About the cities:
I like Riften. The architecture is distinct, and despite its initial problems, it's got a river town charm that pleases me. Mud and blood, baby. And yes, I liked Bravil in Oblivion. ;-)
Also, Honeyside has two doors!!! One opens into the city proper, and one opens onto the docks. Fantastic for roleplaying a rogue with escape always in mind. I do wish there was more storage downstairs, tho, instead of shelves.
Shelves, tables, dressers, etc in all homes have too much useless clutter atop them. I cleared away the junk, but the physics engine seems buggy and results in anything I place on them (such as the nude Dibella statue I "acquired" and fenced to clear its stolen status... hehe) falling to the floor the next time that I enter the house.
A warning: If you buy Breezehome or Honeyside (possibly the other homes, too) and their upgrades, check each display plaque, weapon rack, mannequin, etc before saving and continuing. Something is buggy there and results in non-functional displays. I had to reload 5 or 6 times to get all of the Honeyside stuff working, and my display plaque in Breezehome doesn't work because I didn't notice the bug at the time and have progressed too far to reload. Also, ask to be named Thane of the Rift (the dialogue option with the Jarl that completes that bit) before visiting Honeyside or you might lose the option (I had to reload, and I also didn't receive the Blade of the Rift even after reloading multiple times).
Whiterun, Winterhold, and Solitude are decent tho a bit small. Windhelm is annoying to navigate and kind of bland. Markarth is neat but seems very small. Morthal doesn't seem to have a blacksmith... ? Falkreath and Dawnstar just seem kind of... pointless.
I wish there was a home in each city. Would have been nice if I could have purchased a home in Morthal after killing its owner during the Thane quests there.
Fought a Frost Dragon at Mount Athor that was a bit more of a challenge than usual. Knowing the dragon's location because it was marked on the map, I left my horse a loooooong way behind. There were no other creatures in the area, so it was a one-on-one battle (if you didn't know, dragons are easily distracted from the player by just about anything that moves in Skyrim). Actually killed me twice before I realized that I needed to pay atention to the fight this time and started using the terrain to my advantage. Went down without too much hassle but actually put up a better fight than most I've encountered so far.
The best part, however, was the "Burnt Corpses" scattered around the area. Damn funny considering it was a Frost Dragon and used cold/ice/etc attacks exclusively. ;-)
Post edited December 04, 2011 by ddmuse