A quick bump to help get the thread back on topic. The original theory behind this giveaway was because I was keen to see the type of games women play. Because it can be annoying getting classed as a casual gamer just because I am a woman and I was keen to see just how many hardcore female gamers there were on GOG. I did not expect much demand for the men to take part, or make it into something its not. I had planned for two giveaways as I thought that the guys would be happy sitting this one out (and vice versa) so I could get a better picture of women gamers, not for any sinister reason, just to meet some fellow gamer girls. Sadly I feel the topics that popped up may have scared some of them away. Which to me is a shame, as the thread had nothing but good intent behind it.
I will include a link back to the OP, for any ladies that join in and want to know what the thread is all about.
http://www.gog.com/forum/general/the_girls_of_gog_giveaway_no_boys_allowed/post1 And just a recap on the general discussion topic of the thread:
Optional discussion: What are you top 3 game genres and why?
Female gamers are often considered to be just casual gamers, interested only in quick pick-up-and-play games or games with princesses, cute cuddly animals, or sweet romantic stories. I find this kind of attitude to be amusing, as I am quite the opposite, while I do like a good dose of romance and cuddly animals, I prefer my games a little darker and more in-depth and thought-provoking. Because of these inaccurate stereotypes, I was curious to see what the most popular game genres were for the ladies here at GOG.
While the discussion was mainly just asking the women gamers, the guys are also more than welcome to take part in the discussion, if they wish.