Leroux: Well, I don't know how old you are and what background you come from, but as for me, in the earlier eras of gaming I was a schoolboy with hardly any money to spend on games and didn't even own a PC, plus my parents frowned upon spending money on videogames; later I was a student with my own PC but still had hardly any money to spend on games. Add to that that my computers were never high end gaming PCs, so I wouldn't have been able to play the freshly released games offered at full price.
I'm 40. I grew up in a poor family. During my school years we'd often have our gas, water, or electricity shut down because of money problems. I've been poor my whole life. I'm a high school dropout who spent most of his time working low paying jobs and who has just started going back to school this past year. Still don't think it was that hard to pay full price for a game at least once or twice a year over the last 25years.
I'm not really trying to guilt-trip people into paying full price, I really don't care. I've bought shitloads of used games or reduced price games too. I just think the lack of full price purchases here is kinda weird, considering that I have never made a lot of money either.
And judging by the threads where people list the games that they've finished, or how people here love the extras at gog, or how people want to keep their games forever and not "rent" them on steam, I don't even consider myself a guy who is super into videogames.