ddickinson: Do you think the percentage will be higher, lower or about the same for the guys? Hopefully we will find out next week during the guys giveaway.
It would be quite interesting to compare, however in order to do that I'd probably have to approach the whole thing more scientifically and sift through this thread and take into account all the female members who did -not- mention strategy games as one of their top 3 favorite genres. As mentioned earlier, I only counted the ones directly answering to the question and also the ones that show up when you use the search function and enter the keyword "strategy".
It's positively too much work to go through the entire thread and do a more accurate count and when the giveaway for male members starts there will surely be a lot of posts there as well - making it rather hard to keep up with any sort of halfway accurate statistics.
So while these pseudo scientific statistics are fun, I'm not sure how representative they are. But of course we can count the M.A.S. Index as well (Male Appreciation of Strategy Index) and see what kind of results show up.
What interests me more than numbers though is the reason
why people prefer this or that genre or specific game, so just counting how many woman like strategy games compared to how many men like strategy games doesn't really say all that much, motivations behind choices are more interesting than the choices themselves.