Update to 1.904.0 - [2024-05-13]
Changelogs from SteamDB -
Pre-summer upgrade – update 1.904.0 Greetings Patrons! In line with announcement from a few days ago, we're releasing next Patron update today! Work was done in several areas from continuous
bugfixes and additions of a few
quality of life and useability perspectives.
To dive deeper and find more room for performance gains, we've performed a very lenghty testing sessions to monitor the hardware stress and deduce when and why stress is increased. In this instance, particular emphasis was put to find a way to bring optimizations that could impact lower-end GPU's.
Acording to results we've been getting, performance (especially in lower end hardware) should be more consistent now, shouldn't have significant drops with hundreds of citizens and hundreds of buildings, and occassional issue where frame dropped during ingame winter time should be resolved now.
At the same time, while diving deep, we've also identified some areas that could increase performace even more, but more extensive changes will need to be made. That's something we'll include in more future updates.
We've also fixed several bugs you've reported with stock panel, numerous notification errors and visual glitches.
Lastly, selection for several frequent keyboard layouts has been completed too.
List of notable update elements: CHANGES • FIXED: Stock panel – when resources are sorted by quantity, selected resource won't randomly change when numerical value changes
• FIXED: Shadows for numerous objects are now rendered properly at intended level of distance. They will not disappear prematurely
• FIXED: Fake notifications, especially for lacking housing, won't appear anymore
• ADDED: Choice between QWERTY, AZERTY and QWERTZ keyboard layouts
• OPTIMIZED: Very extensive optimization of all free Halloween DLC 3D models
• OPTIMIZED: 3D models of all buildings and trees in Mare Nostrum DLC improved
• OPTIMIZED: Several tree models in Patron base game
• OPTIMIZED: Transport wagons 3D models for all farms highly optimized
• OPTIMIZED: Text renderings in many panels improved and made less hardware demanding
• OPTIMIZED: During winter times, frame drop should be eliminated
May your experience be smoother then ever. We have more in store for future updates, so keep us informed of your experiences!
Enjoy and govern on! Overseer Games ======================================================================
Update to 1.906.0 - [2024-07-29]
Changelogs from SteamDB: -
Hot summer update – v1.906.0 Hello Patrons, This long summer is relentless (at least where we are), but here is something to make your gaming days a bit more interesting!
In this summer update for Patron, we've finally „broke the code" and introduced research stacking, a feature frequently requested by you. For some reason, it kept giving us troubles but it's sorted now and you can finally set multiple reseraches to be researched in given order. If you already know the technology path you wish to take, this should make your life easier.
Another frequently asked detail is addition of open mini map right at the start of the game when you're selecting a spot for your Town center. Now you can have a neat overview of surrounding area to choose from where you want to start building your city, relative to resources, shores and any other geographical feature you deem important.
Content wise, there is an expansion of various sculptures and statues in decoration section. This should be useful once you reach a level of wealth that simply needs to be shown to everyone.
Part of this update is also few more optimization thingies, mainly model optimizations and shader tweaks.
A batch of bug fixes and language patches of various scope is ofcourse mandatory with every update, so we didn't skip it this time either.
Hope your Patron experience will get another enhancement with this update!
CHANGELOG: • ADDED: Additional 5 decoration busts
• ADDED: Additional 5 decoration statues
• ADDED: Research stacking – you can now initiate a stack of technologies to be researched in sequential order
• ADDED: Mini map will now be shown when you're placing a Town center at the game start
• UPDATED: Additional optimization of several shaders
• UPDATED: Additional optimization of several 3D models
• FIXED: Text correction on First King mission
• FIXED: Fixed italian language
• FIXED: Numerous smaller bugs
Have a pleasant July, and until next time! Overseer Games