ginga0120: Update video and patch note is out. This is the video: watch?v=hI9PvjJJijY
holy crap....its even worse than i had imagined.
personally i think this is a slap in the face. instead of making the game more like what they had promised...they are doubling down on making it LESS than what they promised.
what use are planetary bases and giant freighters in a game about EXPLORING??????
make exploring more fun, dont try to cover up the fact that exploring is tedious and boring by trying to make NOT exploring more fun.
what the hell??
what an utter and complete fail of an update. if ANY of this crap was part of the promised features before launch...i wouldnt have bought the game.
ffs give us the game you told us we were getting...not some lame rip off of the WORST feature of fallout 4.
not only that but this looks like it will break nearly every mod i not installing this nonsense.