Crosmando: Have a nice day.
TStael: You too - but I think you shall have mis-earned the low rating really, this should rather not be reserved to bigoted cunts in these fora, but to better opinions.
Thankfully, I do think one mights reclaim this honour once by not buying TW3 upfront, but asking: is TW3 anti-gay: Ahh.. I recall this thread.. I reckon I was offensively off topic as I first contributed, confusing your thread with another "Disappointed by the Lack of Homosexuality in The Witcher 2" asking for that trouble, but then @DarkZephyr hijacked along which got me nasty and all worked up at the time.. But still, if you were so much on your high horse and standing true to your decision of not supporting anymore CD Projekt RED with your earnings for this reason and event, you would also leave aside GOG for being a Polish company and their property..
But more importantly, after that boiling topic you created back then, you apparently did not learn from people's reactions and arguments that you were asking for, and still fail to understand this Dethmold character portrayal for what it is, without your "personal filter" applied.. I have only played the first game yet but from what I have carefully read he had a lot of power as a politician, like many real gay emperors in our history and the fact he has been executed by Geralt was not for being gay, but for being a power and a slave abuser!
OK his death is particularly gruesome and you might have been right if there was no other gay characters within the game, but the proof against the Witcher 2 "fooling you" for being homophobic is that there actually are others, lesbian women Phillipa and Cynthia being main characters and totally integrated to the game world and relevant to the plot positively I think, from what I've read..? So yes, you only see what you chose to see here, I am sorry to point it out to you again but I trust I am right on the spot, so maybe think again about boycotting the Witcher 3? As you seem to have been wrong in your assumptions given the objective facts, and the game is coming promising.
Off quote and on topic..
One Truth in this World this talk purposely ignore and defy : YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE!
It is simply impossible, by playing that wild card you waste your and everyone's time throwing away the purpose of making defining choices and any personal character out of you / your product to an indigest mess of everything goes..
There is a difference between everyONE as a living being and everyTHING as an item, behavior, whatever inanimate object, an idea, practice...
I know it is the new trend to put everything to equality, no matter if they are totally different and uncomparable.. As much striving for putting everyone as equals has my full support, putting everything as equal has my full rejection up to hostility as it should not be going this wrong way leading to indifferenciation or in a clearer term, CHAOS..
So yeah, I like good old Order and to each their own name and term much, much more. Also to find of all companies BioWare claiming they are leaders in promoting Social Justice for the outcasts with their games is laughable at best and an outright lie. The best game I've found to treat the matter accurately with humanity is Analogue - A Hate Story and even the Witcher 2 seems way ahead in that regard.
Their (BioWare) developers just allow romance choices with IN YOUR FACE, teenager innuendos and call it a (g)day instead of creating a positive character that the storyline reveals at some point happening to be gay or transexual.. You know, an ordinary person keeping their privacy, well, private as any decent person is doing..? Seriously, facepalm material.