Posted September 10, 2012

1) it's been in development for 10 years and another 3 for the translation.
2) the czech release was made in 2009
3) working by such logic, duke nukem forever would be a 15 year old game, and thus is one of the most original and innovative games of it's time
Near the start of its development cycle (99-03) , we had:
baldur's gate (1999)
diablo 2 (2000)
arcanum (2001)
divine divinity (2002)
All of which featured vastly better character animations, so the state of the animations isn't really excusable.
The scalable ui is completely excusable simply because even in 2009, there were games made by much larger studios which lacked them (ie dawn of war soulstorm, released 2009 with no scalable ui).
That said, once you get past :
the bad animations, the lack of clarity in the skill system, and the clumsy use of english
the game does start to grow on you.
It definitely has atmosphere, I'll give it that.
Even it it's vastly inferior to the 2d rpgs released when it started it's development, it's got a lot more depth than most of the games released nowadays, so I don't regret buying it
Sure they look outdated but... the game never said that it was an AAA title anyway.