers will pick up larger quantity for delivery then usual
• MODIFIED: Road signs increase road travel speed by additional 2% after 20 ingame years
• MODIFIED: After 20 ingame years, and once city gets much bigger, number of required dedicated carriers is slightly increased
• MODIFIED: in first several years of your colony, 2-4 additional colonists will arrive to your city per year
• MODIFIED: if your colony exceeds 1000 citizens, natural birthrate will slow down after ingame year 40, then 60, then 80 again, further reducing snowball effect

With all these changes, it should be easier to start your colony and manage its growth in first critical years. After that, once you get to later stages of the game, sudden overpopulation and strain on already established production chains should be easier to control.

Hope it will further improve your experience and help you build sustaining and long lasting medieval colony!

Govern on!

Update to 1.904.0 - [2024-05-13]

Changelogs from SteamDB -

Pre-summer upgrade – update 1.904.0

Greetings Patrons!

In line with announcement from a few days ago, we're releasing next Patron update today! Work was done in several areas from continuous optimizations, bugfixes and additions of a few quality of life and useability perspectives.

To dive deeper and find more room for performance gains, we've performed a very lenghty testing sessions to monitor the hardware stress and deduce when and why stress is increased. In this instance, particular emphasis was put to find a way to bring optimizations that could impact lower-end GPU's.

Acording to results we've been getting, performance (especially in lower end hardware) should be more consistent now, shouldn't have significant drops with hundreds of citizens and hundreds of buildings, and occassional issue where frame dropped during ingame winter time should be resolved now.

At the same time, while diving deep, we've also identified some areas that could increase performace even more, but more extensive changes will need to be made. That's something we'll include in more future updates.

We've also fixed several bugs you've reported with stock panel, numerous notification errors and visual glitches.

Lastly, selection for several frequent keyboard layouts has been completed too.

List of notable update elements:

• FIXED: Stock panel – when resources are sorted by quantity, selected resource won't randomly change when numerical value changes
• FIXED: Shadows for numerous objects are now rendered properly at intended level of distance. They will not disappear prematurely
• FIXED: Fake notifications, especially for lacking housing, won't appear anymore
• ADDED: Choice between QWERTY, AZERTY and QWERTZ keyboard layouts
• OPTIMIZED: Very extensive optimization of all free Halloween DLC 3D models
• OPTIMIZED: 3D models of all buildings and trees in Mare Nostrum DLC improved
• OPTIMIZED: Several tree models in Patron base game
• OPTIMIZED: Transport wagons 3D models for all farms highly optimized
• OPTIMIZED: Text renderings in many panels improved and made less hardware demanding
• OPTIMIZED: During winter times, frame drop should be eliminated

May your experience be smoother then ever. We have more in store for future updates, so keep us informed of your experiences!

Enjoy and govern on!
Overseer Games


Update to 1.906.0 - [2024-07-29]

Changelogs from SteamDB: -


Hot summer update – v1.906.0

Hello Patrons,
This long summer is relentless (at least where we are), but here is something to make your gaming days a bit more interesting!

In this summer update for Patron, we've finally „broke the code" and introduced research stacking, a feature frequently requested by you. For some reason, it kept giving us troubles but it's sorted now and you can finally set multiple reseraches to be researched in given order. If you already know the technology path you wish to take, this should make your life easier.

Another frequently asked detail is addition of open mini map right at the start of the game when you're selecting a spot for your Town center. Now you can have a neat overview of surrounding area to choose from where you want to start building your city, relative to resources, shores and any other geographical feature you deem important.

Content wise, there is an expansion of various sculptures and statues in decoration section. This should be useful once you reach a level of wealth that simply needs to be shown to everyone.

Part of this update is also few more optimization thingies, mainly model optimizations and shader tweaks.

A batch of bug fixes and language patches of various scope is ofcourse mandatory with every update, so we didn't skip it this time either.

Hope your Patron experience will get another enhancement with this update!


• ADDED: Additional 5 decoration busts
• ADDED: Additional 5 decoration statues
• ADDED: Research stacking – you can now initiate a stack of technologies to be researched in sequential order
• ADDED: Mini map will now be shown when you're placing a Town center at the game start
• UPDATED: Additional optimization of several shaders
• UPDATED: Additional optimization of several 3D models
• FIXED: Text correction on First King mission
• FIXED: Fixed italian language
• FIXED: Numerous smaller bugs

Have a pleasant July, and until next time!
Overseer Games
